Ganabol is an anabolic steroid

Ganabol is an anabolic steroid
Ganabol is an anabolic steroid

Ganabol is synonymous with the better known steroid boldenone. Find out how to take this substance and what properties it has. Applications and dosages of Ganabol. Ganabol has several analogues produced in various countries: venobol, sibolin, equipoise, pace. The active ingredient is boldenone undecylinate. The steroid is produced in the form of injections, the volume of ampoules is 10 milliliters, containing from 2.5 to 5 milligrams of the active substance.

Ganabol properties

The entire line of Ganabol products
The entire line of Ganabol products

One of the main indicators for anabolic drugs is the steroid profile:

  • The anabolic properties of Ganabol coincide with testosterone and are equal to 100%;
  • Androgenic properties account for 50% of the male hormone;
  • There is practically no conversion to estrogen;
  • The increase in muscle tissue mass and strength indicators is accelerated;
  • Appetite increases significantly;
  • Libido increases;
  • Muscle vascularity increases;
  • Does not pose a danger to the liver.

Comparison of Ganabol with similar steroids

Anabolic steroid
Anabolic steroid

Ganabol is less common among domestic athletes than other drugs. But this is a very effective steroid and it makes sense to carry out a comparative analysis with drugs of the same pharmacological group.

It is worth recognizing that Ganabol practically does not bypass such steroids as retabolil, masteron, primobolan, trenbolone in anything. In solo courses, this steroid is not very effective, and all its best qualities are manifested in combination with other AAS. When used in combination, the anabolic steroid Ganabol can significantly increase the effectiveness of other drugs. Due to its special chemical structure, it is free from side effects.

Application of Ganabol

Athlete holding a jar of steroids
Athlete holding a jar of steroids

The steroid has a long working life, which, under certain circumstances, can become a disadvantage. The half-life of Ganabol is 10 to 12 days. For this reason, after the last injection, the drug remains in the blood for a rather long time and can be detected during a doping test. Thus, it is advisable to use Ganabol at the initial stage of the anabolic cycle, replacing it closer to the end of the course with another drug.

It should be noted that the drug has some features that require the use of the concept of "loading dose". On average, it should be between 2.7 and 2.8 percent of the weekly dosage. This is essential to get the most out of your steroid. As mentioned above, the anabolic steroid Ganabol has a long working life and for the same reason it acts on the body gradually, but over a long period of time. Also, a very important feature of the drug is the absence of a rollback effect after stopping it. While taking Ganabol you should remember the following features of the drug:

  1. It is most effective to use Ganabol in combination with other steroids. When combined with Trenbolone, due to the features of Ganabol, you can reduce the dosage of the second steroid. Combinations of Ganabol with Primobolan and Masteron proved to be very good.
  2. When combined with Winstrol and following a strict protein diet during the anabolic cycle, you can give your muscles excellent relief and increase their firmness. If you add high-quality protein nutrition to this combination of steroids, then the increase in muscle mass will significantly accelerate.
  3. The process of muscle tissue growth continues after the end of the use of the drug. Perhaps the only drawback of Ganabol is the long period of elimination from the body, which makes its use before competition undesirable.
  4. The drug accelerates the synthesis of red blood cells and increases blood flow. This allows for better nutrition of the muscle tissues, which is very important for intensive training.
  5. The mass of muscle tissue increases during the entire anabolic cycle, but this process is not very fast. Athletes should not expect Ganabol to rapidly gain muscle. However, the entire mass gained will be of high quality and after the completion of the course it will not go away along with the excess fluid.
  6. The average dosage of the anabolic steroid Ganabol is 400 to 600 milligrams over the course of a week. This amount of anabolic allows you to provide the highest possible anabolic background. It should be noted that the exact dosage largely depends on the characteristics of the athlete's body and should be selected individually. The above doses are average and guarantee the complete absence of side effects.
  7. The average cycle with Ganabol is 8 to 10 weeks when used solo. However, we repeat that Ganabol is more effective in combined courses, and in this case, their duration should be no more than six weeks.

Almost all reviews of the drug are positive, which can be explained by the safety of the steroid and its rather high efficiency, especially when combined with other steroids.

Ganabol side effects

Manifestations of virilization in women
Manifestations of virilization in women

Men can safely use the drug without fear of side effects. Of course, this should only be done in the permitted dosages. Firstly, when using a large amount of the drug, some side effects may appear, which quickly disappear after reducing the dose. Secondly, increasing the dose does not increase the effectiveness of steroid use. Thus, overdosing is not justified from various points of view.

Women should be careful when using the anabolic steroid Ganabol. This is due to the fact that there is a risk of developing virilization. Since the drug does not have the ability to convert into estrogens, this automatically removes the risk of gynecomastia, peripheral edema and increased pressure. Also, due to the ability to convert to the inactive substance dihydroboldenone, there are no androgenic side effects when using Ganabol.

Learn more about Ganabol in this video:
