Anabolic steroid course: strength + mass + relief

Anabolic steroid course: strength + mass + relief
Anabolic steroid course: strength + mass + relief

Detailed instructions on courses of steroids for high-quality gaining muscle mass while burning subcutaneous fat. At some point, each athlete reaches his genetic limit in gaining mass. After that, the question of further progress arises sharply before him. If he does not participate in tournaments, then you can leave everything as it is. However, many are looking at steroids that can help overcome the limitations imposed by nature.

Scientists have studied AAS and their effects on the body well enough. In addition, the practice of using anabolic steroids by athletes has been around for several decades. Everything allows you to conduct a course of anabolic steroids for mass, strength and relief with maximum efficiency and with minimal health risks.

In the West, a large number of scientific papers have been published and athletes are actively using this. At the same time, in our country, this issue is not given due attention and often from athletes you can hear complaints about health problems after AAS courses. At the same time, it should be recognized that, despite the abundance of information on the use of steroids that can be found on the Internet, very often it turns out to be incorrect. This is what leads to the negative consequences observed after the use of AAS.

It is quite difficult for bodybuilding lovers to determine which information is truthful and which should not be taken into account. We have analyzed a large number of articles and scientific research results to help those wishing to conduct an effective and safe for health course of anabolic steroids strength + mass + relief. Today you will find out which courses are suitable for beginners and which are only for advanced athletes.

How to choose the right steroid?

Sculpted athlete's torso
Sculpted athlete's torso

Now we will list the rules that you should follow when choosing steroids for your courses:

  1. Any AAS has androgenic activity to a certain extent.
  2. The more potent the drug has, the higher the risks of side effects, and at the amateur level, you should not use powerful AAS.
  3. In most cases, injectable drugs have fewer side effects.
  4. There is no need to strive to get quick results by conducting strong courses. Better to go through two short cycles of medium strength with a pause in between.
  5. Remember that new safe AAS does not exist, and old anabolic steroids are more effective and safer. Now scientists practically do not work on the creation of new AAS, but are trying to find ways to conceal the use of steroids on doping tests.
  6. It is very important to use antiestrogens in those courses when needed. So you can not only avoid side effects, but also increase the effectiveness of your course of anabolic steroids for mass, strength and relief. Gynecomastia largely depends on the genetic predisposition of the body and at the same time is an irreversible side effect that can only be eliminated through surgery.

Thus, in order for your course of anabolic steroids strength + mass + relief to be effective and not harm the body, it is necessary to use anabolic steroids only in the recommended dosages and combine them correctly. Also, you do not need to conduct long courses and to obtain good results, it is quite enough to use AAS for a couple of months, and then pause. These recommendations will make the use of AAS safe and effective.

The basics of building AAS courses

Stab in the stomach
Stab in the stomach

Below we give examples of courses of anabolic steroids for mass strength and relief. Some experienced athletes may say that they are weak and unable to bring positive results. Now we will explain that this opinion is erroneous and that such cycles should be used by bodybuilding lovers.

Imagine that one athlete used the drug at a weekly dosage of 0.1 gram for 30 days. This allowed him to gain a little over four kilograms of mass, taking into account the inevitable rollback and in the complete absence of side effects.

Another athlete used the same steroid, doubling the dosage for 60 days. Immediately after the end of the cycle, they gained more than seven kilograms of mass, but almost half of these results will disappear over the next month. As a result, the final result of the cycle will be about four kilograms of mass with manifested signs of gynecomastia and disturbances in the work of the endocrine system.

In most cases, colleagues in the audience or visitors to specialized forums will recommend taking the second course. This is due to the fact that most often a person is guided by a momentary result and does not think about the future. At the same time, experts in the field of sports pharmacology will advise you to choose the first option for using AAS, since it is safer and in the long term turns out to be more effective.

It is also necessary to say that you should start using AAS only after you have reached a certain level of training. As a rule, you need to have at least two years of continuous bodybuilding experience. First, you must train your body to take physical activity well and learn how to draw up training and nutrition programs. If you eat poorly and exercise incorrectly, then the AAS will not be able to reach its full potential and your course of strength + mass + relief anabolic steroids will not be able to be as effective as possible. Now we will consider which courses should be given to beginner and experienced athletes.

Steroid courses for mass, strength and relief for beginners

Anabolic steroid
Anabolic steroid

Speaking of novice athletes, we mean the experience of using AAS, and not the experience of doing bodybuilding. If you are just planning to start anabolic cycles, then it is quite enough to use only one drug.

Oxandrolone (anavar)


It is the lightest drug on the market today. When using it, side effects are extremely rare and the drug is not subject to aromatization. In addition, oxandrolone practically does not suppress the work of the pituitary arch and does not have a negative effect on the liver.

At the same time, one should not expect great results from the course with Anavar's participation. The drug will be useful for the first course and will allow you to get acquainted with the work of anabolic steroids. Anavar should be used for a maximum of 60 days with a daily dosage of 40 to 60 milligrams. You also need to divide the daily dose into two doses and take the tablets every 12 hours.



This is a more effective steroid compared to the previous one. In terms of its effectiveness, it is in many ways similar to Methane, but at the same time it is devoid of side effects. This is a good choice for beginner "chemists" and with the help of Turinabol you will have the opportunity to gain quality mass. The duration of the drug cycle is two months, and the recommended daily dosages are in the range of 30 to 50 milligrams. Like Anavar, Turinabol should be taken every 12 hours.


Methandienone tablets
Methandienone tablets

Among athletes, this drug is called Methane and very often it is he who is used to carry out the first course of anabolic steroids for mass, strength and relief. At the same time, this drug is considered to be mass-gathering and is not suitable for improving the quality of the relief. In comparison with previous anabolic steroids, this is a stronger steroid, the daily dosage of which is 30 to 40 milligrams.


Suspension Primobolan
Suspension Primobolan

This is an injectable drug that is practically free of side effects. Experienced athletes use it in combination with other anabolic steroids, but a solo course will be enough for beginners. The weekly dosage is 0.4 grams, and the drug can be administered once or twice for seven days.

Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Propionate
Testosterone Propionate

This is the shortest ester among all currently existing testosterone containing steroids. The drug should be administered every second day in an amount of a maximum of 0.1 grams. Often, the drug is used every day in an amount of 50 milligrams. You must remember that this anabolic is prone to aromatization and it is necessary to use antiestrogens on its course.

Steroid courses for mass, strength and relief for experienced athletes

Biceps injection
Biceps injection

If you have already used steroids and have stopped getting the desired result from solo courses, then it is worth starting to carry out combined cycles.

Testosterone (long-acting drugs) and methandienone

Testosterone enanthate
Testosterone enanthate

In this case, under prolonged testosterone preparations, we assume Enanthate or Sustanon. These steroids can be administered once a week or at equidistant intervals, say every 4th day. The dosage of these drugs is from 0.25 to 0.5 grams per week, and Methandienone is used daily in an amount of 40 to 60 milligrams.

Testosterone and Nandrolone Decanoate

Nandrolone Decanoate
Nandrolone Decanoate

This is one of the most popular mass gaining courses. Nandrolone Decanoate is very popular among athletes, but you must remember that it has progestogenic activity. To combat it, you must take Cabergoline. The dosages of long esters of the male hormone are similar to the previous course, and Nandrolone is administered throughout the week in an amount of 0.2 to 0.6 grams.

A few words must be said about restorative therapy (PCT), which should be carried out after any course of AAS. The best option would be to have a PCT compiled by a specialist, which will allow you to minimize rollback and eliminate all possible negative effects of steroids.

Of course, in most cases, bodybuilding lovers do not turn to specialists for advice and do everything on their own. When using aromatizable drugs (Testosterone, Methandienone, etc.), you must use anti-estrogens (Anastrozole, Proviron, etc.) at the same time as steroids. After completing the course, use Tamoxifen or Clomid. If you have used Nandrolone or Trenbolone, you should only use Clomid instead of Tamoxifen during PCT.

For more information on compiling a steroid course for beginners, see here:
