Applying a primer to the floor

Applying a primer to the floor
Applying a primer to the floor

Reasons for priming floors, methods of applying solutions to wooden and concrete bases, choosing tools for work, determining the amount of consumables. Floor priming is the treatment of the base with special compounds to improve adhesion with subsequent coatings and create protective layers for various purposes on the surface. The application of the solution is a mandatory step in the arrangement of floors. The technology of priming works will be discussed in this article.

Why do you need a floor primer

Floor primer
Floor primer

The appearance of defects on the floors is often associated with ignoring the process of primary treatment of the base or with the wrong choice of means. To avoid such problems, you should know how the primer affects the materials and what to use in each specific case.

When the concrete screed dries, water evaporates from the pores of the material and voids remain, which weaken the coating. As a result, cracks and chips are formed on surfaces under the influence of temperature, humidity, and mechanical factors. Mold and mildew can develop in voids. Leveling compounds and leveling compounds often flake off the untreated substrate.

A floor primer strengthens the upper layers of the floor and eliminates pits and bumps, as well as closes pores and reduces the amount of water that can be absorbed by concrete. The compositions also prevent the appearance of dust on the floor surface, which penetrates into the room even from under the edges of the linoleum. After impregnation, a thin protective layer forms, which binds dust and improves the adhesion of the floor to the adhesive (if the material sticks).

The need for priming wooden flooring appears in the following cases:

  • to get rid of the resin that is near the knots and on the ends of the boards;
  • for tinting floorboards;
  • to eliminate minor defects, roughness;
  • to protect against moisture, insects, environmental influences;
  • to create a high-quality base for paintwork.

The floors are impregnated with several types of mixtures:

  1. Surface solutions. They penetrate to a depth of 1-2 mm, so they are applied on solid bases. Their main purpose is a high-quality connection of screeds with top coatings.
  2. Deep penetration formulations. They impregnate the material to a depth of 10 cm. They are designed to strengthen a poor-quality screed. These are expensive substances, so they are used only if absolutely necessary.

Choice of tools for applying a primer to the floor

It is impossible to process surfaces with high quality without special tools. If you are unsure of how to apply a primer to your floor, see the following information.

Floor priming brushes

Floor brush
Floor brush

They are used to apply mortar to small to medium sized floors. With their help, corners and hard-to-reach places are processed, compositions are applied along the demarcation line.

To work, you will need several brushes with different sizes of bristles and handles. Whenever possible, purchase instruments with long fibers that penetrate fine crevices.

The most popular are the following accessories:

  • Maklovitsy are wide brushes used for working in small areas.
  • Flat long brushes 15 cm wide, they cover the edges of the floor well with a solution.
  • Radiator brushes are used to treat areas that have limited access and require care.

Primer rollers

Floor priming with a roller
Floor priming with a roller

During priming, the roller coat does not spread the liquid, but, as it were, seals it. As a result, the solution is applied evenly over the entire area. There is no accumulation of mixture even on embossed flooring. When choosing a roller, use the following guidelines:

  1. Cylindrical rollers for floor primer have a wide working surface and a special design that allows you to process a large area in a short period of time.
  2. Corner fixtures are designed to apply the mixture in corners and other awkward places that cannot be rolled with a cylindrical roller.
  3. The short-haired device applies liquid perfectly evenly without leaving visible layers. It is used before covering the flooring with clear varnish or light paints.
  4. A roller with a long pile can be used before installing the tiles. But after drying, ugly stains remain on the surface.

Primer rollers are designed for a specific type of compound. For example, nitro enamel dissolves polymer coats for the tool, so check the compatibility of the roller and the tool when buying. It should be remembered that replacement pads for primers based on water or white spirit are sold in abundance, and nitro enamel are considered rare and expensive.

The work surface cannot be cleaned properly after finishing work. The coat can be wrapped in an airtight film until next use, but then it will dry out.

Floor primer sprayers

Pneumatic spray gun
Pneumatic spray gun

It is much more convenient to apply the solution with a pneumatic device. The mixture hits the surface under pressure, which allows deeper penetration into the material.

The advantages of using include:

  • high speed of processing large areas;
  • getting an even thin layer;
  • applying the mixture in hard-to-reach places;

If you decide to purchase a mechanical device, take a look at our tips:

  • For the procedure, it is necessary to use devices with interchangeable nozzles, which will allow you to select the tip diameter depending on the type of primer.
  • When choosing a tool, consider what fluids it is intended for. Some work only with water-soluble formulations, others can spray viscous substances.
  • If the volume of work is small, a hand-held garden spray can be used to spray the solution.
  • For the treatment of large areas, a device with a compressor with a capacity of 1, 2-1, 8 kW is required, which creates a pressure of up to 9 bar.

Floor priming technology

It is recommended to prime the floors at temperatures from +5 to +30 degrees and average humidity. With excessive moisture, the product will begin to foam, and its performance will deteriorate. The packaging of the material may contain other requirements that must be met before starting work.

Preparation of floor priming solution

Preparing the primer
Preparing the primer

Before priming, you should determine the consumption of the primer for the floor, as well as understand the method of preparing the working material.

The average consumption of a liquid flooring agent is indicated on the product box. Usually it is in the range of 1-2kg per m22… For porous and rough surfaces, the product may need several times more.

The amount of dry primer can be calculated according to our recommendations:

  1. Material consumption depends on the type and material of the base. For the treatment of wooden flooring with an area of 3 to 10 m2 buy one-kilogram packaging.
  2. High penetration composition - 1 kg of mix covers 7 m2 floor.
  3. Universal mixes - 1 kg per 15 m2.
  4. Water based - 1 kg per 10 m2.
  5. Adhesives - 1 kg per area from 3 to 10 m2, depending on the type of surface.

It is very simple to prepare the product for work - just stir the contents of the jar so that the settled components are evenly distributed throughout the volume. It is better to work with a construction mixer or a drill with a nozzle. If no power tools are available, try to carefully handle the contents of the can by hand.

The preparation of solutions from dry and concentrated substances depends on their composition:

  • One-component floor primers are diluted with water, thinner or drying oil.
  • To obtain two-component mixtures, the elements are added in a specific sequence. The hardener is added first about an hour before use, followed by the thinner. The proportions and cooking times are indicated in the instructions for the product. Stir the two-component mixtures very thoroughly. For work, it is advisable to use a low-speed drill (300-400 rpm) with a nozzle to the full height of the bucket.
  • Alkyd compounds are diluted with solvents 649 or 650 or solvent in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • A water-dispersed floor primer is first mixed in a factory container, then the required amount is poured into a clean bucket. Water is added to change the viscosity.
  • A dry water-soluble mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4.

Prepare as much of the mixture as you can work out in the near future, because the mass in the bucket will quickly lose its properties or simply dry out. After preparing the product, it is recommended to strain it.

Preparing the subfloor for priming

Sweeping the concrete screed
Sweeping the concrete screed

Before covering the floor with a primer, check the quality of the roller and make sure that no fibers fall out of it, it is very difficult to remove the fallen lint from the surface. Checking the fur coat is carried out in two stages: first, pluck it and make sure that it does not climb, then dip the roller in the product, cover an inconspicuous area and leave it for 15 minutes, dip the tool again and run it over the same surface again. If no hairs are observed, the instrument can be operated.

Before applying the primer to the floor, prepare the surface for work:

  1. Check the concrete screed for strength, remove any loose areas.
  2. Clean the area from dust and dirt. If the floor is being restored, remove the old flooring by hand or with a grinder.
  3. Check for oily areas. Treat greasy stains with solvents.
  4. If the concrete base is loose, apply the liquid until the screed is completely saturated.
  5. Sand the wood surfaces along the grain of the wood. Gradually change the grit of the instrument from coarse to fine. Make sure that no old coating remains on the boards. For the convenience of work, the skin can be wrapped around a block of the required size.
  6. Take special care to remove knots on coniferous planks where resin may come out. If found, clean off the substance with a spatula. If the resin comes out again, warm up the knot with a construction hairdryer and cover the problem area with shellac primer.
  7. Greasy stains from the boards are removed with a cloth soaked in solvent.
  8. After processing, suck up the dust with a vacuum cleaner and rinse the surface. Further work continues after the flooring is completely dry.

Features of applying a primer to the floor

Applying a primer to the floor
Applying a primer to the floor

The procedure for applying the primer is as follows:

  • Divide the surface mentally into strips 2-3 brushes wide. In the future, work with them one by one.
  • Pour a small amount of liquid into the tray. The capacity must be suitable for the working tool. Large box holds more liquid, but if not used quickly, the solution will dry out
  • Dip the tool in the liquid and apply the primer to the floor, moving it along the grain. First, cover the entire area with the mixture, then distribute it evenly over the surface.
  • After processing one strip, go to another, do not touch the first. Try not to apply the substance to the finish, so as not to puzzle over how to clean it.
  • Remove excess from the edges of the strip.
  • After application, wait for the liquid to dry, and then use a sanding paper to remove the raised wood fibers.
  • Clean the surface and re-coat with the solution.
  • The time for complete drying of the product is indicated on the package, but it may be incorrect due to non-compliance with the temperature regime. Do not leave the primed floor for a long time without further finishing, because dust, dirt and moisture can settle on it.

When using a spray gun, keep in mind that the applied layer is very thin and some areas will have to be treated several times. Spraying is poorly controlled and some products are toxic, so the operator must wear personal protective equipment.

How to prime the floor - watch the video:

Compliance with the technology of work execution guarantees that the floors will retain their properties throughout the entire period of operation. It is also important not to save on consumables, extra layers only increase the quality of the coating.
