From this article, everyone can learn what CrossFit is. There are many helpful tips for practicing here. It is very important to understand that everything in excessive doses is harmful to health, so you should select reasonable doses, even in training. Thus, it becomes possible to engage all the necessary muscles in the work. And during these activities, you can do exercises with your own weight. We are talking about jumping and push-ups, as well as pull-ups. Do not forget about the exercises from the aerobics section - they are also an integral part of CrossFit. As a result of the hybrid load, a combination of two workouts is traced - strength and cardio.
An important feature of CrossFit

There is no physical training specialization here. So, doing powerlifting, the athlete trains strength as much as possible. If we talk about a runner who decided to win a marathon, then he achieves endurance, because he will need to run a rather impressive distance without rest. If we talk about a bodybuilder, then he develops strength performance. During training, he can work with an impressively heavy weight for a long time.
In order to achieve the best results, some specific parameters are used in sports, but this does not apply to CrossFit. In other sports programs, they specialize in something specific, because it is in this way that the best results can be achieved.
CrossFit is versatility, which means that it becomes possible to train completely diverse loads. Such training allows you to better adapt to the real world, life in it, which cannot be provided by other sports programs.
The main features of training
Such classes are varied - training programs are constantly changing. There are 3 main concepts on which the loads during exercise are built:
- Not considering the time.
- Containing the maximum amount of work in a given period of time.
- Reducing the time to do the same job.
Let's take a closer look at all three options.
Option number 1 - we work without taking into account the time
Here you need to pick up a few exercises that will maximize the use of equipment, as well as our skills. All exercises must be performed without rest and stops - in a certain sequence. This will be one circle - a round. There should be several of them - from 3 to 6 circles. Moreover, the dependence is inversely proportional.
If you cannot immediately do everything that you have planned, then breaking the task into parts will be much easier. It is very important to correctly build the exercises in order - do not stand next to those exercises that are aimed at the same muscle groups.
Load case number 2 - accommodating more approaches in a certain period of time
This is a more difficult task - for a certain period of time, you should have time to complete as many approaches as possible. Rounds can only be counted after a full circle has been completed. Then you can move on to the next lesson. It is necessary to conduct classes without excessive overload - having taken too high a goal in terms of quantity, you may not have time to move on to the next exercise. It is important not to do many repetitions in one approach, but to achieve an increase in the approaches themselves. The more there are, the more effective the training will be.
Option number 3 - we reduce the time it takes to complete the crossfit program
Here you yourself have to decide how many rounds you will do with the total number of repetitions of the exercise - it must be performed as a result in all rounds.
Energy training

During classes, various ways of providing the body with energy are possible - it all depends on the severity and duration of the program.
If we consider the existing methods of energy supply, then glycolysis is more actively used during CrossFit. The same goes for oxidation. As for the resynthesis from creatine phosphate, this method is used much less - only in the first rounds.
It is very important to know that long-term CrossFit work allows a large amount of oxidation products to accumulate in the muscles. This is due to glycolysis. As a result, an increase in oxygen supply is required for elimination to occur. With improper training, oxygen debt is possible.
Now in the crossfit program, the tabata method is used, when both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems are immediately used in the complex.
CrossFit benefits

- Versatility
- Variety of workouts
- No need for doping to achieve your goal
- Wellness
Disadvantages of CrossFit
- No specialization
- Muscles grow worse than in bodybuilding
- Muscle and heart damage
It is necessary to start training with light loads so as not to overload your body and not cause harm. After all, the task of training is to be strong, energetic, enduring. This means that you should go to the goal and not stop at any difficulties and obstacles. Only the right approach to classes will give the best results.
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