How to care for a cat's body? Video

How to care for a cat's body? Video
How to care for a cat's body? Video

Despite the fact that the cat is a very clean animal, it needs careful body care every day. Read about this in our article.

Ear care

If the cat often scratches its ears, then something is wrong with them. This may be due to a sign of cerumen or ear mites. If mites appear in the auricle, dark brown sulfurous deposits are formed. Therefore, it is better to isolate the cat from other animals until complete recovery.

You can remove mite contaminants with a cotton solution, having previously dipped it in an anti-mite solution or in liquid paraffin. Place a small amount of the solution in the cat's ear every day. During treatment, your pet should not shake its head to avoid spilling the medication. The cat's ears should be examined once a week and treated daily.

Eye care

In a healthy cat, discharge from the eyes is insignificant and you may not immediately notice it, since it is constant, clears them. If you notice a plentiful discharge, purulent, in the pet's eyes, then this may indicate her illness, including worms. In such cases, you should contact your veterinarian. Before going to the veterinary clinic, you can wipe the cat's eyes with a cotton swab dipped in a weak tea solution.

Dental care

If you notice that your pet has a discoloration of the teeth and gums, or bad breath, then all these symptoms indicate the presence of calculus on the teeth, so the pet should be taken to the veterinarian. In some cats, due to sick gums, it happens that their appetite disappears for several days. Therefore, try to check the mouth and teeth of the animal every week. To do this, tilt her head back with one hand, and with the other hand, open her mouth with your index finger.

Nail care

To wean a cat from scratching furniture, you need to find special devices, so the animal can sharpen and clean its claws about them. If you want to trim her claws, then you only need to shorten the tips of the claws. To do this, sit your pet on your lap with its back to you. Then take the cat's foot with one hand, squeezing it between your fingers so that the claws protrude forward. This way you can easily trim the claws with the tweezers or scissors in your other hand. The tip of each claw of a cat consists of dead tissue, so when shortening it does not feel pain. It should be remembered that when cutting the claw, you should not touch the pink inner part, there is a blood vessel and nerves that supply the claw with blood. It is not necessary to completely remove the claws. It is recommended to check the length of the claws once a month.

Cat hair care

Cat hair care
Cat hair care

Despite the fact that cats are clean animals, they need to be bathed as they become dirty, especially if the pet often goes out for a walk.

Naturally, long-haired cats most often require grooming. Therefore, for grooming the coat, you should use combs with sparse and frequent teeth, without sharp tips. First, the coat must be brushed with a wide-toothed comb. Further, the fallen hairs should be combed out with a comb with partial teeth. To comb the coat, you need to carefully, without applying any effort, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the cat.

If tangles have formed in the wool and do not unravel at the same time, then they can be cut with scissors. This method will not cause any inconvenience to the animal.

When combing wool, you bring cats not only aesthetic benefits, but also take care of their health. After all, when she licks herself, she swallows the hairs that accumulate in the stomach. Usually, the pet gets rid of them by vomiting, or the fur comes out with feces. But sometimes the hairballs clog the intestines of the animal and the intestines become clogged, which can lead to surgery. If you are going to flaunt your pet, then read on how to prepare your cat for a show.

Therefore, do not spare your time for your mustachioed striped pet and in return he will give you many joyful minutes for many years.
