How to bleach leg hair?

How to bleach leg hair?
How to bleach leg hair?

Tired of fighting leg hair? We'll show you how to make them invisible using desaturation. Simple rules and recipes for attractive legs. Every woman knows how difficult it is to get rid of unwanted body hair. After all, how pleasant it is to look at the neat and smooth legs. Modern treatments offer many options for getting rid of unwanted vegetation. But, as a rule, they require regularity and are not always available. Recently, women have come to a more affordable procedure, which is an easy alternative to get rid of unwanted hairs. In order to make them less noticeable, they began to discolor. In addition to the fact that the bristles become lighter, over time this also affects its structure - the hair is much thinner, and growth slows down.

Rules for bleaching leg hair

Leg hair after bleaching
Leg hair after bleaching

In general, the growth of hair on the legs depends on the individual characteristics of the person. And so, if this problem is hereditarily transmitted to a person, then it is necessary to deal with it constantly and by different methods. It so happens that increased vegetation is observed with a hormonal disorder, therefore, in such cases, a doctor's consultation is needed, since the problem is precisely in the increase in hormones.

Unlike other areas of the body (face, hands, etc.) where unwanted hair is present, the legs are the safest area for bleaching. The fact is that the skin on the legs is quite dense and very rarely in this place it suffers from allergic reactions. Therefore, the recipes for bleaching can be very different. But, in some cases, such a procedure may be categorically contraindicated, for example:

  • the presence of abrasions, wounds, burns, acne on the legs, etc.;
  • individual intolerance to the body of the components of the agent used;
  • skin sensitivity;
  • pregnancy.

Knowing about these contraindications, you will be careful when using the procedure for lightening hair on your legs. To do this, you can find those methods that will be safe for you.

Leg Hair Bleaching Recipes

Home hair lightening products
Home hair lightening products

All women want their legs to look beautiful. And often, using a regular razor or depilatory cream does not give long-lasting results. Discoloration makes it possible to make hairs invisible, which also slows down their growth. Therefore, carrying out this procedure together with your method of dealing with unwanted vegetation, you will be able to keep the smoothness of your legs for longer. The most common recipes for bleaching leg hair are:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is the most well-known method for bleaching leg hair. It is used not only to lighten unwanted hair on the legs, but also for the hair on the head. To do this, you need to buy a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. If the bristles on your legs are quite dense and thick, then it is advisable to take such a product with 6-8%. It is necessary for several days, every day to wipe the hairs on the legs with this solution. In a day you will see how they have become lighter. Also, peroxide can be mixed in the same ratio with ammonia.
  2. You can dilute lanolin with a solution of peroxide. This combination of products will help to avoid dryness on the skin of the feet, because peroxide has this property. Due to the fact that lanolin saturates the skin with moisture and retains it for a long time, it has a positive effect on the regeneration of new skin cells. But many women are allergic to this component, so it is advisable to do a test discoloration on a safe area of the skin before using it.
  3. A more economical option for lightening hair is a herbal decoction. You can use chamomile and calendula with lemon juice. To do this, the flowers of the plant should be brewed as tightly as possible (the result will depend on this). With the resulting broth, wipe the legs several times a day and soon you will see how the bristles will become much lighter.
  4. Parsley has a good lightening effect. Decoctions, tinctures, etc. are also made from it. To prepare the broth, you need to finely chop a few tablespoons of fresh or dried herbs, pour boiling water over and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes. After the broth has cooled down a little, rub it on the stubble on your legs a couple of times a day. The result will not keep you waiting.
  5. Cinnamon brightens the hairs well. It must be combined with honey to a thick mass and applied to the places where you want to make the hair invisible. For best results, it is recommended to hold such a product for about 10–20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  6. Many women use regular dyes to lighten hair in order to hide ugly hairs on their legs. As a rule, there are unpredictable cases when, instead of lightening, the vegetation turned yellow or red. Therefore, you need to use such funds with caution.
  7. The most effective, but not always available option for bleaching unwanted hairs is special products that are made specifically to combat this problem. As a rule, they contain a set of preparations for lightening hairs individually designed for each type of skin. Such kits have both the cream or gel for discoloration itself, and the products after the procedure itself that moisturize and nourish the skin. Of course, with the help of such means it will be simple and convenient to solve this problem, but such means are expensive.

Nature is conceived in such a way that it is women who should pay maximum attention to their appearance and often taking care of themselves takes a lot of time and effort. Beautiful and well-groomed legs play an important role in appearance. Bleaching the hair on the legs will help hide this problem, and unlike other methods of dealing with unwanted hair, this procedure is more gentle on the skin. Therefore, use natural remedies for the beauty of your legs and be always irresistible!

For more information on lightening body hair, see this video:
