Is it possible to play sports with bad habits?

Is it possible to play sports with bad habits?
Is it possible to play sports with bad habits?

Find out if you can exercise if you smoke cigarettes and drink a lot of alcohol. People often assume that sports and bad habits are compatible and physical activity will help eliminate the negative effects of tobacco and alcohol on the body. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Is it possible to combine sports and bad habits?

The girl hits the cigarette
The girl hits the cigarette

In the media, you can find information that famous athletes leave the bar late in the evening, and some of them do not even try to hide the fact that they drink alcohol or smoke. This leads some people to think that it is possible to perfectly combine sports and bad habits. It is safe to say that in a state of a hangover, you will not be able to set a record.

In addition, some sports events are sponsored by alcoholic beverage manufacturers or advertisements for tobacco products appear during television broadcasts. Let's find out how bad habits can affect the body, and let's start with alcohol.

Alcohol increases the heart rate, and even at rest, the pulse can go up to 120 beats per minute. It is quite obvious that if at this moment physical activity will affect the body, then the heart muscle will have a very difficult time coping with it.

If such situations are frequent, then the heart will fail, which will lead to the development of heart failure. It should also be remembered that alcohol is a powerful toxin that poisons all organs. With the frequent use of alcohol, coordination of movements decreases, as well as the quality of nutrition of all tissues, including muscular tissues, deteriorates.

Tobacco smoke can cause chronic inflammation of the airways, leading to a narrowing of their lumen, the development of bronchitis, persistent cough, and a decrease in the efficiency of the lungs. It is not difficult to understand that in this situation the quality of oxygen supply to the muscular tissues will be extremely weak. You can now conclude whether sports and bad habits are compatible.

It should be remembered that tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide. It also makes it difficult to deliver oxygen to the tissues. Muscles in conditions of oxygen starvation cannot function normally, quickly get tired and a person puts himself at a serious risk of injury. Nicotine, like alcohol, accelerates the work of the heart muscle, which leads to premature organ wear.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that playing sports speeds up the metabolism and the body is able to remove alcohol metabolites faster. This is another argument in favor of the fact that sports and bad habits are compatible. It is useless to argue with the first part of the statement that physical activity accelerates metabolism. This really allows you to quickly remove various toxins from the body.

However, do not forget about excessive stress on the heart muscle and vascular system. Athletes who often drink alcohol cannot have a long career, as the heart wears out quickly and the body cannot withstand heavy loads. At the same time, even a heart attack is possible in a poorly trained person after drinking alcoholic beverages.

Nicotine and alcohol in any amount are powerful toxins. Sports activities will not help the body to get rid of the poisoning caused by these substances in a short time. For example, take the bite of a poisonous insect or snake. If this happens, then only special medications can help, and not working on an exercise bike.

Scientists at this point in time do not know a single mechanism that would help eliminate the negative effects of nicotine and alcohol through sports.

Can sport help you quit bad habits?

Beer bottle, sneakers and ball
Beer bottle, sneakers and ball

Sports and bad habits are definitely not compatible. However, through sports, you can get rid of bad habits. Withdrawal from nicotine and alcohol causes the so-called withdrawal syndrome, which is much easier to overcome with exercise. As you know, under the influence of physical exertion, the production of happiness hormones is activated, which take the place of psychoactive substances, to which nicotine and alcohol should be ranked.

If you have destroyed an established addiction by giving up bad habits, then with the help of physical activity you can accelerate the recovery processes and bring the body into good shape. If you decide to give up smoking or alcohol and have not previously played sports, and now plan to do so, we recommend that you undergo a medical examination.

This will allow you to know the extent of the damage caused by nicotine and alcohol to the body. Then it is worth consulting with a sports doctor who will be able to assess the damage done to the main systems and draw up a competent training program. It is very important during this period to correctly dose the load so as not to overload the body, which will be busy fighting poisoning.

Of course, the path we have outlined now to the sport is long, but it is worth it. Most people start playing sports and have absolutely no idea what state their body is in. Even if you did not have an addiction to bad habits, the first training session in such a situation can be harmful to your health.

Most often, after giving up bad habits, it is recommended to start by strengthening the heart muscle and the vascular system. How the body can perceive physical activity depends on the work of the cardiovascular system. First, do short, low-intensity cardio sessions with a heart rate of 10–20 percent of maximum.

This can be swimming, jogging, etc. In addition, physiotherapy exercises can be very useful, which will help the body to quickly adapt to physical activity. Perform stretching movements and to improve the performance of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. Note that the joints should always be given increased attention. This is due to the fact that they ligaments and connective tissues are much slower to adapt to increased loads in comparison with muscles.

This suggests that with an increase in strength parameters, the joints always lag behind in their development. If you progress quickly, the risk of injury will increase significantly.

You must learn the main thing - sports and bad habits are not compatible and their combination can lead to premature wear of all internal organs. At the same time, with correctly selected loads, you can quickly get rid of bad habits and bring your body back to normal.

Recently, people are increasingly paying attention to sports, but at the same time, many do not give up their bad habits. According to available statistics, every third citizen in our country smokes. Unfortunately, the number of adherents of a healthy lifestyle is still much lower.

It may be necessary to adopt at the state level a program to attract people to the number of supporters of an active and healthy lifestyle. However, implementation on the ground will then become even more important. Sports can improve health and become more beautiful. Bad habits have the opposite effect on the body.

We have already said that playing sports can be an excellent substitute for bad habits. Physical activity accelerates the synthesis of endorphins and adrenaline. Thanks to this, you can get sensations that are not inferior to those offered by alcohol and nicotine.

Sometimes one can hear the opinion that sport is a drug and one can agree with this. However, unlike the same alcohol, it only brings benefits. Of course, now the conversation is about the right sports. You must decide for yourself what is more important for you - health or bad habits. At a young age, we rarely think about what the future holds. Don't be reminded of what alcoholics look like. Smoking does not affect a person's appearance so much, but it does similar damage to health. People who smoke for many years sometimes are unable to climb stairs due to shortness of breath.

All the negative effects of alcohol and tobacco appear over time, but this will definitely happen. The older a person is, the more difficult it will be for him to bring the body back to normal when he realizes what bad habits have done to his health. While you are mods, it is worth considering that bad habits will not bring anything good and should be abandoned.

If you quit smoking and start exercising, you will quickly see the results of this decision. Your health will improve dramatically, you will become less susceptible to various diseases. You can talk about whether sports and bad habits are compatible for a long time. However, we recommend making your choice as soon as possible. Moreover, this choice should be in favor of sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Of course, giving up, say, smoking will not be so easy. However, the complexity of the process of quitting nicotine is still exaggerated. Moreover, we have already said. That playing sports will help you quickly say goodbye to addiction. The same can be said for alcohol consumption. By choosing sports instead of bad habits, you will open up wide prospects for yourself.

For more information on how bad habits affect achievement in sports, see here:
