Exposing Energy Diet Products

Exposing Energy Diet Products
Exposing Energy Diet Products

Find out why you shouldn't buy the much-touted form of sports nutrition. The analyzes of this product shocked the world's sports experts. The main target audience of Energy Diet is women. And mainly that part of them that has little knowledge about proper nutrition and is used to trusting advertising. If you look at the reviews of these products, they are mostly negative. Now the manufacturing company is going to launch a new series of Energy Diet Pro, which has been actively criticized even before its appearance on the market. Note that Energy Diet has been on the domestic market for about six years. Let's take a look at the Energy Diet revelation.

Independent expert opinion on Energy Diet

Energy Diet logo
Energy Diet logo

To make our opinion as authoritative as possible, independent experts were involved in the study of the effectiveness of Energy Diet. Here is their opinion.

Most of the Energy Diet products contain refined powders made from food and undergone multi-stage purification. This led to the destruction or separation of a large amount of nutrients.

  • Shakes include cheap soy-derived protein, sugar substitutes, soybean oil and flavorings.
  • A visual assessment of the size of the company's production areas revealed a serious discrepancy with the manufacturer's statements.
  • On the official website, all reviews are strictly moderated and negative ones will not be published.

Now more and more often you can hear the words, the Energy Diet can be harmful. Most likely, this is only possible in relation to your budget. These products will harm health no more than any instant food, say Mivina. Users most often complain about the appearance of acne after consuming the Energy Diet. Let's take a closer look at the composition of the Energy Diet products, which includes soy protein, milk protein compounds, dextrose, soybean oil, pea protein, chicory inulin, starch, as well as various flavors, leavening agents, etc. Note that the composition may undergo some changes over time, which, however, are not global in nature.

  • Soy protein - the cheapest of all types of protein compounds produced today. It has an incomplete amino acid profile and, due to its low cost, is often used in animal husbandry.
  • Milk proteins - much higher quality in comparison with soybean, but its content is not high.
  • Dextrose, starch and maltodextrin - the cheapest of the simple carbohydrates. They are quickly absorbed by the body and cause a powerful release of insulin. If these substances are consumed in large quantities, the body will convert them into fats.
  • Chicory inulin is the most valuable ingredient in Energy Diet products. Inulin is a fiber that is not processed in the digestive system, thereby cleansing it. However, the dosage of inulin (6 grams) is only half of the daily requirement of the body.
  • Soybean oil - like soy protein, it is the cheapest of all types of vegetable oil. It does not have any advantages over sunflower seeds.

If we compare the cost of Energy Diet and a gainer, the result will not be in favor of the former. It should be borne in mind that gainers are made from more expensive components and are of great value to the body. By and large, under the Energy Diet brand, customers are offered to purchase the most food products at a high cost. Considering that the popularity of these products is quite high, then we can talk about a high-quality advertising campaign.

Analysis of the composition of Energy Diet products in this video:
