Bath essential oils: properties and applications

Bath essential oils: properties and applications
Bath essential oils: properties and applications

Essential oils have healing properties. They are classified by origin and method of use. Each scent has a purpose. For the bath, a line of products is provided, the fragrances of which will strengthen health and have a sedative effect on the nervous system. Content:

  1. The benefits of aromatherapy in the bath
  2. Types and properties of essential oils

    • For colds and flu
    • For the treatment of a nervous disorder
    • For the cardiovascular system
    • For muscle and tissue recovery
  3. Bath recipes and combinations
  4. Rules for the use of aroma oils

Essential oils are odorous, volatile substances, products of plant processing. This squeeze retains the utmost benefit and scent of the source. Oils are extracted from any part of the plant: seeds, leaves, fruits, wood, roots, flowers. Each of the fragrances affects certain functions of the human body.

The benefits of aromatherapy in the bath

Aromatherapy in the bath
Aromatherapy in the bath

The Russian bath has long been famous for its miraculous properties - it expels ailments and heals ailments. The peculiarity of the bath is steam. Previously, for the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of colds, decoctions of medicinal herbs were splashed on hot stones. Traditional methods of treatment helped to cleanse the body of viruses, relieve the skin of sores and restore vital energy. With the advent of essential oils, the bath has acquired a new character. Now it is possible to influence certain systems and processes of the body, restore physical health and establish mental balance. Essential formulations have been successfully used for:

  • Fight cellulite;
  • Eliminate dandruff;
  • Strengthening and growing hair;
  • Removal of puffiness;
  • Neutralizing insect bites;
  • Relief of fatigue;
  • Relief of symptoms of bruises, sprains, muscle and joint pain;
  • Erotic attraction;
  • Fight against impotence and frigidity;
  • Inflow of breast milk in lactating women;
  • Symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma, epilepsy, ischemia;
  • Treatment of infectious diseases and removal of inflammation of internal organs.

There are recipes where experts suggest combining and combining essential oils for the bath for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Here are some quick tips and tricks to improve your health through baths and ester formulations:

  1. You can enhance the healing properties of the steam room using oils with a pronounced effect on the upper respiratory tract: dill, anise, juniper. The extract of these plants causes an expectorant effect and clears the nasopharynx of microbes. Peppermint and eucalyptus oil has strong antiseptic and sedative properties, directly affecting the skin and cardiovascular system.
  2. Headaches due to blood pressure and vasospasm are treated with lemon or geranium verbena oil. The latter is also involved in the establishment and restoration of the nervous system. A stressful and depressive state will cure fragrant rosemary oil.
  3. Skin diseases disappear after a course of bath procedures using essential oils of celandine, chamomile, sea buckthorn, valerian, yarrow, pine, sage. As a result, the skin becomes velvety and clear, without blemishes and rashes.
  4. Essential substances of conifers are distinguished by high antibacterial properties. Oils of cedar tree, fir, pine and spruce promote rapid healing of wounds, cuts, abrasions. When visiting the sauna, you need to add a few drops of the oil you like to a liter bucket of water for splashing on the stove.
  5. A steam room with an extract of sandalwood, lemon or juniper is the right solution for losing weight, ridding the body of cellulite, and improving metabolic processes in the subcutaneous layer.

The absence of the indirect influence of medicinal preparations and a favorable humid environment creates an optimal microclimate for the penetration of active substances into the skin cells and the body. At this point, the pores open, toxins and grease are removed, and microparticles of essential oils fill empty cells and enter the bloodstream. An exchange process takes place.

Since essential oils in their pure form can cause a serious allergic reaction, it is much more effective to use them in low concentration for steam.

Types and properties of essential oils for a bath

The properties of essential oils for a bath are individual, such substances can cause an allergic reaction in the body with absolute incompatibility with other components. Essential oils are conventionally divided into narrow and broad spectrum categories. Essential products of the first category may be used with the permission of the therapist. Samples of a wide spectrum of action are universal and are intended for complex bath procedures, if there are no contraindications to the active substance. Let us consider in more detail the properties and effects of volatile substances on the body.

Essential oils for a bath for colds and flu

Anise oil for a bath for colds
Anise oil for a bath for colds

In this category, there are ester formulations, for the most part intended for the treatment of colds and viral diseases. The active substance of these oils contains a sufficient amount of components that contribute to the dilution and elimination of sputum, the destruction of viruses and bactericidal treatment of the respiratory tract.

Bath oils for colds:

  • Anise oil … Often complements the composition of liquids for inhalation. Such mixtures of essential oils in the bath are prescribed for colds, asthmatic syndromes, chronic bronchitis, and nervous disorders. In the bath, the effect of the composition is greatly enhanced, since volatile substances quickly penetrate into the body through the skin and respiratory tract.
  • Spruce oil … Has a pronounced antibacterial effect. The product contains a natural antibiotic. Spruce pomace in low concentration is used for disinfection of premises. The minimum amount is added to the steam room to increase stress resistance, treat depression and psychological disorders.
  • Fir oil … It is an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory agent. Promotes expectoration and excretion of phlegm. Tones the skin and neutralizes unpleasant odors.
  • Tea tree oil … Has a unique antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic effect. Restores the vitality of the body after a complex illness. Promotes wound healing.
  • Eucalyptus oil … Helps in the treatment of colds and viral diseases. Relieves pain, facilitates the excretion of sputum. Powerful natural antiseptic.

Aromatic oils for the treatment of nervous disorders in the bath

Orange oil to stabilize the nervous system in the bath
Orange oil to stabilize the nervous system in the bath

Light unobtrusive notes of citrus and floral plants are endowed with powerful vitality. They are able to relieve symptoms of deep depression and nervous tension.

Essential oils based on these components are successfully used for baths, SPA procedures and relaxation sessions:

  1. Orange oil … It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminates feelings of anxiety and fear, relieves tension in the frontal and temporal areas. It often acts as an antiseptic.
  2. Ylang Ylang Oil … It smells like jasmine and neroli. Relieves headaches, brings the pulse back to normal, improves blood circulation. Effective as an erotic stimulant for problems with potency and frigidity.
  3. Lavender oil … It is considered a universal remedy for the restoration of vital functions, treatment of migraines, pain in muscles and joints. Lavender incense relaxes, relieves stress and fatigue. Indicated to improve sleep quality. With regular use, it strengthens the immune system and restores psychological health.
  4. Lemon oil … Quickly relieves fatigue and depressed mood, disposes to positive emotions. It is also used to treat varicose veins.
  5. Lemon balm oil … This is one of the most expensive and difficult to obtain products. Affects mainly the emotional sphere. Marked as an anticonvulsant and pain reliever.
  6. Myrrh oil … A symbol of fame and successful love unions. In practice, it is used to treat insomnia and depression, dulling feelings of anxiety and excessive arousal. The course of procedures will recreate a sense of peace, spiritual healing, reliability and security. This product is often used for meditation and also as an aphrodisiac.

Oils for strengthening the cardiovascular system in the bath

Bergamot plant
Bergamot plant

The range of oils for supporting immunity and restoring the cardiovascular system is characterized by a mixture of contrasts. The effect on the immune system occurs due to the saturation of the pomace with a pronounced volatile substance with a maximum content of vitamins and vaso-strengthening properties.

Let's list the oils that can be used in the bath to enhance immunity and strengthen the cardiovascular system:

  • Bergamot oil … It is a unique product for blood pressure stabilization. It is characterized by a high antiseptic index, which is a priority for use in a bath environment in order to prevent viral diseases and strengthen the immune system.
  • Mandarin oil … Nourishes cells with vitamins, promotes skin tone and brain activity, improves the body's defenses and resistance to viral diseases.
  • Juniper oil … It gives off noble notes and creates a specific microclimate in the bath. Effective for colds and viral diseases. Strengthens the vascular system and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. It normalizes blood pressure, relieves dizziness.
  • Rosemary oil … Effectively fights migraines, stimulates sensuality and relieves stress. Differs in analgesic effect without sedative effect on the body. Relieves fatigue and muscle stiffness. Stimulates brain activity, has a positive effect on concentration.
  • Clary sage oil … It is a fresh, cold scent. Strengthens the immune system. Relieves inflammation of the respiratory system, increases physical performance. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, reduces excessive sebum production and sweating, and heals wounds.

Essential oils for muscle and tissue recovery in the steam bath

The use of cedarwood oil in the bath
The use of cedarwood oil in the bath

Essential oils can improve the condition of hard and soft tissues, and promote cell regeneration. In a favorable bath environment, this process is activated, and the active ingredients work more efficiently.

Aromatic oils for the sauna to restore muscles and tissues:

  1. Oregano oil … Effectively used in therapeutic practice for the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis, abrasions and bruises, disinfection of the respiratory system.
  2. Cedar oil … It provokes regenerative processes in cells, promotes active tissue regeneration. Relieves symptoms of arthritis and osteochondrosis, is an antiseptic.

Bath recipes and essential oil combinations

Aromatic oils for bath procedures
Aromatic oils for bath procedures

Base oils can be successfully combined, it even affects the effectiveness of the use of essential oils in the bath. You cannot combine products of completely different purposes. One or more items, but must match. The proportions are minimal. Use up to 10 drops in total per liter of water. Also, do not combine more than 3 flavors at the same time.

Several effective recipes:

  • For a speedy recovery from colds, exhaustion of the body, a state of lethargy, prepare for a bath a combination of eucalyptus, peppermint and ate in a ratio of 3: 3: 2 drops.
  • If you have an upper respiratory tract disorder, prepare a 2: 3: 1 drop mixture of eucalyptus, fennel and juniper essential oils. The steam will enhance the effect of oils, warm the air and saturate with healing properties that will enter the body through the breath and skin.
  • Viral diseases can be quickly cured by visiting a steam bath based on tea tree oil, lemon, juniper and rosemary. The proportion per bucket of water is 3: 2: 1: 2 drops.
  • Rheumatism and arthritis are well treated by a pure bath. But if the steam is saturated with a mixture of fir, rosemary and aromatic sage, in a ratio of 3: 3: 2 drops, then recovery will come faster.
  • An essential cocktail of ylang-ylang, orange and bergamot will help get rid of depression and depressed mood. The recommended proportion is 3: 3: 3 drops.
  • It is possible to increase immunity and prevent the disease in 1 session by saturating the air with a steamy combination of essential oils from lemon, sandalwood and juniper - 3: 2: 1 drop.
  • A panacea for anxiety, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, stress and fatigue is a mixture of ylang-ylang, lemon, lemon balm and rosemary. The optimal ratio is 3: 2: 2: 4 drops.

Often, oils are sold in sets with ready-made recipes, where the purpose of the complex action is described in detail.

Rules for the use of aroma oils in the bath

The use of essential oils in the bath
The use of essential oils in the bath

Essential oils, like any cosmetic or chemical products, have a direct effect on the body - positive or negative. If you do not know how to use essential oils in the bath, try to follow the precautions as precisely as possible:

  1. Oil is a strong concentrate and must be diluted with water. More precisely, drip on water, at the rate of 2-3 drops - on a liter bucket of water. After adaptation of the body, the proportion can be gradually increased - up to a maximum of 10-12 drops per 1 liter of water.
  2. It is impossible to inhale oily incense in a humid environment for a long time. For the first time, 2-4 minutes is enough. The time can be gradually increased to a maximum of 15 minutes. With some esters, you need to be careful and be sure to follow the recommendations on the product label.
  3. Before splashing oil diluted in water, it is necessary to douse the fried stones with plain water to reduce the heating temperature.
  4. Remember that essential oils are prone to flammability.
  5. For a quicker effect of the essential oil scent in the bath, spread some of the product on wooden shelves and walls.
  6. To achieve a positive result, the bathhouse must be visited regularly, but not more often than 1 time per week.
  7. Before using essential oils in the bath, you must read the instructions, in particular the section on contraindications.
  8. Before use, open the bottle cap and inhale the fragrance. If the first impression is painful, nauseous and dizzy, do not use such a product.
  9. Buy essential oils from pharmacies or specialty stores. Non-certified products on the market can negatively affect your health.
  10. When buying, see if the vial is sealed properly, if the seal has not been torn off.

Remember! Specific essential oils for the bath should be used carefully. Start with a small dosage. Some examples of esters cover a wide range of activities, are considered universal and are safe to inhale. How to use essential oils in the bath - watch the video:

Essential oils have a direct effect on the body. If you do not know which essential oil for a bath is better to choose, seek the advice of a specialist who will assess your health and advise on the optimal complex. Read the warnings and contraindications carefully before using essential aromatic products.
