Spring vitamin deficiency: how to prevent

Spring vitamin deficiency: how to prevent
Spring vitamin deficiency: how to prevent

Find out why every early spring you feel apathetic and sleepy. People are not always happy with the arrival of spring, as they may feel apathy and weakness due to vitamin deficiency. Today we will tell you how to prevent spring vitamin deficiency. If your nutrition program is balanced, then you can not be afraid of this phenomenon. However, not all of our compatriots can eat normally.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

Help on the symptoms of vitamin deficiency
Help on the symptoms of vitamin deficiency

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency can manifest itself not only in the form of drowsiness, apathy or increased irritability, but also in the form of an improvement in the quality of the skin and hair. Spring beriberi today is a fairly common phenomenon, although in this situation it is more correct to talk about hypovitaminosis. This is due to the fact that vitamin deficiency means the complete absence of vitamins in the human body.

But doctors still often understand the word "vitamin deficiency" as any manifestation of vitamin deficiency. If you go to a pharmacy or other medical institution, then you will be diagnosed with vitamin deficiency. You must understand that even with a deficiency of only one micronutrient, unpleasant symptoms may appear. For this reason, chronic diseases may well worsen or metabolism may be disrupted due to the lack of necessary enzymes.

How to treat spring vitamin deficiency?

Apple and vitamins capsules
Apple and vitamins capsules

For the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to follow simple rules, but people rarely pay enough attention to this. We will also tell you how to prevent spring vitamin deficiency, but if it has already occurred, then you need to know how to treat it. In winter, you should try to monitor your diet and not eat only potatoes, pasta, and meat.

If you have not developed the habit of eating right, then at least with the onset of spring, begin to saturate the body with microelements and plant fibers. To do this, it is necessary to introduce cereals (not white) fruits, seafood, herbs and vegetables into the diet. Moreover, when choosing fruits and vegetables, in the spring you should focus not on fresh products, but frozen ones.

This is due to the fact that fast freezing preserves all the nutrients. Fresh vegetables and fruits, in turn, are stored in warehouses for a long time, which leads to the loss of micronutrients. In summer and autumn, it is worth doing homemade preparations, but now we are not talking about canning. Jam, pickles, frozen or dried berries - these are the foods that will help you get rid of vitamin deficiency. It should also be remembered that vitamins must be ingested daily, and this is especially true for water-soluble substances.

Proper nutrition in the spring to prevent vitamin deficiency

Girl behind a mountain of vegetables and fruits
Girl behind a mountain of vegetables and fruits

After the arrival of spring, the aromas of the first flowers fill the air, and nature slowly begins to come to life. Similar processes take place in the human body during this period. People are solar beings and our body reacts negatively to a lack of light. It is quite understandable why our mood and condition deteriorates in winter and many are beginning to wonder how to prevent spring vitamin deficiency.

Due to the lack of all the necessary trace elements, as well as sunlight, the body weakens during the winter and in order to receive only pleasant sensations from life in the spring, you need to take care of your health. Today, each of us knows what vitamin deficiency is, but not everyone believes that this is a rather serious phenomenon.

With vitamin deficiency, the activity of the immune system decreases, and the aging process accelerates. It is with this that the frequent cases of colds and infectious diseases occurring during this period of time are associated. Fortunately, as we said above, in most cases people do not experience complete vitamin deficiency, but only a vitamin deficiency, which is easy to cope with. If you follow simple rules, then you will not have to think about how to prevent spring vitamin deficiency. Let's take a look at all the vitamins you need to consume and the foods that contain them.

  1. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). For the spring period, this is the main vitamin, since it is he who promotes the activation of the immune system, allowing the body to independently cope with various pathogens. Excellent sources of this substance are bell peppers, black currants, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, potatoes, legumes, cauliflower and white cabbage, etc. However, you should remember that ascorbic acid degrades quickly at high temperatures and during the drying process. Iron also negatively affects the substance.
  2. Calciferol (vitamin D). This substance can be called solar, since the body is able to synthesize it under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The vitamin is quite resistant to heat treatment, and red fish, milk, butter should be noted among the main sources. Fish oil, egg yolk, etc.
  3. Retinol Acetate (Vitamin A). This vitamin is extremely important for the normal functioning of the organs of vision. Do not forget about his participation in the formation of the skeleton. The main sources of the substance are apricots, carrots, tomatoes, red peppers, nettles, corn, pumpkin, etc. Vitamin A is not degraded by high temperatures, but food should not be cooked for a long time.
  4. Thiamin (vitamin B1). The substance is necessary for the normalization of metabolism, and also improves the functioning of the nervous system. Also, the body is able to synthesize a substance, and this process takes place in the intestinal tract. Among the products containing the maximum amount of the substance, we note pork, yeast, premium wheat flour, egg yolk, rice, oats, nuts, etc.
  5. Riboflavin (vitamin B2). Thanks to this substance, wound healing processes are accelerated, as well as the production of hemoglobin is accelerated. Note that this vitamin is rapidly destroyed by solar ultraviolet light. The vitamin is found in large quantities in eggs, fish, cereals, vegetables, yeast, etc. An alkaline environment produces a negative effect on the substance.
  6. Tocopherol (vitamin E). This substance is usually called the "vitamin of youth", and the main positive effects of tocopherol are aimed at improving the performance of the reproductive system and muscles. Like riboflavin, vitamin E is unable to resist an alkaline environment. In large quantities, this trace element is found in egg yolk, green leaves of plants, vegetable oil and rose hips.

To preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in food, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Store all food in a cool and dark place.
  2. Vegetables, herbs and fruits should not be kept in water for a long time.
  3. Do not expose food for a long time in the sun or even artificial light during cooking.
  4. Cut food just before cooking.
  5. To preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in fish and meat, products should be baked in foil.
  6. There are many micronutrients left in the water where the legumes were soaked, and you should use it in the future for cooking.
  7. Pickles and sauerkraut must be stored in brine under load.
  8. Before using sauerkraut, simply squeeze the product out of the brine, but never rinse with water.
  9. Defrost meat at room temperature without using water.
  10. When you cook vegetables, place them in already boiling water.
  11. Do not stir frequently the dish you are cooking.
  12. Try to use all cooked dishes at once.
  13. Limit the cooking time of food.

If you want to know how to prevent spring vitamin deficiency, then follow the above rules. Remember that your diet should be as varied as possible, because nature has not created an ideal product and our body needs everyone. When you buy fruits and vegetables, be sure to pay attention to their appearance. Since long-term storage of plant foods leads to the loss of a large amount of nutrients, do not try to purchase them in reserve.

By adhering to the rules that we described above, you will be able to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in food. For example, fresh herbs will be most useful if they are juicy. Since vitamin C is destroyed during heat treatment, the chopped greens should be added directly to the plate, rather than boiled in a saucepan.

Various fruit and vegetable salads should be prepared just before consumption. If this is difficult to achieve, then do not season the salads in advance, but do it only before use. If you are still using the iron knife, we recommend that you get rid of it, as it destroys vitamin C.

It is also very important to consider the fact that many vitamins improve the absorption of each other. For example, vitamin A will be absorbed faster by the body together with vitamin E. You probably already understood how to prevent spring vitamin deficiency. To all of the above, you can add a few more words about fruit and vegetable juices. Of course, we are talking about freshly squeezed juices, not those sold in the supermarket.

An excellent preventive remedy for spring beriberi is a rosehip decoction. It is an excellent source of large amounts of trace minerals. For example, only two berries of this plant allow you to satisfy the body's daily need for vitamins C, P, K. To properly prepare a rosehip broth, you need to put dried and well-washed berries in a thermos, and then pour boiling water over them. Moreover, you do not need a large number of rose hips and, depending on the volume of the thermos, a few berries may well be enough.

For more information on the causes and symptoms of spring beriberi, see here:
