Raising and caring for an American English Coonhound

Raising and caring for an American English Coonhound
Raising and caring for an American English Coonhound

External parameters of American English Coonhounds, temperament and health, how to educate and care for, organize meals and walks. Puppy price. The American English Coonhound or American English Coonhound is a breed bred in the United States of America. She is one of several varieties of Coonhounds, namely: Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, Black and Tan Coonhound, Bluetick Coonhound, English Coonhound, Plott Coonhound, Redbone Coonhound and Treeing Walker Coonhound … The species specializes in raccoon fishing, although they are equally capable of pursuing virtually any species of game found in North America, from rabbits to cougars.

This breed is rarely found in urban areas. Although only recently recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), it is actually probably the most common purebred dog in America. The species is regularly ranked in the top five breeds by the United Kennel Club (UKC). The American English Coonhound is more often referred to as "English Coonhound" and is also known by various names: "English Fox and Coonhound", "American English Fox Coonhound", "Redtick Coonhound", "English Coondog", "Redtick Coondog", "English Hound" "," Redtick Hound "," English ", and" Redtick ".

External parameters of the American English Coonhound

Appearance of the American English Coonhound
Appearance of the American English Coonhound

The variety of these dogs can be described as the "most typical" coonhound. It is a large breed, but certainly not gigantic. Male representatives usually have from 55, 88 to 68, 58 centimeters of shoulder height and weigh from 22, 68 to 29, 49 kilograms. The height of the female specimens is from 53, 34 to 63, 5 centimeters, and the weight is from 18, 15 to 24, 95 kilograms. The American english coonhound is a working dog and these traits should be maintained.

  1. Head similar to the head of other coonhound breeds. It is slightly domed and in proportion to body size.
  2. Muzzle elongated and rather wide, which allows you to acutely smell and have the bite force necessary to capture prey. The head and muzzle are connected to each other relatively smoothly, but at the same time, they remain clear. The lips are small enough to give the muzzle a square look. The dog has a significant amount of seemingly excess skin on its face and neck, although it will never look very wrinkled.
  3. Nose is quite large and usually black in color.
  4. Eyes - large, dark brown. Express kindness and tenderness.
  5. Ears - very long and wide. Usually hanging down the sides of the head, but may point slightly forward.
  6. Neck - strong, muscular, with a slight dewlap.
  7. Frame - well-chosen, square design, no exaggerated features. The American English Coonhound must be incredibly muscular, as befits one of the world's top dog athletes. The dog is very durable, not unnecessarily thickened.
  8. Tail - Medium in length and usually carried upright with a slight curve, but never directly over the back.
  9. Front limbs - long and strong. The hindquarters are muscular with prominent thighs.
  10. Paws - oval.
  11. Leather - slightly loose.
  12. Coat - varies from short to medium-short. The structure of the integumentary hair is hard and has protective functions.
  13. Coloration American English Coonhounds are the most variable of all Coonhounds. The AKC and UKC recognize redtick or bluetick, the speckled tricolor. Red, white and black and white are also acceptable colors, while the UKC favors white and lemon. Specks are very small colored spots that cover the coat of dogs. Occasionally, members of a species are born with alternative coloration or patterns, such as solid colored or tricolor without mottling. These dogs are not allowed in the show ring and should not be bred. But in other cases, they are as capable hunting dogs and excellent pets as other members of the breed.

American English Coonhound temperament

American English Coonhound lies
American English Coonhound lies

American english coonhound has the same temperament as hunting dogs. For the most part, these are loving and devoted to all "pets". It is known that such dogs intensively form close bonds with their owners, and also often treat them affectionately. They are equally strongly attached to both the owner and family members. Well-bred coonhounds are gentle and tolerant of children. Many representatives are very fond of the company of children (especially those who provide them with food), forming a close friendship with them.

Human aggression is viewed by breeders of the variety as completely unacceptable to many American English Coonhounds. This is reflected in the breed and the trained representatives are extremely "polite". Shyness is a flaw in some lines of the species, but not always. Many individuals are quite friendly and actively seek human companionship. Greeting pets in a non-standard way can be a problem. Without training, these dogs can jump on guests and lick their faces. Their voice sounds much louder than that of some other brethren. Due to the closed door, such a formidable barking can greatly scare the intruder. Nevertheless, these animals will be bad watchmen, since they value communication with people very much and will not even be attacked by the "intruder".

American English coonhound shows a low level of aggression towards his colleagues, as they were bred to work in large packs. Well-mannered representatives of the species recognize even "strange" brethren, and perfectly share their life with several canine neighbors. Some members of the breed, especially males, will be somewhat annoying and dominant when kept in a pack, so caution should always be exercised when introducing new dogs. Potential problems can arise with very small dogs, which the American English Coonhound is likely to mistake for prey.

The ability of the species to masterfully hunt favors a high level of aggressiveness towards animals. Almost all representatives of the species will catch up, catch and kill almost any animal that they meet on their way. One of these pets, left alone in the yard for some time, will almost certainly "make" its owner happy with surprises in the form of dead animals. If you teach and socialize breed individuals, then they are able to live peacefully next to pets. But nevertheless, you should not completely trust them, the working disposition can take its toll, and the neighbors will look for the missing beloved cat.

Health features of the American English Coonhound

American English Coonhound muzzle
American English Coonhound muzzle

The American english coonhound is considered a very healthy animal and is still bred as a working and hunting canine. Any hereditary disease interferes with the dog's ability to perform its duties, and therefore affected individuals are removed from the working lines as soon as they are detected. The species has extensive genetic material. Of course, representatives of the species get sick, but to a much lesser extent than some of their counterparts. The average lifespan percentage for a breed of this size is roughly 11-12 years.

Hip dysplasia is a known problem in American English Coonhounds, as well as in most purebred dogs. This condition is caused by a malformation of the hip joint that prevents the knee bone from joining properly with the hip. As the dog ages, this leads to discomfort, pain, arthritis, difficulty walking, and in severe cases, even lameness. Although hip dysplasia is genetically inherited, environmental factors can influence the timing and severity of its occurrence. Despite the lack of conventional cures for such an unpleasant flaw, there are a number of treatments available for its symptoms, most of which are long-term and costly. A number of tests have been developed to detect this disease, and responsible breeders use them to reduce the rate at which it occurs.

In order to identify such diseases before they make themselves felt, the owners of American English Coonhounds are advised to take their pets for checks in time to specialized medical centers for animals that reveal hereditary defects. So the dog can stay healthier in old age. "Defective" dogs will not be bred, which will improve the gene pool.

A complete list of health problems for the american english coonhound should include: hip and elbow dysplasia, ear infections, progressive retinal atrophy / PRA, cataracts, cracked paws, stomach bleeding.

Requirements for the maintenance and care of the American English Coonhound

American English Coonhound female with puppies
American English Coonhound female with puppies
  1. Wool representatives of the breed does not require constant attention and professional manipulation. Owners need to brush their pets regularly, especially during the moulting period, if they do not want to constantly vacuum the floor and clean household items in the house. Brushing a four-legged friend on the street is much easier than cleaning an apartment. For short-haired dogs, a rubber mitt or a brush with thick natural bristles is best. Usually the pet is combed out twice a week, and every day when the hairline is changed. In order for the "fur coat" to acquire a bright shine, at the end of the procedure, it is wiped with a piece of leather (natural suede). Coonhounds, as a rule, hardly collect dirt on their "coat", therefore they are rarely washed. It is important for such dogs to be able not only to choose the right cosmetics, but also to use them correctly. All shampoos have a strong concentration and if they are not diluted with water in a ratio of one to five, then the animal may develop dandruff. It is convenient to apply the detergent by pouring it into a spray bottle and spraying the pet's hair. Auxiliary "chemistry" must be completely washed off from the animal - its remains are extremely harmful. The dog dries naturally, but before that it is wiped off with a towel from excess moisture. The owners must ensure that there are no drafts in the room where the wet dog is.
  2. Teeth American English Coonhounds need cleaning if you want to keep them clean and healthy. When a pet consumes dry food, then such manipulation can be carried out less often, since solid particles help prevent plaque. For better cleaning of the dentition, you need to choose a high-quality paste and brush. The constant implementation of the procedure prevents the deposition of tartar, gum inflammation and bad odor from the mouth of the animal.
  3. Ears all lop-eared canines must be systematically cleaned of sulfur and dirt, the accumulation of which causes inflammation and infection. The simplest hygiene rules eliminate these problems, and the right preventive medications make cleaning easier. The procedure is carried out once a week.
  4. Eyes The American english coonhound is closely examined after the dog returns from the hunt. While catching an animal, the dog often does not notice small obstacles in its path. The eyeball can be injured by branches or thorns of a bush. The slightest suspicion of damage to the cornea of the eye is checked and treated by a veterinarian-ophthalmologist. If dust gets on the mucous membrane, then the dog's eyes are rubbed with the help of pharmacy products.
  5. Claws such mobile four-legged workers are often grinded down naturally. When the pet moves a little, for example, it gets sick, then the length of its claws must be eliminated with claws or a file.
  6. Feeding American English Coonhounds requires an individual approach. When the pet is used for hunting, the portions of food are made more than on normal days. The composition of the food is selected full-fledged, strengthened and balanced, so that the dog recovers the strength of the body. Working dogs are comprehensively selected supplements for the prevention of diseases of the joints, ligaments and bones, usually glucosamine, chondroitin and omega-3. Vitamins and trace elements are given separately if the pet eats natural food. Professional feed already contains everything you need, as specialists have worked on them. Natural food mainly consists of lean meat with a small addition of cereals. They also give fermented milk products and some vegetables.
  7. Walking. This breed is able to hunt for a long time and in difficult terrain. Because of this, dogs have relatively high physical demands. The American English Coonhound should train actively and daily for at least 45 minutes, and preferably significantly more. This dog is a great jogging companion, but prefers to use every opportunity to run off a leash. Pets work wonderfully in rural areas, and cannot adapt to living in an apartment. Without appropriate stress, such dogs will show destructiveness, voice redundancy, nervousness and increased activity. However, once the Coonhound is properly trained, the dog is calm and restrained in the house, will spend countless hours lying serenely on his bed.

American english coonhound are able to solve the tasks assigned to them very intellectually. They are physically incredibly gifted and are able to track down any odor that attracts attention. This combination of qualities contributes to the virtuoso shoots of the species. The dogs will find any possible way or come up with their own to escape. They can cross a six-foot fence and dig under one tunnel. Such fugitives are often found miles from home. Because of this, any fence that restrains one of these dogs must be very secure.

Raising an American English Coonhound

American English Coonhound Runs
American English Coonhound Runs

Like many hounds, these representatives of the breed are quite difficult for training lessons. Although these animals are very affectionate, they tend to be incredibly stubborn as well. The decision made by the American English Coonhound cannot be canceled and redirected. They are constantly trying to find a way to do something of their own, even when they are well trained.

In particular, this breed often hardly responds to the call of the owner. When the dog attacks the trail, it will follow it so purposefully, ignoring any calls to return. For this reason, this dog should always be kept on a leash in urban areas or near roadways. They tend to be highly food motivated and respond much better to reward-based learning methods.

Since the American English Coonhounds work primarily at night, breeders have selected individuals with the most pleasant sounding and loud voices so that the hunter knows their whereabouts. The sounds this breed makes are extremely frequent and incredibly loud (many of them can be clearly heard from a mile away), and if left unchecked, dogs can bark for hours on end. Training and exercise will significantly reduce barking, but of course not eliminate it at all, so these pets are not for the city.

American English Coonhound puppy price

American English Coonhound puppy
American English Coonhound puppy

The price for a puppy is from $ 500 to $ 1000. What a dog looks like, see the following video selection:
