Athletes need to periodically shed excess subcutaneous fat. For this, fat burners are used. Find out which drugs are best for breaking down fat? To effectively get rid of fat, you need to exercise and adhere to dietary nutrition programs. Most people are aware of this. But besides this, there is a class of drugs - fat burners, which accelerate the lipolysis process. Today, a large number of different nutritional supplements are produced to combat obesity. Unfortunately, most of them are completely ineffective. Today we bring you an overview of the drugs for burning fat in bodybuilding.
The best fat burners in bodybuilding

Our review of bodybuilding fat burning drugs should start with the best drugs. True, only one can be attributed to such - a mixture of caffeine with ephedrine. The drug can be purchased in tablet form, each tablet containing 200 milligrams of caffeine, 20 milligrams of ephedrine. It must be taken three times a day.
It should be said that in some people, at the initial stage of admission, insignificant negative phenomena may occur, for example, an increase in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle or a disturbance in sleep. However, they disappear with further admission, and with a gradual increase in dosage, they may not be observed at all. To do this, you should start taking the drug in the amount of half a tablet during the day and gradually increase the dosage.
The drug has a thermogenic effect, which leads to fat burning. There have been many studies on the effects of a mixture of ephedrine and caffeine. According to their results, we can say that the duration of taking the drug is directly related to its effectiveness.
The longer the course, the stronger the mixture affects the body and the weaker the side effects become. Professional athletes use the drug on an ongoing basis.
Effective fat burners

Now in our review of bodybuilding fat-burning drugs, we'll talk about other drugs that can also be used by athletes, but their effectiveness is inferior to the power of ephedrine and caffeine.

Simply put, this type of preparation is an extract of the plant commiphora muculus, which grows in the tropics. This plant has been known since time immemorial. All studies of the effects of guggulsterones on the body were carried out only with the participation of animals. Scientists were able to establish that the drug helps to increase the rate of synthesis of thyroid hormones. This, in turn, leads to an increase in metabolism. The experimental animals, when using the drug, lost fat mass even with the usual diet. Also note that quite a few people have already used guggulsterones without waiting for human studies. As a result, we can also talk about the ability of the drug to reduce the concentration of cholesterol. The effective daily dosage of guggulsterones is 50 to 75 milligrams.
Green tea (extract)

Green tea contains a special substance called epigallocatechin gallate. It has the ability to enhance the effects of norepinephrine on the body, which is a powerful natural fat burner. The mechanism of action of green tea extract is associated with an increase in the rate of oxidative processes by an average of 4 percent. At the same time, we note that there have not yet been large-scale studies of the drug. At the same time, green tea is worth consuming as it is a powerful antioxidant.
Topical creams

Fat burning creams are made on the basis of aminophylline, forskolin and yohimbine. The drugs have become quite popular thanks to the results of two studies. Note that yohimbine has the least effectiveness, and preparations based on the other two ingredients have shown themselves to be on the good side. The demand for creams is high and manufacturing companies cannot provide everyone with their products. For this reason, fake products are quite common on the market and you should be careful when purchasing them.

In most cases, after prolonged fasting, people regain fat mass. Several studies have been conducted and according to their results, when using Pyruvate, the rate of weight gain is noticeably reduced. The mechanism of the drug's effect on the body has not yet been precisely established, but most scientists are confident that the fat-burning abilities of pyruvate are associated with an acceleration of metabolism.
During the experiment, the subjects used the drug in a relatively small dosage of 5 grams per day. However, even that was enough to get good results.
Ineffective fat burners

And now, in our review of drugs for burning fat in bodybuilding, we will mention drugs with which great hopes were pinned. However, they were not destined to come true.
At one time, there was a lot of talk about the high properties of the fat burner Chromium Picolinate. But rather quickly, in the course of experiments, in which athletes also took part, its ineffectiveness was proved.
The situation is similar with Hydroxycitrate. This substance is obtained from the extract of Garcinia Cambodia. In the course of the research in the participants of the experiments, no changes in weight were recorded. We can safely talk about the ineffectiveness of the drug.
There was a lot of talk and Carnitine, which today is a fairly popular dietary supplement. But only a substance synthesized in the body has fat burning properties.
Vanadyl sulfate belongs to the group of vanadium compounds. Scientists have found that these substances can increase the body's insulin sensitivity. For this reason, many have pinned high hopes on the use of the drug as a fat burner. Unfortunately, these hopes were not met. It should also be noted that at high doses, Vanadyl Sulfate can become a toxin, negatively affecting the kidneys and liver.
For more information on fat burner drugs that are used in bodybuilding, see this video: