In the article, we drew attention to the problem of the present - the ingrowth of hair into the skin. Have suggested several ways to fix this problem. Ingrown hairs are those that curl and grow back into the skin or those hairs that, for some reason, cannot grow out of the follicle. Such hair can be found on the part of the skin where the hair removal procedures are done. Their appearance is often accompanied by minor skin irritation. Therefore, you need to prevent this problem, because if you do nothing, it can lead to some kind of infection. Most often, the problem of ingrown hairs is faced by those people who have curly hair. It can also happen to anyone who shaves frequently.
As it turned out, the problem of ingrown hair can occur in both men and women. Usually ingrowth in women occurs after using an electric epilator. This happens because after each procedure the hair becomes much thinner, and it is more difficult for it to break through the skin upwards. Also, the reason may be that removing hair, for example, with wax or sugar, it is always done against hair growth. Thus, the direction of growth is violated and the hair grows in. But there are other reasons that lead to this problem. You will learn more about them below.
Hair Ingrown Causes

- very dense epidermal layer of the skin;
- damage to the hair canal during the epilation procedure;
- after epilation, a scar appeared in the hair canal;
- shaving against hair growth;
- use of blunt blades;
- wearing underwear with synthetic fibers, which is poorly breathable.
Hair Ingrown Preventive Measures

In order not to fight the ingrown hair later, it is best to prevent it. Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive measures.
- Before doing the procedure, the skin must be prepared. You can lie in a bath for a while with the addition of chamomile infusion.
- Then you need to apply a scrub to the body. This helps to get rid of dead skin particles.
- If you use a razor to remove hair, it is very important to keep it sharp. It is unnecessary to drive in the same place several times, this increases the likelihood of ingrowth. It is not necessary to hammer that after the procedure, it is imperative to moisturize the skin. Before using the electric epilator, you need to wash your skin and hands well to avoid infection.
It is recommended to remove hairs according to their growth. After the procedure, you cannot wet the body with water for one day, it will be enough to apply the cream after depilation. This procedure must be carried out every day for a week, and do not clog the use of moisturizers.
Ways to deal with ingrown hair

- You need to take half a glass of any salt, 2 tsp. orange juice and some kind of moisturizer. Mix everything thoroughly, and apply this mass to the skin. Rub with slow movements. After that, you need to take a cool shower, wipe off well and lubricate the skin with baby cream. This remedy helps pull out ingrown hairs and heals wounds.
- We take two aspirin tablets and dissolve them with water. This tool should be used to wipe the skin after the depilation procedure, it relieves irritation and prevents hairs from growing into the skin.
- Mix aspirin and glycerin with water until smooth. Apply this mixture to the ingrown hair and hold for about 2 hours. This method is used to draw out ingrown hairs better. They get wet and come out to the surface, and then they must be removed with the help of disinfected tweezers.
Today, ingrown hairs have become a problem. Many ways have been invented to eliminate it. But, if you did everything correctly, followed all the instructions, and the hair grows in further, then you need to consult a beautician on this issue. There may be a more serious reason why the hair is ingrowing. A specialist will be able to determine this and advise effective methods to eliminate the problem.
For more information on how to get rid of ingrown hairs, see here: