Find out how you can get the most powerful fat-burning and strength-enhancing drug. Probably, many athletes who want to use the results of scientific research to organize effective training know about Professor V. Seluyanov. In one of his numerous interviews, he said that American bodybuilders actively use ephedrine-based fat burners in the preparation for the competition when conducting drying courses.
Previously, they actively used the well-known ECA mixture containing, in addition to ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. Now there are a large number of fat burners on the market based on this substance, and they can have significant differences in composition. Today, you will learn not only about the bodybuilding analogues of ephedrine, but also find out why this ingredient is so popular in bodybuilding.
Reasons for the popularity of ephedrine in sports

Ephedrine has a thermogenic effect and has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. For a long time, this substance has been actively used by athletes to fight fat in preparation for competitions. In terms of molecular structure, ephedrine is very similar to amphetamines and methamphetamines, which explains the strength of its effects on the body.
Fat burners based on ephedrine have been used in sports for more than two decades. They appeared on the market almost immediately after scientists discovered strong fat burning properties in this substance. At first, additives based on the ECA mixture, which we already mentioned above, were actively used. Now analogs of ephedrine are actively used for bodybuilding, but more on that below.
Ephedrine-based fat burners have a number of beneficial effects, for which they are valued by athletes. First of all, this refers to their ability to accelerate the secretion of catecholamines, which sharply increase the rate of reduction of adipose tissue. We also note the presence of a thermogenic effect, leading to the acceleration of metabolic processes. As a result, athletes can train with greater intensity, which has a direct impact on improving the efficiency of their training. Add to this the decreased appetite and the question of why ephedrine has become the most popular fat burner will disappear by itself.
At the same time, now on the market you will not be able to find supplements based on ephedrine, since this substance was banned. Scientists have proven that they can be used in the production of drugs, and the production of fat burners based on this substance has been discontinued. But very quickly, sports nutrition manufacturers found a replacement for synthetic ephedrine. Now they are actively using ephedra, which is of plant origin. Moreover, scientists have found that in some respects, a natural substance is superior to a synthetic one.
As a result, today essentially the same ECA mixture is actively used, but all artificial ingredients have been replaced with vegetable ones. Most builders believe that ECA supplements are the best drying agent. Moreover, the reduction of adipose tissue when using these drugs proceeds even without the participation of physical activity. In the course of numerous studies, it was found that without exercising and using fat burners with ephedra, a person is able to lose about three kilograms of fat every month. It is quite understandable that with physical activity, the results will be even more impressive.
We have already said that ephedra has a fairly large list of positive effects, but at the same time, when applied, negative effects can also appear. First of all, this is increased irritability. Sleep disturbances, nausea, increased blood pressure, etc. are also possible. However, all these troubles are possible only under the condition of an overdose or individual intolerance to the substance.
The most common ephedrine analogues for bodybuilding

Fat burner manufacturers are constantly looking for new, equally effective means in comparison with ephedra. If you have studied the formulations of modern fat burners, then you have probably seen names such as geranium, geramine, cell extract and DMAA. The same component is hidden under them - methylhexamine. This substance is the most effective analogue of ephedrine for bodybuilding, and its fat burning properties were discovered relatively recently at the very beginning of this century.
Like ephedrine, an artificial component first appeared on the market. Scientists quickly established that it has a large number of side effects, and the use of methylhexamine in the production of sports nutrition was prohibited. However, the situation repeated itself again and today geranium extract is actively used. This substance is of a vegetable nature and is not inferior in effectiveness to the synthetic analogue of ephedrine for bodybuilding.
At the same time, some unscrupulous fat burner manufacturers continue to use the synthetic substance. This can only be determined through special analyzes. The history of the appearance of DMAA in sports is quite interesting. It all started with the creation of a drug that was intended to eliminate nasal congestion. However, this drug was produced for a short period of time, as the side effects outweighed the positive properties.
When ephedrine (synthetic) was banned, sports nutrition manufacturers had to find an alternative in a short time. The attention of researchers was attracted by methylhexamine, which soon began to be actively used. But again, this did not last long, since the side effects were very serious. Now synthetic DMAA is banned, but a plant substance has come in its place - geranium extract.
The mechanism of action of DMAA on the body

Scientists at the moment cannot tell exactly how this substance accelerates lipolysis. This is known to happen by accelerating the production of powerful stress hormones such as norepinephrine and adrenaline. For these substances, methylhexamine is a kind of reuptake inhibitor.
In our body, during the synthesis of any substances in large quantities, they are split into more necessary at a given time or are stored. If norepinephrine was produced in large quantities, then the body will try to remove the excess from circulation, and DMAA slows down this process.
When methylhexamine is used, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle increases and the blood pressure rises. This can lead to the development of hyperventilation of the lungs. Simply put, a large amount of oxygen enters the bloodstream, which cannot be used by the body. As a result, excess oxygen travels in the bloodstream and oxygen deprivation occurs, which can be very dangerous to health.
It should be said right away that if you have problems with the work of the cardiovascular system, then you should definitely refuse to use this analogue of ephedrine for bodybuilding. Scientists have not yet established the exact timing of the duration of the course of this substance. However, do not run long cycles. A single dosage is from 20 to 50 milligrams, and methylhexamine should be taken a maximum of two times a week if you do not want to risk your health.
Negative Effects of Methylhexamine

It is a very effective bodybuilding analogue of ephedrine, but care must be taken when using it. In no case should the recommended dosage be exceeded, and even more so this component should be mixed with other stimulants. There have been cases of death from taking DMAA.
So in the United States army, several soldiers were killed. Considering the fact that in the USA they go to serve only of their own free will, the selection there is very strict. All soldiers must be in excellent health and at the same time have good initial physical fitness. There are also known deaths from the use of methylhexamine among athletes.
Of course, in many respects the effectiveness of any substance depends on the characteristics of the human body. Stroke is the leading cause of death with DMAA use. Perhaps those who died from this substance had a predisposition to this disease or they also used other stimulants.
For more information on ephedrine analogues for bodybuilding, see here: