Vitamin deficiency in bodybuilding

Vitamin deficiency in bodybuilding
Vitamin deficiency in bodybuilding

Find out why vitamins should not be relegated to the background if you actively attend a gym plan and want to build powerful muscles. With a deficiency of vitamins in the body, the consequences can be very serious. These substances are actively used in various processes, and a decrease in their concentration will lead to various disruptions in the functioning of systems and organs. Although it is customary among the people to talk about vitamin deficiency, in practice this does not happen. By this concept, traditional medicine understands the complete absence of these substances, which cannot happen. But hypovitaminosis is quite common and not only in spring. This condition involves a deficiency of certain vitamins. Today we will talk about vitamin deficiency in bodybuilding.

Vitamin A (carotene and retinol)

Vitamin A in foods
Vitamin A in foods

This substance helps to improve the functioning of the organs of vision and with its deficiency, a person begins to see worse. In addition, the appearance of photophobia and lacrimation is possible. Finding out about vitamin A deficiency is quite simple, for this you need to go out of a dark room into a light one. If your eyes get used to the light for more than six seconds, then it is worth starting to take this substance additionally. Vitamin A is found in the following foods: eggs, milk, oven, red and yellow vegetables, fruits, and tomato juice.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C in foods
Vitamin C in foods

This is a rather unique substance, since it is not able to accumulate in the body and is quickly destroyed. Vitamin C helps to increase the efficiency of the body's wired systems, and if it is deficient, you become vulnerable to colds. Even the smallest wounds take a long time to heal, drowsiness appears and sleep patterns are disturbed. Vitamin C is rich in sauerkraut, black currant, sea buckthorn, rose hips, citrus fruits and cranberries.

Vitamin B1 (thiamin)

Vitamin B1 in foods
Vitamin B1 in foods

The substance significantly improves memory. If you have problems memorizing information, as well as headaches and insomnia, then the body probably lacks vitamin B1. This substance contributes to the normal functioning of the entire nervous system. Eat bread, pork, cereals, and eggs to avoid this.

Vitamin H (biotin)

The role of biotin in the body
The role of biotin in the body

This substance has a great effect on the condition of the skin. With a low concentration of vitamin H, problems with dandruff can arise, the hair becomes dry and even hair loss is possible. The substance is found in eggs, tomatoes, yeast and kidneys.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 in foods
Vitamin B2 in foods

If you do not eat eggs, cereals, yeast and dairy products, then a deficiency of this substance is possible. As a result, cracks begin to appear on the lips, the skin becomes dry and acne may appear.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 in foods
Vitamin B6 in foods

First of all, with a deficiency of this vitamin, you will experience nervous breakdowns, the appearance of drowsiness, and inflammation of the skin. Then the appearance of nausea and motion sickness is possible. This is due to the fact that vitamin B: contributes to the normalization of the vestibular system. Eat fish, meat, liver, yeast, and milk.

Vitamin D (calciferol)

Vitamin D in foods
Vitamin D in foods

If you begin to feel rapid fatigue, then it is likely that the body is low in vitamin D. It is also possible that weakness in the muscles and cramps appear. However, these are not the most sad consequences of the lack of a sufficient amount of this substance in the body. Vitamin D increases the body's ability to absorb calcium, which leads to increased bone strength. Eat fish oil, game, butter, milk, and regularly spend time in the sun.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Vitamin E in foods
Vitamin E in foods

The substance normalizes muscle function and promotes bone growth. In addition, with a deficiency of the substance, the quality of the seminal fluid of men decreases. Eat dairy products, wheat germ, lettuce, and egg yolks.

Vitamins B9 and B12 (folic acid and cyanocobalamin, respectively)

Vitamins B9 and B12 in foods
Vitamins B9 and B12 in foods

Both substances are actively used by the body in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, increase the efficiency of the liver, and also participate in blood synthesis. When insomnia, digestive problems and increased fatigue appear, it is necessary to take measures to restore the concentration of these substances. Eat fish, milk, seafood, and meat.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid)

Vitamin PP in foods
Vitamin PP in foods

Vitamin PP maintains the condition of the skin. With its deficiency, a very unpleasant disease develops - pellagra, or, more simply, your skin becomes rough. The first symptoms of a substance deficiency are a violation of taste (even the most favorite dish will resemble rubber), dry mouth and pale lips. Increased irritability is also possible, turning into nervous breakdowns. Bran, rice, fresh fish and legumes with meat can help get rid of these symptoms.

For all the vitamins necessary for bodybuilders, see this video:
