Master classes tell you how to make a ball for a Christmas tree at home and new volumetric paper snowflakes. 75 step-by-step photos will help you master knowledge. The room, beautifully decorated for the New Year, creates a festive mood. See how you can decorate windows using simple tools. Toothpaste, napkins will make them elegant, fabulous.
DIY Christmas window decoration

It seems as if these ballerinas are moving in a light dance. Making them is quite simple, for this you need the following:
- White paper;
- light cardboard;
- white napkins;
- scissors;
- simple pencil.
First, draw the patterns of the ballerinas on cardboard. You can transfer them from the monitor to the sheet by attaching the paper to the screen.

If you first drew a dense template on cardboard, you need to cut out the figures, attach them to white paper, outline. Use scissors to cut the ballerinas out of this material.

To make a skirt, you need to fold the napkin, make zigzag cutouts on the right, semicircular cuts on the left, cut off the upper corner, round the bottom of the workpiece.

The resulting skirt must be put on the ballerina, and other dancers must also be dressed up.

To decorate the windows for the New Year, you can pin the ballerinas to a transparent tulle or glue the back of the figures along a thread folded in half, hang them by these loops. But then it is better to make girls out of cardboard. If you want to glue ballerinas to glass, then cut them out of paper.
New Year's window decoration can be very original if you make drawings with toothpaste. After the holiday, it is easily washed off.

To reproduce such art, you will need:
- white toothpaste;
- Scotch;
- sponge;
- cardboard stencils;
- saucer;
- wand;
- brush.
It is very convenient to use a children's rubber mat when creating drawings. To do this, you need to attach a cardboard stencil to it, then cut it out. You can use a stencil for sprinkling cakes.

To make a kind of brush, tightly roll the sponge, rewind with tape in the middle.

Squeeze the paste out on a saucer, dipping the tip of the sponge into the white mass, and paint a spruce branch on the window with dabbing movements.

Let the sketch dry a little, then draw the needles and twigs with a stick.

Attach a stencil to the drawing, draw Christmas tree decorations. When this sketch is also a little dry, use a stick to draw small details.

See what else could be the New Year's window decoration in the nursery or in the living room. For this we use the same toothpaste.

Here's what you need to create beautiful art:
- paper;
- scissors;
- Scotch;
- Toothpaste;
- a bowl;
- water;
- Toothbrush;
- rag.
Draw a snowflake on paper, cut it out, attach it to the glass with tape or in another way, moistened with water, glue this template to the window. Blot off excess liquid. In a bowl, combine the toothpaste with water. Dip a toothbrush into this solution, bring it to the window, spray the mixture, moving the bristles back.

After the solution is completely dry, peel off the snowflake and admire the beauty that you get.

Decorative stickers look beautiful on mirrors, windows. And you don't have to buy them, you can do it yourself.

To make such figurines, take:
- transparent files;
- stencils;
- a syringe without a needle;
- PVA glue;
- brush.
Place the stencils inside the transparent files. Type PVA into a syringe, apply it in a thick layer directly to the transparent film along the lines of the stencil.

Leave the work to dry completely. This will make the glue pattern transparent. If some lines or strokes do not suit you, at this stage you can trim them with small scissors. Remove the pattern from the stencil, glue to the glass.

If you have a glue gun, then New Year's window decoration could be like this.

Also place the stencil in a transparent file. While extruding the silicone from the glue gun, apply the pattern along the lines of the template. When the snowflakes are frozen, you can attach them to the windows.
Cutting patterns out of paper will give you puckered holes. They also help decorate windows for the New Year.

How to make Christmas balls at home?
If you want to make it in just 10 minutes, then take on an interesting idea. If you have old balls, you will quickly convert them. To do this, you will also need colored napkins or paper, satin ribbons. Put the ball in the center of the napkin, lift its corners up, tie with a ribbon. Make a loop from this braid, hang the toy on the tree.

Here's how to make a Christmas ball in a different way. It will require:
- PVA glue;
- threads;
- small balloons;
- sequins;
- pin;
- a bowl.
Pour warm water and glue into the container in a ratio of 2 to 1, mix, pour glitter here. Inflate the ball by lowering the thread into the container, wrap the ball with it.

When the threads are completely dry, pierce the ball with a pin or needle, remove it. Tie a satin ribbon on the resulting toy and you can hang the Christmas ball on the tree.

If you have transparent balls, you can decorate them in a very interesting way.

To achieve this effect, you only need three things:
- transparent balls;
- toilet paper roll;
- dye.
Remove the metal fasteners from the ball, drip a little paint of one color inside, then another. At this time, it is convenient to position the ball on the sleeve. Rotate it in different directions to achieve the desired effect. Place a napkin or a sheet of paper under the sleeve, turn the ball over so that excess glass paint. Then return it to its original position, let the paint dry.

If you want to know how to make a New Year's ball so that there is a kind of melted snowman inside it, then take:
- transparent ball;
- salt;
- peppercorns;
- some polymer clay or orange plasticine;
- small knitted scarf or fabric ribbon.

Remove the top of the ball, place it on the glass. Place a funnel on top, pour salt through it. Put the peppercorns, orange plasticine nose. If you make it from polymer clay, then you need to dry this workpiece in air or in an oven at 230 ° for half an hour (the hardening method is written on the packaging for the material).

Put a small scarf inside the ball, reattach the metal part, and then it's time to hang a beautiful craft on the tree.
You can make silver balls from transparent plastic or glass balls, then you will need more paint in a spray can of this color.
Spray some water on the inside of the ball, then coat this surface with silver paint from a spray bottle. Use cotton swabs to wipe off the water droplets, lightly smearing the paint.

If you want, you can dilute the gold acrylic paint with water, pour a small amount into a ball, lightly smear with a cotton swab.

When the products are dry, you can decorate the room with them by hanging a window on a Christmas tree.

If you want to know how to make a paper ball for the New Year, then with your own hands you will need to prepare for work:
- marker;
- newspapers;
- PVA glue;
- masking tape;
- old Christmas tree toys or foam balls;
- stationery putty;
- scissors;
- threads.
If you are using a foam ball, then roll a loop out of the rope, glue it here with masking tape. Tear or cut the newspaper into approximately equal pieces, glue the ball with them in several layers. When the workpiece is dry, on one side, cover it with clerical putty, let it dry. Write a kind word on this white piece or draw the face of a beast.

DIY volumetric paper snowflakes
Decorations in the form of flat snowflakes cut from sheets have already become familiar, these are usually glued to windows. Watch a master class, from which you will learn how to make voluminous snowflakes for the New Year, which can be hung on a Christmas tree, on a window, or along a wall.

For such a winter attribute, you need:
- a sheet of white paper - A4 format;
- ruler;
- stationery knife;
- steepler;
- PVA glue.
Applying a ruler to a sheet of paper, cut off strips half a centimeter wide from it with a clerical knife. For one snowflake, you need 20 of them.

Place 5 paper ribbons horizontally, weave 5 other ribbons vertically in them, in a checkerboard pattern like a basket. Glue the intersections of the paper strips.

Make another exactly the same workpiece, put it on the second with such a cross.

Lift the two outermost strips of the bottom piece, staple them to the top middle paper tape of the second piece.

Now, in the same way, attach to this middle strip the two following from the bottom blank.

Also, you will decorate all the rays of the snowflake.

Attach a paper loop to the topmost one so that you can hang such voluminous snowflakes on the Christmas tree for the New Year.

And here is another version of a similar product.

For him you will need:
- two white A4 sheets;
- scissors;
- steepler;
- glue.
From rectangular sheets you will need to make square ones. To do this, one side is superimposed on the other diagonally, the excess sidewall is cut off. Now each of these sheets needs to be folded again in the same way diagonally, and then a second time.

Let's take the first piece. Cut off the excess as in the next photo.

The remaining part must be cut from one side and the other in semicircular turns.

Expand this blank, straighten the petals.

Lift the center ones, tuck them, glue the tips to the core, or secure them with a stapler.

In the same way, arrange the second blank of paper that you folded at the beginning of this master class. Attach this piece to the wrong side of the first one so that the bulging cores are on one side and on the other. Connect the snowflakes in the center with a stapler.

Volumetric paper snowflakes are fabulous and mysterious. Doing them with your own hands is very exciting. The next one consists of several identical parts.

To make a similar snowflake, take:
- white sheets of paper;
- scissors;
- steepler;
- thin tape;
- satin ribbon.
You will need 6 sheets of A4 paper. Each needs to be collapsed to make a square out of a rectangle, cut off the excess. As in the previous workshop, fold each sheet twice diagonally.
On the resulting triangle, you need to make cuts from one side, a little short of the second opposite.

Expand this triangle to make a square.

Fold the two center notches to form a cylinder. Connect this structure with a small piece of tape.

Turn this workpiece over to the reverse side, and already here, in the same way, combine the other two cuts.

Turn this piece over again, glue the next two cuts. In this way, complete this entire square.

Make five more of these elements. Now they need to be combined, fastening them on the sides, first from the bottom, and then from the top, using a stapler.

Tie a ribbon to a snowflake, hang it.

Of course, there are many options for making such New Year's paraphernalia. It is impossible to tell about all of them, but you will get acquainted with one more idea right now. Learn how to make 3D snowflakes for the New Year.

This is the kind of beauty that comes out as a result. Cut 10 squares from paper with sides of 10 cm. Let's start with the first. Fold it in half, then in half again to make a small square.

Now bend this workpiece diagonally, you get a small triangle.

Draw such strange lines on it, you will soon find out what beauty they will help to create.

Cut the blank along them, unfold the snowflake, you see how delicious it turns out.

Make 5 more of the same parts, fasten them in the corners with a stippler.

In the same way, make a second piece from the same 5 small snowflakes. Now connect these blanks, fix them in the corners with a stippler, you get such a wonderful snowflake.

You can make voluminous snowflakes for the New Year not only from paper, but also from fabric.

For such work you will need:
- felt in two colors;
- ruler;
- threads;
- scissors;
- marker;
- round item for the template.
Attach a saucer or cup to one and the second piece of felt, cut two circles out of them, as well as a narrow ribbon, to then make a loop out of it.

Draw a cobweb pattern on one circle.

Sew the ribbon in the form of a loop to the top of the second, attach a circle with a printed pattern to it. On your hands or on a sewing machine, make large and small seams according to the basting.

Step back a little from these lines, cut off the excess fabric, you will get such wonderful snowflakes.

Now you can decorate windows in New Year's style, make Christmas tree toys with your own hands, make new volumetric snowflakes out of paper. This knowledge can be applied when decorating a kindergarten group, school, office, home. A festive atmosphere will greet you already at the entrance to such premises, and a wonderful mood of waiting for the New Year's miracle is guaranteed.
If you want to see with your own eyes how to make voluminous snowflakes with your own hands so that such beauty surrounds you on New Year's, then look at one of the ways to make this winter attribute.

You can make balls on the Christmas tree by using not only the master classes of this article, but also by watching the following video. It sanctifies another idea of this fascinating process.