Golden mustache: medicinal properties, care and reproduction

Golden mustache: medicinal properties, care and reproduction
Golden mustache: medicinal properties, care and reproduction

The favorite of home windowsills is the Golden mustache. Why they love him so much and how to take care of him - the author of the article will tell about this and many other things in the first person. Once a pensioner friend gave me a small green sprout, similar to young corn - a golden mustache, and said: "It will come in handy in life!" I put him in a glass of water, where he very briskly let the roots go and even stretched out a little. Having transplanted him into the ground, I was surprised at his agility, he grew literally by leaps and bounds. In 2 months this green miracle has more than doubled.

And one fine morning, I noticed that lateral processes appear from the sinuses of the lower leaves. It seemed to me that this is how the plant began to branch, but these new branches were in no hurry to please with leaves. It was then that I remembered how my grandmother called this flower - “ Golden mustache". Turning to the Internet, I found out that I became the owner of "home ginseng" or, scientifically, Callisia fragrans.

It turns out that on my windowsill there is a whole storehouse of microelements and biologically active substances. Skillfully, this plant can treat many ailments - from scratches to cancer. Thank God, for now, I may only need it for broken children's knees, so I decided to use another amazing property of the Golden Mustache - rapid growth - to decorate my home.

I read that these plants reach their maximum size (up to 2 meters) not only in Mexico, where they come from, but also in an ordinary apartment in Moscow. True, with age, the stem becomes unable to support its own weight, so it must be tied to props.

Golden mustache: reproduction and care

Golden mustache: reproduction and care
Golden mustache: reproduction and care

This handsome man multiplies easily - for this you need to cut off the mustache, at the tips of which leaf rosettes have formed, and put them in water, the roots will appear almost immediately. Another option is to press a mustache with an outlet to the ground. It will take root in the soil and begin to live an independent life. And the Golden Mustache also loves to rejuvenate: when the lower leaves die off and bare the stem, you can cut off the lush top and plant it again. "Home ginseng" does not need bright sunlight, it feels great on the northern windowsill for me, but it loves humidity - both in the form of spraying the leaves, and in the form of regular and sufficient watering. The plant has a positive attitude towards fertilizers, but those who expect to use the services of this home doctor should refuse to fertilize.

They say that in order to see flowers on Callisia fragrans, you need not only perfect care, but also a special energy in the house. In any case, I decided to wake up the flowering of the plant by increasing the lighting and not cutting off the long mustache. Because they give the flower arrows. The lucky ones who bloomed with a Golden Mustache say that it smells like jasmine.

So, a mysterious but beautiful creature appeared in my house. It grows very quickly, filling the window opening with its cheerful greenery. It has a rather strange appearance - a juicy and elastic mustache suddenly appears between long wide leaves. And it is also an excellent medicinal plant that can help out a family in difficult times.
