Find out what strategies exist in boxing, how they differ from each other and what boxing tactics to choose for yourself. Not many people assume that boxing is very similar to chess. About 70 percent of success in the ring is due to the speed and eccentricity of thinking. The remaining 30 percent is accounted for by strict adherence to the chosen tactics of fighting. Let's say you can deliver fast and energetic strikes, trying to deprive your opponent of his last strength. This is called dominance tactics.
Or you can go on the defensive, waiting for your chance and then, unexpectedly for everyone, send your opponent into a knockdown. This behavior of a boxer is called positioning tactics. There are a lot of options and before the fight, based on the information received about the opponent, you should choose the most suitable one for yourself.
Pay attention to the fact that most often tactical fighters become champions, for example, the Klichki brothers or Mikhail Botvinnik. They are the prominent representatives of the adherents of positional tactics. Even an inexperienced person in boxing, watching the fights of these athletes, will be able to see how they slowly build up their superiority.
Valuev also seeks to calculate all the options for the development of the battle, but there is no pronounced sequence in his tactics, which does not allow him to reveal his full potential. Not everyone is attracted to positional tactics, because they are not the most spectacular, but at the same time extremely effective. Also, thanks to this strategy, the boxer minimizes the risks of being knocked out or getting injured.
There is no doubt that choosing a positioning strategy, you will not be able to decide the outcome of a battle in a couple of rounds, as the inimitable Mike Tyson did. However, your chances of winning are increased as the defense is built as neatly as possible. More often than not, positioning strategy fighters win on points.
Dominance tactics can also be extremely effective, but only if the athlete has sufficient strength and dexterity. Fighters of this style manage to quickly end the fight, first completely disorienting the opponent with a series of powerful punches, and then knocking him out. The outstanding representatives of this style include Alekhine, Fischer and Tyson, whom we mentioned. However, let's take a closer look at what boxing strategies are used most often for fighting.
Boxing strategies for fighting: types

We have already found out that to win in the ring it is not enough to have great strength. It is extremely important for a boxer to be able to analyze what is happening and make instant decisions. The best option is to have several boxing strategies in stock for fighting.
You also need to learn to identify the opponent's manners and quickly find ways to neutralize it. This suggests that a good athlete must understand combat tactics. For example, your opponent prefers to defend himself and to win you need to force him to open up. To do this, you can use various feints or force him to go on the attack. If the opponent prefers an aggressive style of fighting, then it is worth actively maneuvering, delivering stopping oncoming blows, hitting while retreating, trying to create an ideal position for a counterattack.
We recommend that you study videos of boxing masters fights and evaluate their actions. As a result, you will notice that each of them uses the tactics described above in their own way. Each boxer's fighting style is unique and not like the others. Based on this information, we can conclude that there are several boxing strategies for fighting, which will now be discussed.

Such athletes are quite common. During the fight, they strive to get closer to the opponent, preferring to work at a fast pace at medium and close distances. To resist them, you must follow two rules:
- Impose on the enemy an uncomfortable fighting distance and, using his own high tempo, try to deprive him of his strength and start to miss.
- Create an unpleasant environment for the enemy in which you can counterattack dangerously.
Your main actions should be quick and varied maneuvering, preferably at long distances. Combine this with dodging, retreating to avoid close or medium range combat. Your punches should be sharp and mostly long. After getting closer, do not linger near the opponent, but quickly go to a long distance after each counterattack. Your task is to keep the enemy and not allow him to stay at a comfortable distance for a long time.
Power boxers

These boxers prefer to work at medium and close distances as aggressively as possible. Most often, they prefer circular punches, such as side hooks or uppercuts. In most cases, they tend to overwhelm the opponent with force, push him to the ropes or squeeze him in the corner. Once the goal is achieved, they unleash a series of powerful blows at the enemy.
Power boxers are characterized by expressiveness, they perfectly hold the punch. The only serious drawback in this situation is the weakness of the defense during the strike. If you met in the ring with an athlete who prefers to deliver a series of punches and often attack, then first of all you need to wait out the heavy attacks, demoralize and tire him out.
When this task is achieved, you can start a counteroffensive. In addition, you should constantly impose an uncomfortable distance on the enemy. To solve this problem, combine the waste to the sides and back so that the strength boxer starts making mistakes and hitting the air. Precise counter hits can stop an athlete's attacking rush.
Since continuous violent attacks are most often carried out at medium and long distances, close combat can be an excellent way out of the situation. Many security officials do not like this, which you should take advantage of. Maneuver quickly and carry out sharp counterattacks. However, after a blow has been struck, you do not need to stay at close range, but it is better to retreat to a long distance. Deliver oncoming blows and on the retreat, go over to the counteroffensive.
Distance Fighting Boxers

Many athletes prefer to fight at a long distance and, after a series of blows, quickly retreat to a comfortable distance from their opponent. To counter this kind of boxing strategy for fighting, you must pin down the opponent, thereby depriving the advantage of quick maneuver.
Force him to fight at medium and close range, push into the corners and to the ropes. The following techniques can help in this:
- fast rapprochement using various protective techniques;
- active maneuvering;
- coasters, dives and slopes;
- proactive counter strikes;
- quick counterattacks;
- close-range combat.
When a boxer loves to fight over long distances, getting close will help you tie up the opponent's freedom of action. Stop and fatigue with oncoming counterattacks. If the opponent does not want to attack, then force him to do it thanks to false attacks, having prepared countermeasures in advance.
Boxers who prefer to counterattack

Such athletes prefer to wait for their chance and do not rush into battle. In most cases, they are quite skillful and can take advantage of any mistake you make. Their task is to challenge the opponent to an attack that turns out to be unprepared. After a successful counterattack, they go back to the defensive.
To counter such a boxing strategy for fighting, you must demoralize your opponent and force him to accept the fight in a manner unusual for him at an uncomfortable distance. The best means to achieve this goal are quick surprise attacks, close-range combat, false attacks followed by a counterattack in response to the enemy's attack.
A good fighter does not just conduct short-term reconnaissance at the very beginning of the fight, but constantly observes and analyzes the opponent's actions. Counterattacking boxers seek to challenge their opponent and prepare in advance techniques to neutralize his actions. They often have excellent reflexes and are familiar with the arsenal of boxing techniques.
Combination Strategy Boxers

These athletes use combinations and series of precisely calculated strikes, which are actively used already at the beginning of the fight when conducting reconnaissance. When he finds a weak point in his opponent, then all further actions are based on their use. Your main task when meeting such a boxer is to establish the peculiarities of his style - the form of the fight and the favorite distance. Try to work in the same combinational style, but pay special attention to neutralizing his actions. Impose on him a pace of combat that is uncomfortable for him.

It is more obvious that such an athlete must have a perfectly delivered punch capable of knocking out any fighter. This is what you should be wary of, avoiding with all your might the powerful attacks of your opponent. These boxers are very dangerous, and this should be remembered.
The manner of fighting with knockers can be strikingly different, but there is one thing in common - the danger of a knockout blow. You must remember that each athlete has a favorite distance at which they will deliver their signature hit. Often, thanks to a rich arsenal of tricks, they win on points. But still, in most cases, knockout bets are made on one blow. This is what makes them as vulnerable as possible to more technical athletes.
Aggressive Knockers

Offensive actions cannot only be understood as a series of strikes. This concept should include a lot of preparatory work as well. A good athlete should be able to distinguish between different boxing strategies for fighting and be able to resist them. No experienced boxer will mindlessly attack only if he knows his opponent well.
In other situations, he will carefully prepare his attack. Swift and decisive offensive action is used to control initiative and deliver a decisive blow. Among the fans of this strategy, it is fashionable to note Tyson, Liston and David Tua. To successfully resist such fighters, it is necessary to use defensive strikes. You should try to stay ahead of your opponent and actively maneuver. Don't let him get into a comfortable position to attack, as it can be victorious.