High protein intake for weight loss in athletes

High protein intake for weight loss in athletes
High protein intake for weight loss in athletes

We dispel myths about whether you need to eat a lot of protein foods on a diet or you can do with moderate doses, without additional burden on the liver and kidneys. Speaking about the necessary intake of protein compounds, it is more correct to pose the question as follows - whether it will be sufficient in terms of providing the body with amines. Today we will look at the importance of high protein intake for weight loss in athletes.

How to determine the need for protein compounds?

Protein requirements for athletes
Protein requirements for athletes

It is very important to remember that the dosage of protein compounds depends on the body weight of the athletes. Knowing the dosage of the nutrient for each meal can help you plan your nutritional strategy.

One study found that the optimal dose may be 0.25 grams per kilogram of body weight every four hours. This dosage of the nutrient is sufficient to activate the synthesis of protein compounds in muscle tissues. At the same time, even if the body is able to process a large number of protein compounds, this will not accelerate the synthesis of amines.

If you use the approach described above to compiling a nutrition program with four meals and an additional evening meal (protein is consumed in the amount of 0.5 grams per kilogram of mass), for an athlete weighing one hundred kilograms, to eliminate catabolic reactions, it is required to consume about 25 grams of protein daily.

The importance of protein intake for weight loss

Protein functions
Protein functions

Consuming more protein in excess of the recommended amount can provide certain benefits in the fight against excess weight. First of all, we are talking about a pronounced thermogenesis, as well as the possibility of preserving muscle mass. Scientists also believe that this will reduce the intake of other nutrients. This assumption has been tested empirically and it has been found that when consumed 10 or 15 percent less protein from the total amount of energy supplied, leads to additional energy consumption. With an increase in the proportion of protein compounds in the diet, the number of fats and carbohydrates decreases. Such nutrition programs do not provide an opportunity to work with the required intensity. This may indicate that athletes need to focus on carbohydrates and proteins during the drying period.

Protein is an essential nutrient for athletes. These substances are necessary not only for gaining weight, but also during the fight against excess weight. It should also be noted the properties of proteins to eliminate the feeling of hunger, a fairly strong thermogenic effect. However, it is important to properly approach the issue of restricting fat intake and sufficient carbohydrates. Otherwise, there may be problems with the energy supply of the body.

For the importance and role of protein in human nutrition, see this video:

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