11 products for a bodybuilder's menu

11 products for a bodybuilder's menu
11 products for a bodybuilder's menu

Everyone knows about the need for proper nutrition, but beginners still have questions. Find out which foods are the most valuable for athletes. Everyone knows about the need for proper nutrition, but beginners still have questions. Find out which foods are the most valuable for athletes.

In bodybuilding, there is one axiom that says this: it takes a lot to grow muscles. In this case, one should pay attention to "there is a lot". It has long been established that a significant increase in muscle mass can be achieved only when more than 4000 calories are consumed per day. About a quarter of this amount falls on protein compounds, about 15% goes to fats, and the rest is carbohydrates.

It should also be noted that the above figures have a scientific basis and are not taken from the ceiling. Until you consume half of the calorie content of your daily diet in the form of carbohydrates, then you should not count on a significant increase in mass. Ideally, carbohydrates should make up about 60% of your total energy intake.

Due to the incorrect ratio of the main nutrients, many athletes do not see progress in their training. It is also important to distribute food evenly throughout the day. Professional athletes can eat about 10 times during the day. If you eat at least 5 or 6 times, then it will already be great.

A lot has also been said about protein compounds, and we can only remind you that during the day you should consume from 2 to 2.5 grams of the nutrient for each kilogram of body weight. Remained fats, which should be the least in the diet - about 15%. It should be remembered, however, that not all fats are healthy. The most harmful are animal fats. Consume preferably peanut butter, nuts, avocados and fish oil. As you can see, the choice is not very large. Now let's move on to reviewing 11 products for the bodybuilder's menu.


Chicken eggs
Chicken eggs

Professional athletes can eat two dozen eggs during the day. This is due to the fact that egg white has the best digestibility among all products. It is not for nothing that it is used as a standard, and all other protein compounds are compared with egg.

It was previously thought that eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, but recent studies have shown that this does not in any way affect the level of cholesterol in the body. This applies to athletes whose body is constantly under intense physical stress. Ordinary people should still limit their egg consumption.

It should be noted that eggs contain not only protein compounds, but also other nutrients. So the yolk contains carotenoids, vitamin A and folic acid, as well as cholesterol. In this regard, it must be said that when using AAS, you should not get carried away with eggs. In this case, the level of bad cholesterol rises in the body.



This is another of the most important foods for athletes. Beef is a source of not only protein compounds necessary for muscle growth, but also niacin, zinc, iron and vitamins B12 and B6. When eating beef, you should separate out all the fat that is there.



Oatmeal is a great source of slow carbs. Thanks to oatmeal, the body is provided with carbohydrates for three hours. In the nutrition program of every professional athlete, oatmeal is mandatory. Oatmeal also contains vegetable proteins and soluble fiber, which are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Well, if you add protein to oatmeal, then it will be a real shock dish for gaining mass.



Pasta should be one of your main dishes. This is due to the large number of calories, of which there are about 200 in the product. A very good dish for athletes will be navy-style pasta or use only tomato puree and hot spices. Here it would be quite appropriate to mention tomatoes containing lycopene. These substances help prevent the development of cancer.



Don't be surprised to see sandwiches on this list. Despite the negative attitude of nutritionists around the world to the sandwich, it is a great way for athletes to grab a quick snack. Make a sandwich with your favorite foods and get a great source of all three major nutrients.



Everyone knows this delicious and nutritious fruit. You can eat dried apricots and apricot compotes. Unfortunately, there is no season for natural apricots and you have to look for a way out.


Chicken fillet
Chicken fillet

Here we are talking primarily about brisket, which contains many protein compounds and practically does not have fat. It is very important to cook the chicken properly. Poultry should not be fried, but rather use a home grill.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato
Sweet potato

This product contains a large amount of potassium, vitamins B6 and C, beta-carotene, and dietary fiber. Plain potatoes can also be eaten, but they will be devoid of beta-carotene. It is very important not to fry the product with fat.



There are many articles written about omega-3 fats. What to do if it is a very valuable substance. In addition to omega-3, tuna is also rich in protein compounds. You can eat tuna straight from the can, but it's better to come up with some kind of salad or make a sandwich.


Apples in a basket
Apples in a basket

Ordinary at first glance has proven to be very useful and not only for athletes. Apples contain a large amount of fast carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin C. The presence of isoflavones in apples should also be noted.


Yoghurt with fruit
Yoghurt with fruit

As with any stressful situation, high-intensity exercise can lead to digestive problems. Yogurt containing special fungal cultures that can restore normal digestion will help to solve them. It is also worth remembering about calcium, which athletes need due to the large amount of protein taken. It has been found that protein promotes the excretion of calcium from the body, which negatively affects bone tissue.

Here are 11 must-haves for a bodybuilder's menu.

Find out in more detail about what foods a bodybuilder should include in their diet from this video review:
