Find out what physical activity should be given to people with diabetes mellitus, and whether it is possible to exercise with this diagnosis. Diabetes and sports are quite an important topic, since the disease is widespread. Today we will try to touch upon all aspects that should be paid attention to athletes with this disease. You probably know that there are two types of diabetes: the first and the second. Today we will mostly talk about the first type. You will learn how to build your training and diet for the best results possible.
Diabetes at a glance

When talking about diabetes and sports, you should start with basic information about the disease. We have already noted that there are two types of disease. The first type is insulin-dependent, and the second is non-insulin-dependent. The first type of disease most often manifests itself in childhood, up to about 30 years. There is some chance of getting sick in an older age, but this is quite rare.
Type 1 diabetes

The cause of the disease is the cessation of insulin synthesis in the body. Recall that the hormone is produced by the pancreas. This is due to the death of a large number of beta cells (up to 90 percent). As a result, the only way to get insulin is by injecting an exogenous hormone. They need to be done for the rest of your life.
The main symptoms of this serious illness include the following:
- Constant weakness.
- Weight loss, in a month a person can lose up to 15 kilograms.
- Feeling of dry mouth.
- Intense thirst.
- The appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth.
- Eyesight deteriorates.
- Sleep is disturbed.
This disease cannot be cured, and in addition to constant injections, you should adhere to a certain diet. We also note that, depending on the situation, the doctor may prescribe short, ultrashort or prolonged-acting insulin.
The prolonged drug comes into operation after an hour and a half from the moment of injection and acts on the body throughout the day. Short drugs are put into operation half an hour after administration. The maximum exposure period is eight hours. Ultra-short drugs give an effect immediately after the injection, and work from three to five hours.
Type 2 diabetes

The second type of disease is the most common and manifests itself already in adulthood. Type 2 diabetes is often associated with being overweight, but not always. Genetic predisposition is also of great importance. In the second type, insulin in the body continues to be synthesized.
It should be noted that the second type of diabetes can pass unnoticed and the person does not even assume the presence of this disease. Very often it is diagnosed accidentally in the course of another study. Cases of severe hyperglycemia are possible, but diabetic coma is extremely rare. The main unpleasant moment of type II diabetes is the weak sensitivity of the cellular structures of tissues to the hormone. As a result, sugar does not enter the cells in full. To treat the disease, it is necessary to increase the insulin sensitivity of the body and insulin is not injected. Pills are used as drug therapy.
Diabetes and sports - benefit or harm

An active lifestyle is good for all people, including those with diabetes. Endocrinologists recommend that their patients go in for sports. Although some people are sure that diabetes and sports are incompatible, physical activity is necessary in the rehabilitation period after any illness. It is very important to dose them correctly so as not to harm the body. Today, many people with diabetes are actively involved in sports.
To maintain a high level of performance and prevent the development of various types of complications, a person must monitor the concentration of sugar in the blood. When we talk about the relationship between diabetes and sports, we are discussing activities at the amateur level. Moderate physical activity promotes the formation of new insulin receptors, which increases the body's sensitivity to this hormone.
Let's take a look at the benefits of exercising for diabetes:
- The metabolism is normalized.
- The oxidation of sugar is accelerated and its consumption is increased.
- The metabolism of protein compounds is activated.
- The processes of reduction of adipose tissues are started.
- The concentration of sugar in the blood is normalized.
In order for the combination of diabetes and sports to be as beneficial for the body as possible, and after training, hypoglycemia does not appear, it is necessary to follow several rules:
- Monitor the concentration of sugar before the start of the session, during its course and after it.
- Regular morning exercise reduces the need for exogenous insulin.
- In class, you should always have a product containing a large amount of carbohydrates with you.
- Follow your doctor's recommended diet.
- Before the start of the training, it is necessary to inject insulin into the fat fold of the abdomen so that the drug begins to work quickly.
- Eat a full meal 120 minutes before the start of the training.
- Drink more water and always take it with you to class.
These are general advice and each person needs to consult with their endocrinologist about the permissible level of physical activity, drawing up the correct nutrition program, dosage of exogenous insulin, etc. In some cases, diabetes and sports may still be incompatible in severe stages of the disease. You can also recommend using test loads and monitor your condition at the same time. Diabetes and sports are combined after consulting a doctor. In most cases, this issue is resolved positively, but you need to get the appropriate recommendations and stick to them in the future.
Let's take a closer look at how and how sports can be beneficial for diabetes.
- Prevention of disorders of the heart muscle and vascular system.
- Reduction of adipose tissues.
- Activation of the synthesis of endorphins, which improve mood and can positively affect the concentration of sugar.
- Normalization of blood circulation can improve the general condition of a person.
- The cellular structures of the whole organism are rejuvenated.
- Reduces the risk of overeating.
- Improves memory and increases learning ability.
- Prevention of various diseases.
People who are diagnosed with diabetes during active sports seem to be significantly younger than their real age. They have no problems with sleep, their performance is at a high level, and there are no problems with being overweight.
We have already noted that the most serious is type 1 diabetes and people with this disease experience constant fluctuations in sugar concentration. This negatively affects the work of the whole organism. If you do not play sports, the situation will only get worse.
There are certainly some contraindications, but the positive effects of combining diabetes and sports definitely outweigh the negative ones. You need to constantly monitor the sugar concentration when playing sports, but this should be done with diabetes anyway. We guarantee that regular, moderate exercise will eliminate depression from your life.
Experts in the field of endocrinology recommend sports, both for the first and second types of the disease. You can use the strength and aerobic activity of your choice. However, most doctors believe running is the best choice for diabetes. If you notice a worsening of your condition while jogging, we recommend switching to walking.
Cardio exercises help to strengthen the heart muscle and the vascular system. They are an excellent means of preventing cardiovascular diseases. Also, sports will help avoid joint problems that can arise with age. You can also recommend combining different sports. For example, today you go to a gym for strength training, and tomorrow you go for a bike ride. Here are some guidelines for organizing the training process for diabetes:
- It is necessary to play sports with pleasure.
- Always start with minimal loads, gradually increasing them. At the same time, monitor the concentration of sugar and general condition.
- Try to find a room near your home.
- You shouldn't try to break your personal records and your training should be moderate.
- Go in for sports every second or third day and it is advisable to alternate the types of loads, as we have already mentioned above.
- Train not only to gain mass, but also to increase your endurance.
Whichever sport you choose, the recommendations remain the same. First, consult with your doctor, adhere to the necessary dietary nutrition program, constantly monitor the concentration of sugar, the load should be increased gradually, and the exercises should be regular.
Sport for diabetes is beneficial because, with moderate physical activity, the body consumes about 15 times more glucose to provide muscles with energy. In addition, insulin sensitivity increases. Even if you hike, five times a day for 25-30 minutes, this figure will increase significantly.
Scientists have been studying the problem of diabetes for many years, and there have been many studies on the topic of diabetes and sports. The benefits of moderate physical activity in this disease have been proven. It is only important to adhere to certain rules, which we talked about above, and practice regularly.
For more on how to exercise for diabetes, see this video:
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