TOP products for the bodybuilder

TOP products for the bodybuilder
TOP products for the bodybuilder

In this article, we'll take a look at a list of foods that every athlete should consume. In addition, we will describe the beneficial properties of each nutrient. Half of the success in gaining muscle mass depends on nutrition; its value is no less important than systematic training. Every professional athlete perceives food as a necessary element for a better metabolism and anabolic effect. The choice of the diet is not based on the taste of the products, but on their effect on the athlete's body. There are foods that have natural anabolic properties, of course, they cannot replace nutritional supplements, but they have more biological value for the bodybuilder than others. These, together with supplementation and training, will help you achieve your desired muscle gain faster.


Herring when playing sports
Herring when playing sports

This fish has more creatine than any other food. As you know, creatine is very important for bodybuilders, as it contributes to the growth of muscle tissue and increased strength. Also, this element is responsible for the transport of essential nutrients to muscle fibers, which allows them to accelerate the process of their growth and recovery after intense workouts.

Herring can be cooked in absolutely any form without losing creatine. It will be useful to eat this fish in the amount of 200 g a few hours before the start of training, this will saturate the body with proteins, healthy fats, leucine and, most importantly, creatine.


The vegetable contains quercetin and allyl propyl disulfide, which can increase insulin levels, so it can be beneficial after exercise. A sufficient dosage will be one small onion, you can add it to a salad with spinach and tomatoes or make an omelet from egg whites with its addition. Especially courageous people can eat the onion raw, while salad onions are sweeter and tastier.


Grapefruit for a bodybuilder
Grapefruit for a bodybuilder

This citrus will become an irreplaceable assistant during the drying period and in the development of the abdominal muscles. It helps burn fat. Its action was once again brought to light by experiment. For 12 weeks, a group of people drank a glass of grapefruit juice or ate half of the fruit a day, while the rest of their diet was the same as that of the other half of the participants in the experiment. As a result, people who ate grapefruit lost an average of two kilograms more than those whose diet did not include citrus.

The fruit has this effect thanks to the pectin contained in it. This element inhibits the penetration of carbohydrates into the bloodstream and thereby prevents insulin levels from rising. Another reason for the positive effect on the process of losing weight is the presence of naringenin in the fruit, it slows down the dissolution of caffeine in the blood serum, which also contributes to fat burning.

The recommended dosage of grapefruits per day is 2-3 pieces, this amount will fill the body with a sufficient content of fiber, pectin, vitamin C and especially naringenin. The only thing is that you should not eat the fruit for several hours after the end of the workout, as it has the ability to lower insulin.


This largest berry contains the amino acid citrulline in its pulp, which is converted into arginine under the influence of biological processes in the body. This element helps transport oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, making them stronger and bigger. Also, watermelon contains lycopene, even more than tomatoes. It is recommended to eat up to 700 g of watermelon an hour before the start of physical activity, this amount will saturate the body with citlin and enough water for a more intense workout.


Yogurt for sports
Yogurt for sports

Special bacterial cultures convert lactose into lactic acid, which improves the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, maintaining the necessary balance in it, thereby prolonging the anabolic effect. Also, this fermented milk product saturates the body with proteins and promotes their better assimilation.

Yogurt is rich in calcium, and it suppresses the production of a hormone responsible for synthesizing fat, which helps to reduce body fat mass. Choose yoghurt without sugar and with live bacteria. You can eat this fermented milk product at any time of the day, but not just before and after training.


These greens reduce estrogen levels, improve digestion, and prevent dehydration and fat accumulation. Apigenin is one of the components of parsley. It is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the body's cells from oxidizing, which has a beneficial effect on their function and growth. Parsley should be added to various dishes; great benefits from it have been noted when used raw.

Green tea

Green tea for bodybuilders
Green tea for bodybuilders

There are legends about this product, green tea has a lot of positive properties, the main ones are:

  • Reduction of body fat;
  • Reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular and liver disease;
  • Promotes the restoration of joint tissue;
  • Fights cancer cells.

All of these properties are possible thanks to a flavonoid, a substance that acts as an antioxidant and also speeds up metabolism. The main benefit for the joints is the removal of enzymes that affect the destruction of cartilage tissue. Drinking two to three cups of green tea a day can protect the functioning of many body systems, especially joints, which are so important for athletes, as well as normalize metabolism.


Tomatoes contain lycopene and quercetin. The first phytochemical is a complex antioxidant that protects against prostate and cardiovascular diseases. Quercetin protects the arteries from blocking, and also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, allowing you to recover faster after exercise. For a sufficient effect on the body of these antioxidants, you need to eat six tomatoes a day.


Weightlifting coffee
Weightlifting coffee

There are different opinions about the properties of coffee, some consider it harmful to the body, others, on the contrary, useful. The benefits of coffee for weightlifters can be clearly noted. This aromatic drink increases efficiency, has thermogenic properties, and breaks down fats. The efficacy of pre-workout coffee in terms of increasing performance and lowering pain threshold is higher than even from aspirin. This allows you to train more intensely without experiencing muscle discomfort.

Also, recent studies have noted that people who consume reasonable amounts of coffee are less susceptible to diabetes, gallstone disease and liver disease. It is better to give preference to a whole grain drink with its further self-processing. Beans conserve significantly more caffeine than instant finished product.


It has a number of beneficial properties, but the most important thing for bodybuilders is its ability to stimulate testosterone synthesis and block the production of cortisol. Therefore, it is garlic that is considered one of the healthiest foods for bodybuilders. Before starting a workout, it is recommended to eat a clove of garlic. Allicin, found in garlic, is considered an important element in the fight against cancer cells, colds and heart disease.


Broccoli for athletes
Broccoli for athletes

This vegetable has a high content of indole-3-carbinol. This element helps to suppress the action of estrogen. In addition to blocking the action of estrogen and its effect on body fat and other manifestations of signs in the female pattern, it enhances the anabolic properties of testosterone, which is an incredibly important indicator for a bodybuilder.

In addition to the properties important for the athlete, broccoli is a valuable carrier of vitamin U, in the content of which only asparagus can compete with it. Chlorophyll, which is also part of this vegetable, has a beneficial effect on the entire circulatory system and blood composition.

The product is rich in phosphorus, beta-carotene, potassium, zinc, selenium, iron, vitamins of various groups. Eating 200-300 grams of boiled or raw broccoli per day will be sufficient to saturate the body with indole-3-carbinol, as well as vitamin C and calcium.


Spinach for muscle growth
Spinach for muscle growth

The main source of glutamine is spinach, it also contains amino acids and octacoanol, which improves the growth of muscle fibers and helps to increase the strength indicators, which are important for athletes. Spinach contains trace elements that improve the body's defenses, eyesight and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Spinach is best eaten raw and added to salad. Enough 300 grams of this product per day, it should not be consumed before training, as spinach slows down the digestion process. Spinach is one of the most protein-rich plant foods.

It is considered one of the best sources of iron and is packed with almost all vitamins and minerals. Its properties to influence strength were described even in the legendary cartoon about the sailor Popeye, who always wore a jar of canned spinach.

Sunflower seeds

Everyone's favorite seeds are rich in glutamine and arginine, substances that improve the anabolic effect. In addition to them, the seeds contain beatin, its main quality is the ability to protect the liver from chemical compounds, including those that enter when taking steroids, and it also has a regenerative function for joints. Together with sunflower seeds, vitamin E and beneficial fatty acids enter the body. It is permissible to eat one hundred grams of seeds per day.


Blueberries for muscle strength
Blueberries for muscle strength

It is blueberries that have the strongest properties in the fight against radicals. This conclusion was reached by scientists from the United States, having done a study of various foods for the presence of antioxidants in them. The content of anthocyanin in the berry in large quantities helps to protect the capillaries and blood vessels, which are responsible for saturating the muscles with blood and nutrients.

The oxygen saturation of the muscles and their strength depend on how strong the vessels are. Also, the berry improves brain activity and memory, this property is possible due to the content of anthocyanin in blueberries. The berry should be added to a protein shake, which is best consumed before bed, 100 grams of blueberries will be sufficient.

Watch a video about useful products for a bodybuilder:

The presented products can become an excellent alternative to synthetic biological additives. They are an excellent source of many trace elements and vitamins that athletes need. Even if you prioritize getting your nutrients from supplements, you shouldn't ignore natural foods that are filled with the same properties, only nature itself.
