How to make a cover for a well

How to make a cover for a well
How to make a cover for a well

The purpose of the covers for the well and the requirements for them. Varieties of products and the choice of materials for their manufacture. Assembly technology for the most popular designs. The well cover is a structure for preserving the quality of drinking water, which is installed on the head of the shaft. The product has a simple device, and it is not difficult to make it yourself. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information that will help you make such a useful accessory for your source.

Description and purpose of the cover on the well

Well cover
Well cover

The cover is a rigid structure made of waterproof material that reliably closes the source. Its main purpose is to prevent debris from entering the well.

In addition, it performs other functions:

  • Maintains a constant temperature in the mine, which ensures continuous pumping of water by the pump in severe frosts.
  • It does not let the sun's rays into the inner cavity of the trunk, provoking the appearance of algae in the source.
  • Provides ventilation to the well.
  • The product is able to decorate the site if it is made in the same style as the rest of the buildings.

The wooden cover for the well is made solid or double, in the latter case it consists of a fixed part and a hatch. The sash opens by lifting up or moving to the side.

The product must meet the following requirements:

  1. The material can support significant weight to make the source safe for children. For the same reason, the hatch can be bolted or otherwise locked.
  2. Gaps between boards or other elements are not allowed.
  3. The product can be easily lifted or removed.
  4. The structure is quickly replaced if damaged.
  5. The material is resistant to fading and fading. It does not deteriorate when exposed to moisture.
  6. In areas with severe winters, the product can be insulated.

How to make a cover for a well

There are many varieties of lids for crits. Their choice depends on several factors: the capabilities and preferences of the site owner, the length of the foreman's free time, the peculiarities of the mine head, ease of use of the source, etc. Before making a cover for a well, determine all of its functional responsibilities. Its shape and design depend on it. Consider the device and methods of manufacturing the most popular types of security elements.

Wooden cover for the well

Wooden cover on the well
Wooden cover on the well

Wood is a convenient material for making a product, since the workpieces are easy to process. It is easy to make a round or square lid from boards and beams. There are simple options when there are no elements for fastening the structure to the shaft - it is simply removed from the head. The diameter of the well cover must be larger than the opening. Two-leaf structures are hinged and tilted 90 degrees.

To protect against the harmful effects of water, lumber is impregnated with antiseptics and covered with paint or varnish. The service life of a properly manufactured cover is at least 5 years. Structures are often used to decorate the aboveground part of the krynitsa. They are often made double to insulate the internal cavity of the structure.

For manufacturing, it is recommended to use beams and boards from waterproof tree species - elm, aspen. Oak or larch covers do not rot for a very long time due to the presence of tannins in the wood. The most practical are pine and spruce boards. Due to the presence of resin in the composition of the tree, their service life is quite long, but it is necessary to remember about the softness of conifers.

The owners are attracted by the following qualities of wooden lids:

  • Aesthetic design.
  • It is easy to make a wooden cover for a well yourself.
  • Acceptable price.
  • With proper processing of the material, the lid does not rot for a very long time.
  • The product does not freeze and does not get red-hot in summer, as is the case with metal structures.
  • The tree is safe for water.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out the need to insulate the structure, as well as rotting of sawn timber in the absence or damage of the protective layer.

For the manufacture of the cover, you will need the following elements:

  1. Dry hewn boards 150x20 mm, preferably with a thorn-groove system;
  2. Lumber sealant;
  3. Slats 40x40 mm;
  4. Fasteners and accessories - handles, nails, screws;
  5. Antiseptics and paints.

The manufacturing sequence for the lid is as follows:

  • Measure the outer and inner dimensions of the well shaft.
  • Cut wooden blocks and boards of the required size from the blanks, allowing you to make a shield for closing the trunk.
  • Make a frame out of the bars, the dimensions of which should correspond to the dimensions of the opening of the well.
  • Place planks on the blocks and make sure they protrude beyond the slats by the thickness of the shaft walls. The size of the well cover will correspond to the outer diameter of the head of the bead.
  • Press the cuts tightly together and nail them to the slats. Make sure there are no gaps between them.
  • To increase the strength between the two bars on the wrong side, nail the third.
  • If the well is round, use a saw to shape the backboard to the desired shape.
  • At the ends of the boards, make a chamfer with a plane.
  • Seal the cracks with sealant. It will also act as a damper and compensate for seasonal changes in the size of the wood product. Instead of a sealant, the slots can be closed with thin strips.
  • Sand the surface of the backboard with sandpaper.
  • Cover the boards with linseed oil, and then paint with paint or varnish. To decorate the surface, a stain of the color "bog oak" or "mahogany" is often used.
  • Secure the handles to make it easier to lift the product.

The lumber cover, in its simplest design, is simply placed on top of the shaft. It will stay on the boards, and the bars keep it from moving in the horizontal plane.

One side of the shield may be attached to the head by means of hinges or rubber bands. In this case, it can be raised 90 degrees. A product without a center hatch is most often used if the water is being pumped out by a pump. You can leave it on for a long time.

To insulate the cover on the well with your own hands, nail the second row of boards (from the inside) to the battens of the sheathing. Make its dimensions slightly smaller than the inner diameter of the bead. Fill the gaps between the rows with hay or straw. After installation in a regular place, the product will stick to the upper boards, and the lower one with an insulating layer will be located in the barrel cavity. This design allows you to close the well more tightly and maintain a positive temperature in the mine in winter. Make a lid with insulation from thin boards to reduce its weight.

A wooden cover with a hinged hatch is used in case of water intake with buckets. It consists of a fixed part and a hatch. The static element is attached to the top of the shaft. In its middle, a hatch is equipped with two doors that open on hinges. For work, you will need the same materials as for the product in the previous section.

The sequence of work during the manufacture of the cover:

  1. Determine the dimensions of the well head.
  2. Prepare two pieces of 40x40 mm and the required number of boards.
  3. Make a shield out of planks and bars to fit the outer surface of the shaft. In the center of the product, leave a rectangular hole for the hatch flaps.
  4. Nail a piece of wood around this hole to keep the flaps from sagging.
  5. Make two sashes from boards and slats, which should enter the opening with a small gap and rest on the bars along its perimeter.
  6. Install the flaps in their original place in the closed position.
  7. Temporarily fasten one part of the hinge with nails to the bar on the lid, and the other to the hatch.
  8. Repeat the operation for the other half.
  9. Check how the doors open and close. If satisfactory, tighten the hinges permanently.
  10. Screw the handles to the doors.
  11. Seal the gaps in the moving and stationary parts with sealant.
  12. To protect against moisture, coat the lumber with linseed oil and paint it.
  13. Install the structure on the well shaft and secure it in any way.

Instead of two movable flaps, you can make one. Often they refuse the hatch, but raise half of the shield.

Hinged metal lid

Metal well cover with hinges
Metal well cover with hinges

The structure is a frame made of metal corners or a profile, sheathed with textolite, with a hatch in the center. It is irrational to completely make a product out of metal, it will be very heavy. Any shape of the cover for the well is allowed, but it is easier to make a rectangular structure.

You will need the following materials:

  • Metal corners;
  • Square profiles;
  • Metal tape having a width of 40-50 mm;
  • PCB canvas;
  • Hinges and handles;
  • Metal sealant and paint.

The sequence of manufacturing a rectangular lid:

  1. Measure the dimensions of the shaft head and add 10 cm to the side.
  2. According to the obtained values, cut 4 metal corners from the blanks.
  3. Weld a rectangular frame from them for the fixed part of the cover, which is designed to be installed on the head of the well.
  4. Clean the welds with a grinder.
  5. Weld another frame of the same dimensions from the corners (under the hatch).
  6. Cut the sections of the profile pipe and weld them inside the hatch frame along the perimeter of the product (at the corners) and also crosswise. Clean the weld areas and cover with a primer.
  7. Cut 2 sheets of PCB to fit the sash.
  8. Install the panels on the frame, top and bottom, secure with self-tapping screws. For insulation, put a heat insulator between the sheets - foam plastic, basalt wool, etc.
  9. Wrap metal tape around the concrete head.
  10. Assemble a wooden formwork around the perimeter of the shaft. Its dimensions must correspond to the dimensions of the fixed part of the structure.
  11. Fill the gap between the formwork and the metal band with concrete.
  12. Install the previously made metal frame on the structure and fix it with core bolts.
  13. After the concrete has set, place the hatch on the stationary part and screw the hinges to lift it.
  14. Fix the handle to the PCB.
  15. Paint all metal parts of the structure with enamel.

Concrete cover for a well

What does a concrete cover for a well look like
What does a concrete cover for a well look like

Such a product is intended for wells made of concrete rings, the heads of which are not planned to be refined. A hole is made in the center of the slab, which is closed by a wooden or metal hatch. Instead, a wooden house can be built over the mine.

The concrete cover is manufactured as follows:

  • Dig a round hole 100 mm deep. Its diameter should correspond to the outer diameter of the concrete rings.
  • Cover the bottom and sides with PVC foil.
  • Knock down the box from the boards and place it in the center of the hole. There will be a hatch hole in this place.
  • Prepare a concrete solution and fill the hole with a layer of 5 cm.
  • Place the reinforcement mesh on the mix.
  • Fill the hole with concrete to the top.
  • Smooth the surface.
  • After the mass has solidified, install the cover for the well on the head of the shaft.
  • Seal the gaps between the slab and the ring with cement mortar.
  • Make a hatch and attach it to the product with hinges. The door is made of wood or PCB, as described above.

House for a well with your own hands

Well protection house
Well protection house

Instead of a hatch, you can build a pommel in the form of a house with a gable roof over the mouth of the curtain. This option has a rather complex design, so it does not hurt to draw a drawing of the well cover and draw up a sequence for its assembly. The manufacturing technology of the building is the same as for the construction of a gable roof, only of very small dimensions. For work, you will need beams with a section of 50x50 and 80x80 mm and boards.

The frame of the product consists of a thick horizontal beam, to which four bars of a smaller section are fixed at an angle. Their length depends on the size of the mouth of the well. With a diameter of 1 m, the length of the battens should be 800 mm.

Installation of a house for a well is performed as follows:

  1. Saw down the bottom ends of the thin bars at the same angle.
  2. Connect the frame elements together with self-tapping screws.
  3. Attach additional spacers to the corners of the structure to increase rigidity.
  4. Install the frame on the end of the well shaft so that the 80x80 mm bar is horizontal, and the thin slats rest on the upper ring of the barrel.
  5. Attach the bars to the neck in any way.
  6. Sew up one long and both short sides of the canopy with lumber, nailing it to the frame.
  7. In the board on one short side, make a hole for the gate. On the side walls, all the blanks will be of different sizes, so each element will have to be measured on site before installation.

Attach doors on the open side of the house. Perform the following operations:

  • Fasten two bars in the open opening that define the width of the sash.
  • Make a sash frame, the dimensions of which are slightly smaller than the opening on the canopy. Sheathe it with boards, while they should go beyond the bars of the frame. For reinforcement, nail another strip in the middle of the door.
  • Attach the door to the awning frame with the hinges. Check the ease of opening the sash.
  • Sew up the openings on the sides of the door with planks.

To protect the house, paint or sheathe the top with a moisture-resistant material, such as a painted sheet of metal.

How to make a cover for a well - watch the video:

The choice of how to protect the well from adverse conditions depends on the preferences of the owner. You can temporarily cover the mine with a metal sheet or a wooden shield, but for full protection, a solid structure is needed, made exactly to the dimensions of the cross-section of the barrel. Only such a product will ensure the purity of the water and the long-term operation of the source.
