6 most dangerous drugs in the world of bodybuilding

6 most dangerous drugs in the world of bodybuilding
6 most dangerous drugs in the world of bodybuilding

Find out which steroids and sports drugs are considered the most dangerous in the world of iron sports. And why do newbies need to be wary of the deadly - six AU? Today, bodybuilders use a wide variety of pharmaceuticals to enhance athletic performance. Some of them cannot harm the body if used correctly. At the same time, there are quite dangerous drugs that are dangerous. Today we will tell you about the 6 most dangerous drugs in the bodybuilding world.

Drug number 1: DNP (Dinitrophenol)

DNP (Dinitrophenol) Tablets
DNP (Dinitrophenol) Tablets

Surely many athletes have heard of such a powerful fat burner as Dinitrophenol. This substance is yellow, and today it is actively used in various industries. During the Second World War, it was also used to make explosives.

It was discovered quite a long time ago that when working with this substance, a person quickly loses body weight and the temperature rises. It should be admitted that at the moment the danger of Dinitrophenol for the body has been poorly studied, but quite a few lethal cases have been recorded, of which he became the culprit.

The substance is capable of inhibiting ATP molecules. As you know, ATP is one of the energy sources and is produced from adenosine diphosphate. Dinitrophenol is able to slow down this process, which is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat. This is what causes the increase in metabolic rate and loss of body weight.

Drug number 2: Insulin

A man draws insulin from an ampoule with a syringe
A man draws insulin from an ampoule with a syringe

Insulin is a powerful anabolic hormone that has been used in bodybuilding for decades. Thanks to this substance, the process of converting glucose into glycogen is accelerated. In addition, the transport role of Insulin should be noted. It is he who delivers nutrients to tissue cells.

Insulin has the ability to speed up the production of other hormones. Which is also very useful for athletes. Thanks to Insulin, the rate of IGF, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones increases. As you know, the last two are regulators of the synthesis of the male hormone. It should be recognized that Insulin can be a very effective tool for enhancing athletic performance, but at the same time, it can be deadly.

To date, there are many schemes for the use of the drug by athletes. However, there is always a chance to get into a state of hypoglycemia, which can be fatal. Although Insulin has been used by athletes for a long time, you should always remember about its dangers and use it very carefully.

Preparation number 3: Check-drops (Miboleron)

Tableted Miboleron
Tableted Miboleron

Perhaps, domestic athletes have not heard of this steroid. It was created for use in veterinary medicine and, as is often the case, very quickly became used by bodybuilders. This steroid significantly increases aggression, which can be used by athletes during competition.

It can also be used to increase the intensity of training. The drug begins to work already half an hour after administration. Mibolerone is more effective than all existing pre-workout complexes, but at the same time, with constant use, it can be very dangerous. First of all, it poses a threat to the liver. Like all tableted steroids, Check Drops undergoes alkylation, but its destructive effect on liver cells is much more powerful than all other AAS. There are known cases of serious violations in the work of this organ as early as 14 after constant use of the drug in low doses. It has high rates of anabolic and androgenic activity in comparison with the male hormone, but due to the increased danger it cannot be used for a long time. This makes it impossible to use Mibolerone for mass gain.

Drug number 4: Halotestin

Tablet Halotestin
Tablet Halotestin

This drug has a high androgenic effect and is not able to convert to estradiol. For this reason, during its use, side effects associated with a high concentration of estrogen cannot appear. Its anabolic properties are noticeably lower than androgenic and this makes it very popular in those sports disciplines where high strength performance is primarily required.

Halotestin poses the greatest danger to the liver. This fact limits the number of people willing to use it. However, it should be noted that the drug is very effective for increasing strength performance and giving the muscles additional hardness. It is best to try to avoid using this steroid and use safer ones.

Preparation number 5: EPO

Tableted EPO
Tableted EPO

This drug is relatively rarely used by bodybuilders, although such cases do occur. EPO is very effective in accelerating the production of red blood cells, which leads to a significant increase in the athlete's endurance. It is most often used by athletes for whom this physical indicator plays a major role, say, in cycling.

With a large number of red blood cells in the blood, tissue nutrition improves, but at the same time, the blood becomes thicker and the risk of blood clots increases. In addition, the body undergoes severe dehydration, which is also very dangerous.

Drug number 6: Oxymetholone

Oxymetholone tablets
Oxymetholone tablets

This drug is widely used by bodybuilders. Athletes are aware of the ability of Oxymetholone to increase muscle strength and volume. In this case, a sharp increase in the concentration of female hormones is possible, which can lead to the occurrence of corresponding side effects.

The steroid is available in tablet form and is alkylated. This suggests that it can be very dangerous for the liver. He cannot compare in this with Halotestin or Check-drops, but it is worth remembering about the possible consequences of using Oxymetholone. If the drug is used for no more than six weeks, then the liver is restored without much difficulty. In this case, the dose of the drug should not exceed 0.1 grams of daily use.

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