Aromatization can cause a lot of problems for athletes. Today we will talk about drugs that can stop the conversion of steroids into estrogens. Every athlete knows the effect of aromatization. It is the process of converting highly androgenic substances into estrogens. Simply put, almost all steroids are based on derivatives of testosterone - the male sex hormone. It follows that each of these drugs has a certain degree of androgenic activity.
This entails a sharp increase in the male body of female hormones (estrogens), which leads to unpleasant side effects. The most common of these is gynecomastia. In this case, the man's breast begins to develop according to the female principle, due to the accumulation of fat reserves in the nipple area.
They are easily removed by surgery, but there is nothing pleasant for men in this. It is also worth noting that the high content of estrogens in the male body leads to increased fluid and fat retention. For bodybuilders, this situation is unacceptable. But there is a way out of this situation - anti-estrogen drugs. It is about them that the conversation will go now.
The work of antiestrogens

Before proceeding to the description of the drugs themselves and determine the best of them, one should understand the mechanism of their effect on the body. Most often, the aromatization process proceeds as follows. The molecule of an anabolic drug, entering the body, remains in a free state and begins to interact with an enzyme molecule - aromatase. As a result of this interaction, the steroid is converted into estrogens.
The estrogen molecule obtained in this way interacts with the estrogen-type receptor, thereby causing a certain effect. The result of this effect is influenced by the place where the receptor is located, which interacts with the molecule of the created estrogen. Receptors in the chest cause gynecomastia. There are two ways to avoid this:
- Prevent steroid and aromatase compound.
- Do not allow the created estrogen molecule to interact with receptors.
Thus, all anti-aromatase drugs can be divided into two groups, depending on their mechanism of action. Those that use the first method are called anti-aromatase drugs, and the second group is estrogen antagonists.
Anti-aromatase drugs
The drugs in this group work as follows. Their molecules, entering the bloodstream, combine with aromatase in the same way as the molecules of anabolic steroids. However, they do not convert to estrogen. As a result, the steroid molecule has nothing to combine with, and the aromatization effect is slowed down. Now in more detail about the drugs themselves in this group.
Proviron in bodybuilding

In traditional medicine, this remedy is used in the treatment of disorders of the male reproductive system. It is worth noting that the aromatization effect for women is not as problematic as it is for male athletes. Proviron is the only steroid with anti-aromatase properties.
Once in the body, the drug molecules interact not only with the aromatase itself, but also with estrogen-type receptors. It should also be noted that one more ability of Proviron - with its help, the muscles acquire greater rigidity and relief, their vascularity increases. Until now, scientists have not been able to determine the cause of this feature. There are many theories on this score, but none of them have found scientific evidence.
The dosage of Proviron is determined based on the individual characteristics of the organism and the dosage of steroids included in the course. So, let's say, to eliminate the aromatization effect of a weekly dose of 250 milligrams of testosterone, it is enough to consume 25 milligrams of Proviron daily. The average dosage of the drug is 25 to 50 mg daily. Usually the remedy is taken over 2-4 weeks.

This drug is also called aminoglutetemide. In principle, the most important thing for bodybuilders is not its antiestrogenic properties, but the ability of the drug to suppress the synthesis of cortisol. As you know, this hormone blocks the body's production of proteins. In this regard, citadren can be classified as a "best" group.
The drug is taken daily, and its dosage should be about 250 mg during the day. This amount can prevent aromatization of the 750 mg weekly testosterone dose. But if the athlete's body does not perceive cytadren, then side effects are possible, for example, the appearance of a state of depression.
If the drug is to be used to combat cortisol, then the dose should be significantly increased, and will amount to one gram throughout the day. It is clear that the side effects in this case will be more pronounced. Cytadren works for 6 or 8 hours, and the daily dose of the drug should be divided into several parts. The product should be taken for 4 to 6 weeks.

Arimidex is considered to be the most powerful anti-aromatase agent for men. The dosage of one milligram is comparable to the effect of a daily dose of citadrene (250 mg).
In addition, Arimidex has a longer period of work - about 60 hours, which eliminates the need for athletes to take the drug daily. But due to the high cost, not every athlete can afford it.
Estrogen antagonist drugs
Means of this group, having got into the blood of an athlete, cannot eliminate the process of aromatization itself. The molecules of these drugs bind to cellular estrogen receptors, thereby preventing them from binding to estrogens.
Products in this group are able to prevent side effects from the use of steroids, which do not need aromatase itself to convert to estrogens. There are few such steroids, and the most famous of them is nandrolone.
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)

Nolvadex is the brand name for the drug tamoxifen. Traditional medicine uses it for women who develop breast cancer. This substance can be called unique. Its mechanism of action in some tissues is similar to estrogens, while in others it is an antagonist of female hormones. When using tamoxifen as part of a course of steroid substances, the athlete can give his muscles relief and rigidity.
Although you can find reviews that when taken during a course, the drug can reduce its effectiveness of the course itself. This is probably due to the peculiarity of the drug to act on the body in the liver, like estrogen. This reduces the rate of IGF-1 synthesis. However, athletes who prefer the most powerful of all existing steroids - Anapolon or Sustanon, and also like to exceed dosages, should not be afraid of such an effect from taking tamoxifen.
Those who care about their health and take more "milder" anabolic drugs should think about the need to use tamoxifen as part of the course. The average permissible dose of Nolvadex is 10 to 30 mg throughout the day. It should be taken once or twice during the day with meals and washed down with water.

The active ingredient in the preparation is clomiphene citrate. Traditional medicine also uses it for women to stimulate ovulation. The molecules of tamoxifen and clomid are almost identical, which predetermined a similar mechanism of action on the body. It should be noted that clomid is able to block estrogen molecules, while being a female hormone.
Perhaps this is the reason for its lower antiestrogenic efficacy in comparison with novaldex. But unlike tamoxifen, clomid has another feature that will be useful for men - the drug restores the synthesis of natural testosterone and spermatogenesis. Due to this feature, the drug is best used at the end of the course of steroids.
Clinical trials have shown that even with high dosages and taken for a long time (100 mg daily for one year), there are no side effects. A dosage of 25 mg throughout the day can stop the aromatization of a weekly dose of testosterone of 400 milligrams or more. The product should be taken once or twice a day after meals with water.
The maximum effect can be achieved through the combined use of drugs of both groups. So, for example, for men it will be effective to take from 10 to 30 milligrams of tamoxifen daily, supplementing the course with Proviron in an amount of 25 to 50 milligrams. This will completely prevent aromatization and avoid side effects. It is also worth noting that there is a third group of antiestrogenic drugs called "self-destructive inhibitors". These funds destroy the molecules of female hormones, and at the same time they themselves are destroyed. But all of them are still in the testing stage, and it is not possible to find them on the market. It may well be that they are the future of the fight against aromatization.