For what purposes are steroids used other than sports practice. Can AS really cause fatal cancer? Read the article and find out the answers to many questions regarding anabolic steroids. To talk about treatment, first you need to systematize the concept of anabolic steroids.
Anabolic steroids, AS (or AAS - Androgenic-Anabolic Steroids) are drugs containing substances that promote protein synthesis in the human body. In structure, steroids are similar to male sex hormones. Everyone knows that when playing sports and general physical activity in the human body, regardless of male or female, anabolic steroids are produced that strengthen the body and help it adapt in difficult situations. They partially contain a male hormone, which explains the rigidity of the body, mental stability, manifestations of harshness in character, as well as an increase in muscle mass.
All these properties are essential for the life of many people today. The following will list all the properties of the drug that can save many lives:
- very well helps patients recover after operations;
- restore strength;
- increases appetite in patients with anorexia and bulimia, that is, helps to cure these diseases;
- helps to improve the quality of strength training, helps to increase the amount of muscle mass in the body;
- helps to rehabilitate patients after kidney transplantation, can increase the size of the liver, kidneys and bones;
- perfectly regenerates bone tissue after cracks and fractures.
But to achieve the above, the patient must take in the complex vitamins, minerals, a large amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates.
Indications for the use of anabolic steroids

There are a number of cases in which 100% prescribe this drug and prescribe a course of treatment:
- if the person is emaciated, that is, either he is not gaining weight, or he is ill with bulimia.
- weak immunity, which is why a person cannot recover normally after surgery;
- if complications have arisen after infectious diseases, injuries to the joints of the bones.
Contraindications AU
It is also worth considering the contraindications to the use of this drug. The first, who should not accept it, is the women in the position. During this period, a woman is very sensitive to the world around her, female hormones are concentrated in her. If this condition is disturbed, then it can cause a miscarriage, or worse, so it is better to avoid contact with such medications. While breastfeeding the baby, the mother should be equally careful and also avoid anabolic drugs. People with liver disease should not take such drugs.
Even healthy people can have side effects, such as a disruption of the menstrual cycle, hoarseness, the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics in women (in the sense of men), this is due to the content of male hormones in the drug. In general, side effects can occur only in women, since everything is within the normal range for the male body.
Another pitfall for men who are very addicted to the use of anabolic steroids. Dependence, that is, the regular need for this drug can put an end to the future family of a man, as it can cause impotence and swelling of the prostate gland. Think, is it worth getting carried away, seduced by an impenetrable body and losing a future piece of yourself?
It is worth paying special attention to anabolic steroids in sports
As mentioned above, anabolic drugs help build muscle mass and feel the "heroic" strength. It was also possible to understand that such drugs are not designed to be taken by women. The female body can take hormones, and create similar male ones, but this will lead to masculine characteristics, masculine forms, menstruation failure.
How to take anabolic steroids

The course of taking steroids is prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the situation, but usually there is one regimen for taking the drugs.
The first rule of taking anabolic steroids is to use it for three months in a row with the same break, since the body must rest between doses, because anabolic steroids make the body stronger, and this is a significant load on the heart. With such a system, you need to gradually increase the dose of admission, and then, in the middle of the trimester, gradually begin to reduce the dose, otherwise it will be stress. Such a system prevents the development of drug dependence.
After the end of taking the drug, the doctor prescribes medications that help restore the reproductive system and finally get rid of side effects.
To summarize, it is necessary to name what effects the intake of anabolic steroids causes. First you need to name what happens to the athlete when taking this drug:
- accelerates protein synthesis, which promotes rapid muscle growth;
- accelerates recovery from training or injury;
- prevents the formation of fat cells, or rather absorbs fat cells into muscle;
- acceleration of some reactions, as fat breaks down;
- develops muscle memory, which helps the athlete to achieve athletic performance.
What are the anabolic effects?

- regardless of the specifics in use, the drug involuntarily affects muscle growth, that is, in a month, body weight can increase by 5 or more kilograms;
- increases the strength of a person;
- the body becomes more resilient in many situations;
- prevents the development of anemia, since the number of erythrocytes in the blood increases;
- due to the calcium content, all bone tissues are strengthened;
- fats do not have the ability to be deposited under the skin;
Other effects:
- possible loss of hair on the head (bald spot), and the appearance of hair on the face and other parts of the body;
- appetite is touched, which helps those suffering from debilitating diseases;
- increases self-confidence and self-esteem;
- improves the ability to adapt to a new team.
There are also some side effects that different people may experience. The attending physician will be able to tell about this, which means that this is the first person with whom you need to consult before you start taking them!
Video about anabolic steroids - the whole truth:
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