Surely many people want to have a tree of happiness at home. In the master classes, we will tell you how to make a topiary from napkins, coffee beans and corrugated paper. What kind of handicraft does not exist! If you want to make your home even more comfortable, consider topiary. This type of creativity will help to make amazing decorative trees from the most unexpected materials.
It is believed that topiary is a tree of happiness. Such a gift will be appropriate for any holiday. For the New Year, you can make a tree and decorate it with tinsel and garlands. It would be nice on Valentine's Day to give the other half a topiary on which hearts and valentines "grow". The tree presented below will never wither, and such a gift will delight for a long time the one to whom you present it or will become another attribute of the comfort of your home.
Corrugated Paper Happiness Tree

To create such a delicate graceful tree, you will need the following materials:
- pink and green corrugated paper;
- foam ball;
- PVA glue;
- wooden stick;
- scissors;
- spray paint;
- satin ribbon;
- decorative moss;
- floristic sponge;
- flower pot or planter.

To make roses from corrugated paper, cut them into strips 24 cm long and 3-4 cm wide.

The size of the paper bands can be different. It all depends on what size you plan to make the composition and flowers. Now fold the large edge of the paper strip about a third of its width.

Starting on the small side, twist the workpiece as shown in the photo.

At the same time, twist the lower edge of the tape more tightly, and the upper, bent, slightly weaker. Then it will be seen that the rose petals are blooming.

Use PVA to glue the flower to the top of the ball. In the same way, you need to make other roses from corrugated paper and attach them to the base.

Try to glue the flowers as close to each other as possible. Decorate the entire styrofoam sphere this way.
If you don't have a foam ball, replace it with a plastic one. You can twist the paper, tie it with string to get a round shape, and use such a base.

This is what you should get after all the flowers are glued. If you want the pink color to set off the leaves, make them from green corrugated paper, but the stripes should be shorter and slightly narrower than the ribbons for roses.
We continue to create corrugated paper topiary. Cutting the floristic sponge to fit the diameter of the planter, put it inside the pot.

Pre-paint the wooden stick, let it dry. Stick this blank with one side into the ball, and the other into the sponge, fix in these places with glue so that the structure holds better.

Hide the sponge under a small layer of decorative moss, tie a satin bow to the strip, and then you will have a beautiful corrugated paper topiary.

Such a tree can be made by a child under the strict guidance of dad and presented to mom and grandmother on March 8. This creation will decorate the festive table. If you make several of these trees, they will perfectly fit into the interior of the room where a wedding is celebrated or a fun party is taking place.
To harmonize the roses with the environment, you can make them from corrugated paper of another suitable color.
How to make corrugated paper roses?
In order to decorate our tree in this way, we will twist roses for it with a knitting needle. Right now you will learn how to make such flowers with your own hands and decorate a topiary with them.
For needlework, you must have:
- paper napkins;
- knitting needle;
- scissors;
- spool of thread;
- glue gun or Titan glue;
- wand;
- corrugated paper.
To make paper flowers, unfold the napkin. They are sold folded in four. Cut along the folds so that from one you get 4 squares.

Buy the cheapest and easiest single wipes. And you can not only save money, but also make flowers, the blanks for which are perfectly draped. Place the first square on the table, and on one side, which is closer to you, a knitting needle. With a movement away from you, start winding a napkin on it, not reaching the edge opposite 3–4 cm.

Slide the opposite ends of the resulting roller towards each other, and then carefully remove the napkin from the knitting needle.

Now, starting from one edge, roll this blank into a roller. In this case, the roller should be at the top, and the free, not wound side, at the bottom. Attach exactly the same second blank to this one and continue to twist the corrugated paper rose in a spiral.
Depending on how luxuriant you are planning to make the flower, you will need 3-5 blanks, from which you will make one rose.

This is how beautiful the paper flower turned out.

Tie it up with a thread from below, and cut off its "tail".

To make topiary leaves, place 2 green napkins obliquely one on top of the other, as shown in the photo.

Crumple them in the form of a bag, tie at the bottom with a thread.

Create a lush tree from flowers
Now we need to collect topiary from blanks and other materials. This can be done as with corrugated paper wood. For the basis of this, wrapping paper is quite suitable. It must be crumpled in the form of a ball, tied with twine. All sorts of office drafts, unnecessary papers will do. The main thing is to give the workpiece a round shape by aligning it. Then glue napkins on top and let the ball dry.

Now stick the leaves and flowers on the resulting blank.
Well, you read above how to attach a stick to an already decorated ball, put it in a pot.
A floral or ordinary sponge can be draped not only with decorative moss, but also with such small bags made of green napkins. To do this, they are folded obliquely and the corner is fastened with a stapler. This is what a wonderful creative result is at the end of the work.

Other options for corrugated paper roses
If you want fluffier flowers, check out another way to create a napkin topiary.
For this process, you need the following equipment and materials:
- napkins of the desired color;
- scissors;
- a small sheet of cardboard;
- stapler;
- glue.
To make flowers, fold the napkin in half 2 times and secure in the middle with a stapler. Cut a round template out of cardboard, place it on a folded napkin, and cut it to fit.
Crumple the top layer of the napkin at the base. Then, the second and subsequent layers.
If you want to finish this work as soon as possible, then crush 2 layers at once. If you have a ball with a diameter of 20 cm, then you need to make 48 blanks from napkins to cover it all with flowers.

If you don't have a stick for a tree trunk, then you can make a paper topiary without one. In this case, simply put the round blank-ball in a flower pots or a basket made of newspapers.

Now, using a heat gun or glue, attach the flowers made by yourself to the ball. Start from the first bottom row, gradually working your way up. If you alternate roses like this, creating a topiary with your own hands (the next step-by-step photo demonstrates the process), then you will have an amazing flowering tree.

A basket or pot can be decorated with satin ribbons, and you will get such an amazing result.

DIY gift - heart of grains
Here is another example of how you can make your own topiary. The master class will explain every step of the handicraft process.

Such a topiary can be made and presented not only to your soulmate on Valentine's Day, but also presented to a dear person, a relative on February 23, on his birthday, a friend - on March 8.
To create such a fragrant coffee topiary, you will need:
- twine;
- brown satin ribbon;
- coffee beans;
- glue;
- cup and saucer;
- brown paint;
- alabaster or gypsum;
- thick brown threads;
- anise stars.
Cut the blank base for the heart out of polystyrene or make of polyurethane foam. You can also make it out of cardboard, newspapers, giving the desired shape. Now cover the heart with brown paint, let it dry. Then wrap the workpiece with brown thread, forming a loop at the top.

Glue 2 rows of grains on the sides of the heart, while they should be placed with the flat side down. Then fill in the middle in the same way.

To make the workpiece three-dimensional, not to show through the base, glue the second layer of grains on one and the other side with slots upwards. The final touch to this step is gluing the star anise in the center.

And then he tells how to make a do-it-yourself topiary master class. Take a piece of wire and wind its base around the leg of a table or chair. Bend as shown in the photo and wrap with twine, gluing each section of the rope to the wire.
Bend the end of the wire in larger turns, attach a heart of coffee beans here, putting it on the loop.

Pour alabaster or gypsum into a container, which you do not mind throwing away later, add water to get the consistency of sour cream. Place the lower part of the wire in the cup, fill it with the resulting mass, leave it to completely solidify, leveling the surface. When this happens, glue 2 layers of grains on top.

How to make a coffee tree with your own hands?
If you liked creating from such an interesting material, create another topiary from coffee beans. It is performed in almost the same way as the previous one, but the ball is taken as the basis.
Here's what you need to prepare before starting work:
- even coffee beans;
- ball with a diameter of 8 cm;
- flower pots or other suitable container;
- glue gun;
- a plastic tube with a length of 25, and a diameter of 1.2 cm (if not, use a piece of plastic pipe or a wooden stick;
- alabaster;
- nylon and satin ribbon;
- Double-sided tape;
- scissors;
- container for mixing the solution.
Use scissors to make a hole in the ball to match the diameter of the tree trunk. Glue the coffee beans to this area, trying to place them close to each other.

You can leave the ball like this, but it is better to glue the second row of grains to it, placing them in strips upward. Then a coffee tree made with your own hands will look more attractive and aesthetically pleasing. Here's what you should get at this stage.

Now wrap double-sided tape around the stick or tube, 3 cm short of both ends, and tape on top of it.

To measure how much water is needed for the solution, pour it into the container in which the coffee topiary will be located. Then pour it into a mixing bowl, add alabaster and stir well. The consistency of the solution will resemble thick sour cream.
Immediately transfer the resulting mass to a pot, place a tree of coffee beans in the center of it. When the solution hardens, glue on its surface first one, and then the second row of grains, in the same way as we did above - first with a strip down, and then, the second row with a strip up.

Apply glue to the top of the barrel and slide the hole of the round blank over it.

It remains to decorate the crown with anise stars, tie a bow, and the magnificent coffee tree is ready.

If you liked the lessons on making topiary, you want to see clearly how to make a coffee tree with your own hands with a crown in the shape of a heart or a ball, watch two videos. And the third will give inspiration, suggesting a lot of ideas to create a topiary from napkins: