Michael Nevier: the foundation for big shoulders in bodybuilding

Michael Nevier: the foundation for big shoulders in bodybuilding
Michael Nevier: the foundation for big shoulders in bodybuilding

Learn how to swing your shoulders to reach the famous triangle of torso in bodybuilding in 2 months. Start progressing now. Old-school bodybuilding athletes are still idols for many modern athletes. At the same time, fewer and fewer athletes are interested in their training methods and prefer to use new ones, which often do not bring the expected result.

During the "golden age" of bodybuilding, athletes used basic movements, as well as large, but not prohibitive weights. Then there were no different techniques and various simulators. Basic exercises, barbells and dumbbells are what made them who they are.

If it all worked then, then why won't it work now? If you want to lay the groundwork for big shoulders in bodybuilding, then this article is for you.

Shoulder girdle workout in bodybuilding

Training the muscles of the shoulder girdle with dumbbells
Training the muscles of the shoulder girdle with dumbbells

Let's start with a description of the exercises of the complex, and at the end of the article, we summarize everything that has been said.

Raises your arms to the side

Diagram of the muscles involved when doing side raises
Diagram of the muscles involved when doing side raises

Start your training with this exercise. It allows you to isolate the load and qualitatively load the target muscles. Grasp a nearby machine with one hand and keep your body straight. The working arm should be slightly bent. Begin to move it to the side up to the level of the shoulder joints. It is not worth raising higher, since in this case the trapeziums are connected to work. Do 8 to 10 reps with each hand.

You should also remember about the need to perform warm-up sets. A couple of easy approaches of ten repetitions each are enough. Rest for 60 seconds between work sets.

Bench press in a standing position

The athlete performs a barbell press from the chest while standing
The athlete performs a barbell press from the chest while standing

Today this movement is almost forgotten, but its effectiveness has not decreased because of this. Place the sports equipment at the level of your shoulder joints, and your arms a little wider on the bar. Squeeze the projectile without fully straightening your arms. Controlling the movements, lower the bar to the starting position and begin the next repetition. You should also complete one warm-up approach and only then proceed to the workers.

Raising arms to the sides in an inclined position

Muscles worked during bent over raises
Muscles worked during bent over raises

This movement can be performed while standing or sitting. Sports equipment should be located at the bottom. Begin to raise your arms, which should be slightly bent at the elbow joint, until parallel with the ground. When you reach the top of the trajectory, tighten the rear deltas and begin lowering the shells in full control of the movement.

Barbell pull towards the chin

The athlete performs a barbell row to the chin
The athlete performs a barbell row to the chin

This movement perfectly works out the trapezoid and the rear deltas. From a technical point of view, it is quite simple and for this reason we will only note the main nuances of its implementation. The grip should be the width of the shoulder joints. Start lifting the sports equipment while your elbow joints move up and slightly to the sides. In the upper position of the trajectory, keep a short pause and return to the starting position. Note that each approach includes ten repetitions with a narrow and wide grip.

Barbell Shrug

The athlete performs shrugs with a barbell
The athlete performs shrugs with a barbell

This is one of the best movements for developing the shoulder girdle. The sports equipment should be located at hip level. Begin to bring the shoulder joints together, as if shaking them and fix in this position for a couple of seconds. Try not to rotate your shoulder joints during the exercise. While controlling the movement, lower the projectile.

Complex for the development of the shoulder girdle

Athlete demonstrates muscles
Athlete demonstrates muscles
  • Raises of one arm to the side - from 3 to 4 approaches, in each of which from 8 to 10 repetitions are performed.
  • Bench press in a standing position - 3 to 4 sets, each of which performs from 8 to 10 repetitions.
  • Raising arms with dumbbells to the sides in an inclined position - from 3 to 4 approaches, each of which performs from 8 to 10 repetitions.
  • Barbell Row towards the chin - 3 to 4 sets, each of which performs 10 repetitions with a narrow and wide grip.
  • Shrugs - 3 sets, each of which performs from 8 to 10 repetitions.

Remember to do warm-up sets for each exercise, and rest for 60 seconds between sets.

For more on effective shoulder training, see this video: