Growth hormone caution or how not to get diabetes

Growth hormone caution or how not to get diabetes
Growth hormone caution or how not to get diabetes

Growth hormone is a supplement that helps with protein synthesis and burns subcutaneous fat. That's just a miracle of the drug tops. A side effect is diabetes mellitus. But this can be avoided, we will tell you how! Sport is the right way to health! Healthy lifestyles are promoted everywhere. Of course, this is good, but, as in any business, it is also important to observe the measure. In this article, we'll talk about the importance of growth hormone and why it causes diabetes. It should be noted right away that no one is immune from this disease. But you can always warn him and take action on time.

The causes of diabetes

Every 10 people in the world have diabetes mellitus. Half are unaware of such an unpleasant disease. Why does it appear? There may be several reasons, but doctors distinguish two main ones:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Improper nutrition and neglect of physical activity.

In the first case, a person automatically falls into a risk group if a relative has diabetes. In the second option, excessive consumption of sweets rich in carbohydrates leads to disastrous consequences. Of course, all products containing unfavorable substances can be excluded. But the use of growth hormone leads to the fact that a perfectly healthy person develops diabetes.

A bit of anatomy - insulin is produced by the pancreas. Special cells are responsible for this. If they die and there are less than 15% of them, then the person needs a regular supply of artificial insulin. A strict diet is also indispensable. For athletes, this disease is fraught with the fact that muscle mass stops growing.

The disease itself is of two types:

  1. Insulin-dependent, when the pancreas stops producing the required amount of insulin.
  2. Not insulin dependent, when insulin is produced but the body does not respond to it. In this case, pills are taken to increase the sensitivity of the cells.

The choice of medication depends on the stage of diabetes. They are divided into fast-acting and slow-acting. The first option is necessary with a sharp increase in blood sugar. There are a number of medications available in pill form to help maintain blood sugar levels, such as Diabetal and Dialek.

The effect of growth hormone (GH) on the state of the body

Growth hormone Jintropin
Growth hormone Jintropin

In the photo, the growth hormone Jintropin (Jintropin), the price of 1000 rubles for 10 ampoules Growth hormone is important for the development of the skeleton in a child. It is he who allows the bones to rapidly change their size. If it is not enough, then developmental problems develop. In an adult, this hormone is 50 times less than in children. It is also known that growth hormone promotes protein synthesis and intensely burns subcutaneous fat, preventing it from being deposited in unwanted places. It is this property that is actively used by athletes who are engaged in the construction of their bodies.

But everyone should know that raising one hormone provokes the work of its antagonist. In this case, we are talking about insulin. Simply put, as soon as you increase the concentration of growth hormone in the body, insulin also does not stay in one place. The pancreas begins to actively saturate the body with insulin, which leads to an excess. If the rate of taking the GR does not exceed the one established by the specialist, then nothing bad will happen. Otherwise, the pancreas cannot withstand such revolutions and ceases to function. The sad thing is that there is no renovation. A person is forced all his life to artificially supply his body with the necessary amount of insulin.

Common Sense When Using GR

Professional athletes love to use growth hormone as a doping. Doctors say that the risk of diabetes is exaggerated. But you must admit that I don't really want to joke with my health. And the prospect of dragging syringes with insulin with you all your life is somehow bleak.

If you do decide that growth hormone is necessary, then you need to use it correctly. An artificial increase in growth hormone should be accompanied by the normalization of the amount of insulin. Just do not entrust this work to your pancreas. It is not eternal and the production will lead to diabetes. It is necessary to artificially balance not only growth hormone, but also insulin.

Remember, any amount of GH immediately raises your blood sugar. This is why the pancreas responds to this threat by producing additional insulin. Each consumption of a sweet treat triggers the production of insulin. The norm should contain 3, 3 - 5, 3 Mmol / l of sugar in the blood. This amount must be in the human body for normal functioning. Even a small increase in sugar will deplete pancreatic cells. It is better not to tempt fate and not expose your body to a sugar attack. The norm is welcomed in everything, the only way you will get the desired result and not harm yourself. Remember, everything above the 5, 3 Mmole mark requires urgent intervention and help from your side.

Calculating the correct dose of additional insulin

In any case, in order not to harm, you will have to inject additional insulin. Correct calculation will be the key to health. In fact, such a formula for "health" is not difficult to compose. Remember that you need to inject 5 units (U) of insulin for every 5.3 Mmoles of the natural amount, plus 1 U for each additional Mmole. Let's look at the formula with a detailed example.

You injected 5 U of growth hormone in the morning on an empty stomach, this amount will raise the sugar to 5 Mmole / L. The norm is not exceeded, therefore, insulin is not needed. When you enter 10 U of GH, sugar rises to 7 mmol / l, an excess amount of 2 U. To relieve the pancreas from stress, it is necessary to enter 7 U (5 + 2) insulin. You also need to take into account food intake. For example, the introduction of 10 units of growth hormone and the subsequent lunch, provokes a rise in the sugar level to 9 mol / l. This is a large concentration for the pancreas, therefore, it needs urgent help. You should take 9 U of insulin (5 + 4).

Blood glucose meter
Blood glucose meter

How do you know your blood sugar, you ask?

it's as easy as shelling pears, you need to purchase a special device - a glucometer (pictured above). The device will give the correct result within 10 seconds by analyzing only a drop of blood. It is applied to a special receiver. All diabetics carry this device with them in order to accurately set the required dose of insulin.

You will have to spend money on this device if you decide to take GR. You will have to take the meter for training and trace the pattern of raising sugar. So you can keep your body under control and help the pancreas at the right time.

Exercise is not recommended for diabetics. There are cases when a diabetic forced himself into a commune due to a sharp drop in blood sugar. Strength training is a surefire way to lower sugar and lose fat.

How to inject insulin and exercise for diabetics


Insulin is injected into the body by injection into the upper or lower body. If a quick effect is required, then the drug is injected into the hands or abdomen. Insulin slowly enters the body through the legs and buttocks. For athletes taking growth hormone, it is best to have injections in the abdomen.

Remember once and for all - exercise lowers blood sugar. Therefore, if you are a diabetic who cannot live without stress in the gym, then stock up on fast carbohydrates. You should always have bars and special drinks in your backpack. Do additional exercises gradually and at the same time control the sugar content. We measure sugar with a glucometer before, after and even during exercise. If you feel faint or nauseous, increase your sugar immediately.

Exercise is best done during the day. In the evening, power loads are given more difficult. Steroids are prohibited for diabetics. In practice, these prohibitions are ignored. If you, too, do not want to listen to the opinion of experts, then at least take it gradually, monitoring the drops in sugar.

And further! Today the sports nutrition market offers many counterfeit drugs. Agree, no one wants to shell out a large amount of money for a dummy. Fortunately, everything is simple with growth hormone. Buy a meter and measure your blood sugar after taking the drug. It will go up anyway. If this did not happen, then, alas, you ran into a fake. It is better to immediately send this drug to the trash can. Sport is not only about perseverance and willpower. Many modern drugs require an understanding of the process of affecting the body. Each has not only positive aspects, but also negative ones. A smart approach will allow you to get the desired result, and at the same time you will not harm your health. Sway thinking, and you will be happy!

Watch a video with Denis Borisov about diabetes and growth hormone:
