Raising hands with dumbbells while standing and sitting

Raising hands with dumbbells while standing and sitting
Raising hands with dumbbells while standing and sitting

How to properly raise arms with dumbbells in a standing or sitting position to pump up your shoulders: execution technique and video with tips and a visual example of the exercise. Raising the arms while standing with dumbbells while standing or sitting is an exercise that should be included in the training list of exercises for the upper trapezoid and middle delta.

Every person dreams of a beautiful body. It is simply impossible to get it without physical training aimed at building muscles.

The deltoid muscle is the superficial muscle of the shoulder, which is responsible for its outer contour. The delta shape is divided into three parts - front, middle and back. It has long been no secret to anyone that the middle delta is the most responsible for the width of the shoulder girdle.

Raising hands with dumbbells in a standing position purposefully load the anterior and middle deltoid muscles. A small part of the work falls on the posterior bundle of the shoulders, trapezius and serratus anterior muscles.

Exercise simply must be performed by people who want to get a sports-developed physique. Isolated movements form the roundness of the shoulder girdle and visually expand it.

The layout effectively "outlines" the expressive separation between the delta beams and enhances their banding. And beautiful "appetizing" shoulders, in turn, give men self-confidence and improve women's posture.

Technique for raising arms in a standing position

Standing Dumbbell Raising Technique
Standing Dumbbell Raising Technique

It would seem that difficult: raise and lower your hands with dumbbells? However, it is very difficult to maintain the correct technique in the layout. The difficulty lies in the reality of assessing their capabilities. Athletes, especially beginners, not wanting to stand on ceremony with small weights, overload their muscles with heavy dumbbells from the start, which is why various unpleasant situations appear (cramps, sprains, dislocations, fractures).

It should be borne in mind that the exercise is isolated, unlike the base, where two or more joints work, only the middle beam of deltas is loaded in it. Consequently, it is worth increasing the weight of the weights with utmost caution and only after mastering all the rules of execution.

The nature of the loads allows you to train the shoulders for both beginners and experienced athletes of both sexes. After all, women as much as men need a beautiful athletic body. The weight should be such that you can perform at least 8 reps with it without cheating and deviations from the technique.

A prerequisite before starting the wiring is to do a high-quality warm-up of the rotator cuff muscles and a thorough stretching of the whole body. This will reduce the risk of injury to a minimum. Technique for performing hand raising with dumbbells:

  • Take dumbbells in each hand. Straighten your back, put your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your abs and back muscles tense throughout the entire set.
  • Straighten your arms with dumbbells, located on the sides of the body, slightly bend at the elbows and relax. Hold the shells so that your palms are "looking" at your feet.
  • Fix your head in a motionless position, direct your gaze in front of you.
  • Inhale and start slowly raising your arms with dumbbells to the sides (without jerking!) To a horizontal position. Strict verticality of lifting up in one plane should be traced, it is not necessary to take your arms forward or backward.
  • The shoulders are tense and motionless during lifting, all work is carried out by the strength of the muscles of the middle delta.
  • When you reach shoulder level, when your arms are parallel to the floor, stop and exhale. Hold at the top point for a couple of seconds to feel the maximum tension in the areas being worked out.
  • Smoothly lower your arms to the starting position and, without stopping, start the next approach.
  • Do the planned number of repetitions.

When lowering, your hands should remain tense and not touch your hips. Otherwise, during relaxation, the load on the muscles will fall and the exercise will not give the proper effectiveness.

So that the technique does not "limp" and unpleasant situations arise, it is worth realistically assessing your capabilities and not chasing large weights. Beginners are encouraged to take relatively light dumbbells and work to hone the correct technique to automatism.

Experienced athletes sometimes allow themselves to cheat in the form of back assistance when throwing dumbbells. This method is used when you want to finish off the muscles to complete failure (get the maximum possible fatigue).

Raising hands with dumbbells: general tips

Raising hands with dumbbells
Raising hands with dumbbells

Many modern trainers allow you to perform classic barbell and dumbbell exercises in simplified forms and in a safe environment. Standing dumbbell raises can be repeated on a block trainer. To do this, attach the handles to the cable at the lower blocks. Grasp them with a straight grip. Pull the crossed cable handles towards your hips and spread them apart. Complete the planned number of sets. The simulator allows you to bring the technique to automatism and then, with a sense of experience, switch to free weights.

Seated Dumbbell Raising
Seated Dumbbell Raising

For a change, you can sometimes perform hand raises with dumbbells in a sitting position (as shown in the photo above). To do this, you need to sit on the edge of the bench with your feet together and perform the same movements. This embodiment will reduce the possibility of cheating and the middle bundles of the shoulder girdle will feel some kind of variety in the load.

It is advisable to perform a standing dumbbell lift on the day of the upper body workout, somewhere in the middle of the workout. The effectiveness of the loads increases if the spread is preceded by a basic exercise for the shoulders (barbell press or dumbbell press). After breeding while standing, you can finally "kill" the muscles by breeding dumbbells in an incline.

Video about swinging dumbbells to the sides - his technique and advice (Denis Borisov):
