Features and options for window decoration for the New Year. Snowflakes, figurines, drawings on glass, various garlands, toys on clothespins, other ways to decorate windows.
Window decor for the New Year is not a mandatory, but a desirable attribute of the holiday. We often neglect it. The window opening is closed most of the day with a thick curtain, and therefore what is the point of spending your imagination and time decorating it? As a rule, those who are not used to giving joy to someone other than themselves think so. Now imagine a different picture: everyone decided to decorate the windows for the New Year with their own hands. After all, it's true, beauty, when you walk down the street, you raise your eyes to the house, and there is something unusual in every window. Therefore, if you have time, do not be lazy and come up with something original.
Features of decorating windows for the New Year

It depends on the region where you live. In Siberia and even farther north, where winter is a lot of snow and graceful frosty patterns on window panes, it is hardly worth trying to replace natural beauty with man-made ones. Although here whoever wishes. If you want to add man-made beauty to natural beauty, go for it.
But in the southern regions, where New Year's weather is a rarity and on the night of December 31 to January 1, it often rains instead of snow, ideas on how to decorate the windows for the New Year will come in handy. Snowflakes and winter landscapes painted on glass will allow you to feel the spirit of the holiday.
If you don't want to paint the windows, and then don't want to wash them for a long time and tediously, then use other methods of decoration: garlands of tinsel or electric ones, bouquets of pine or spruce branches, combined decorations from cones and unbreakable Christmas balls. In short, fantasize!
But first, let's decide what the Rat loves. This animal is the 2020 totem. It is funny, smart, affectionate, and also loves to eat and all kinds of shiny trinkets. The rat will love any jewelry made with a soul.
DIY window decor options for the New Year:
- Snowflakes … Does it seem trite and uninteresting? And that's not true. Create your own unique snowflakes. Just practice cutting paper figures. It will be great if you involve your children in this work. After all, the New Year is a family holiday, so start decorating your home together.
- New Year and Christmas figurines … They are also cut out of paper, but first you need to mark on the ground, more precisely on the window glass, in order to arrange them correctly.
- Drawings on glass … For these purposes, chalk markers or special white-silver or white-gold water-washable paint in spray cans are used.
- Patterns or real paintings in watercolor or gouache … This can only be done by someone who knows how to draw well, although why not experiment, suddenly there is an artist in the depths of you.
- Garlands … There are many different ideas here. Everyone can come up with something original, if only the fantasy does not disappoint. Not only electric, but also home-made garlands made of colored or corrugated paper are popular. Lampshades will help to turn an ordinary garland into an unusual one, if they are fancifully placed on the wall along the perimeter of the window.
- Cones, balls, branches, ribbons, tinsel … Imagine how to decorate windows with them in an original way for the New Year.
- Clothespin toys … Birds, butterflies and other toys will help decorate the curtains and walls around the window.
- Colored 2D and 3D stickers … You can create your own winter-themed picture in just a couple of hours.
- Live conifers on the window … Expensive, but impressive, looks beautiful, and smells like.
- Assorted chocolates, tangerine, apples and cinnamon sticks … It will complement any window decoration option and fill the room with New Year's aromas.
Now let's look at each of the options in more detail.
Snowflakes for New Year's window decor

Traditional, simplest decoration. Children and adults made snowflakes 50 years ago, and they continue to do this today. Sheets from an ordinary notebook, and thick napkins, and beautiful soft paper of milky, snow-white or pale blue color are suitable for manufacturing.
You can decorate windows with snowflakes for the New Year in different ways:
- stick to glass with water and soap;
- string several pieces of different diameters on strong thin threads and hang like a curtain.
Both look beautiful.
New Year and Christmas figurines

They are called vytynanki and are also made of paper. Traditional New Year and Christmas figures - Christmas trees, deer, angels, stars. If your imagination is rich, you can come up with a whole city, only it takes a lot of time, which not everyone has. The stores sell ready-made templates. All that remains is to transfer them to thick white paper and carefully cut.
Before decorating the windows for the New Year 2020 with protruding holes, wash the glass on both sides. After that, rub the back of the figures with a piece of soap soaked in water and gently attach to the glass, trying not to wrinkle.
Drawings on glasses for the New Year

Do you know how you can decorate windows for the New Year inexpensive and at the same time unusual? Buy chalk markers. They are not only white, but also colored. To make the pattern look beautiful, you need to have at least minimal drawing skills.
Another option is to use cans of artificial white-gold or white-silver snow. You can draw them like graffiti. And if you also have artistic skills, then it is easy to create a picture of indescribable beauty. Everyone can draw a snow-covered spruce paw.
Add colored chalk markers to the artificial snow from a spray can: draw with them Christmas tree decorations (balls, cones, icicles) hanging on the branches, and the festive drawing on the glass is ready.
You can finish the work by placing a simple electric garland around the perimeter of the window glass, securing it with transparent tape.
If you don't know how to draw at all, make stencils on the windows for the New Year. You can download them on the Internet or search in stores that sell DIY materials. There is usually anything here - from the simplest snowflakes to rather complex paintings. Carefully attach the stencils to the glass and paint over the slots with a marker. Let the drawing dry. Now the stencil can be removed, the picture is ready.
Paintings in gouache or watercolors on glass as a way of decoration are suitable only for those who like to paint. Otherwise, the whole district will behold the daub. A good option is to order a similar service from an art workshop. The artist can create a picture with a perspective on your window: a snow-covered forest with a road stretching into the distance, along which a troika harnessed to a sleigh rushes, or bullfinches sitting on branches covered with frost, and such that you will constantly confuse them with real ones.
What appears on the glass depends only on your wishes and willingness to pay the master for the work, but it is not cheap.
Christmas garlands for windows

Electric garlands are a simple and beautiful way to decorate window glass. An elementary figure is a herringbone.
How to do it:
- Find the center of the garland - this will be the crown. Secure it to the window pane with clear tape.
- Next, take the halves of the garland to the sides - this is the upper tier of the Christmas tree. These legs should be short. Secure in the same way with tape.
- Repeat the steps until you reach the bottom - there will be the longest "paws", and bring the tail of the garland with a plug to the outlet.
For this decoration, take a long garland. This will make it easy to compose a figure and not rack your brains over how to carve out another 10-20 centimeters so that the wires are enough to reach the outlet.
There are many options for decorating the window with garlands. Stretched "mesh" or "paths" from multi-colored LED-cords running from top to bottom look beautiful. From the latter, you can also make a Christmas tree on glass, and it will look much more spectacular than from an ordinary garland with separate bulbs.
Experiment, combine, create your own shapes. Preparing for the holiday is always pleasant and uplifting.
Before decorating the window with a garland for the New Year, check its operation, and also make sure that there is nothing flammable nearby. It is imperative to do this, because most of the day we do not look here. This will avoid unforeseen ignition and emergency situations, which are not uncommon for the New Year.
If you do not know how to beautifully decorate a window for the New Year, remember your childhood, when you had to do a lot yourself. Huge volumetric stars, balls made of honeycombs, Chinese lanterns and much more - all this was done with our own hands, then carefully hung on tinsel, and a unique, unlike anything garland was obtained.
The fastest thing to do if time is running out - an accordion:
- Buy multiple rolls of crepe craft paper. Cut the strip to the full length of the roll. Choose the width yourself. It depends on what kind of garland you want to get - wide or narrow.
- Roll the cut piece along the long side, but do not bend it too much, otherwise it will turn out ugly.
- Now make cuts first on one side at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other to a depth almost to the middle of the strip, then on the other - you should get exactly in the middle between the other two cuts.
- Stretch the garland gently and secure it along the top of the window opening on the wall. You can also hang it on the sides: here it will stretch itself under its own weight.
Interesting! Buy the simplest garland with colored halogen bulbs and make a homemade shade from translucent corrugated paper for each of them. It can be either deaf or carved. The second option is very beautiful - such a garland casts curly shadows. It looks mysterious and bewitching.
Other window decor options for the New Year

Before decorating the windows for the New Year, think about what you already have at hand:
- Cones, branches, balls, tinsel … As a rule, everyone has ribbons, tinsel and Christmas tree decorations. It remains to get the cones, although you can easily do without them, and spruce or pine branches - they are sold a few weeks before the New Year in the same place as the Christmas trees with pines. The garland can be made monumental. To do this, you need a base - a good pine plank, strong and long enough so that you can fasten the branches on it with nails, and make loops on the back for a convenient location above the window. Place the board on the floor and at first just arrange the branches as you like. Evaluate the result. If you like, then fasten with nails and hang a garland of branches over the window. It remains to decorate it with toys, tinsel or ribbons. Fasten the cones at the ends of the branches with dark threads or "plant" them on instant glue. The first option is better. The cones can be removed and used for crafts next New Year.
- Birds, butterflies and other toys on clothespins … New Year's toys appear in most supermarkets already in November. In addition to traditional balls and other things hanging on the Christmas tree, these are various figures on clothespins - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, a snowman, various animals, for example, squirrels, chipmunks, bunnies, and birds (bullfinches, tits, jays). You can often see exquisite butterflies. You cannot attach them to the glass, but you can easily arrange them beautifully around the window opening. To do this, it is enough to fix a strong pin on the wall and slightly bend the end with the ball towards you: the place where you can fasten the clothespin is ready. Another option is to artistically place tinsel around the window and use it as a place for attaching toys. It turns out very beautiful and unusual. Another option: weave one variegated and thick tinsel from several different ribbons, arrange it beautifully around the window opening, rolling it into rings, and plant birds or animals on them.
- Colored 2D and 3D stickers … The first are ordinary drawings. 3D stickers, in addition to a flat picture, include another one, which is glued over it with a slight shift using double-sided thick adhesive tape and shimmers under different lighting angles. On sale you can find blocks with flowers, butterflies, New Year's attributes and even large pictures with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. To compose the desired plot, roughly break the glass into sectors and think about which figure will be located where. Buy the required number of blocks in the store and give yourself up to creativity at home. These stickers are easily removed. In principle, they can be reused next year, but they are inexpensive, so there is no point in such savings.
- Live conifers on the window … This is an expensive pleasure. Before buying a mini herringbone, tiny thuja or juniper, ask how to care for the plant. Due to hot batteries, the air on the windowsill is very dry, which will adversely affect the needles. But it's worth the risk anyway. If you decorate a living tree with mini-balls, it will look very beautiful. Well, plus, not a single artificial tree can be compared with a living one, which smells wonderful pine needles. As soon as the holiday is over, transfer the ephedra to a cool place, and in the spring, when the return frosts have passed, plant it in the garden or in the country.
- Fruit and candy assorted … What a New Year without sweets, nuts and tangerines. Now we buy gingerbread cookies in the Western way and put cinnamon sticks in a bowl of fruit. All this fills the air in the room with the aroma of a holiday. Place the vases on the windowsills and let them stand until Christmas. Well, do not forget to replenish them as you eat them. By the way, if you have decorated the wall around the window with fir or pine branches, hang sweets, nuts in gold or silver foil and gingerbread on them. When families with children come to visit you, let them take it all off and eat it. The result will be an impromptu competition: who will get this or that treat and who will get the most.
How to decorate windows for the New Year - watch the video:

Window decor for the New Year 2020 allows you to create a festive atmosphere with minimal cost. Don't miss this opportunity. Do this with your children. It is no coincidence that New Year has always been considered and is considered a family holiday.