How to freeze apricots for the winter

How to freeze apricots for the winter
How to freeze apricots for the winter

Summer, the time to prepare. We preserve and dry many products. But an equally interesting way is freezing. The maximum amount of nutrients is retained in frozen foods. Today we'll talk about freezing apricots.

Frozen apricots for the winter
Frozen apricots for the winter

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Summer feeds winter and pampers with wonderful tastes, healthy vitamins and delicate aroma. Today we'll talk about apricots. For the future, they are harvested in the form of jam or compotes, the berries are also dried, getting dried apricots, but today we will freeze them for long-term storage until spring. In addition, with this method of harvesting, all vitamins and minerals are preserved in fruits by almost 90%. And this, nicotinic acid, vitamins: C, B1, B2, PP. Apricots also contain trace elements: copper, manganese, iron, cobalt, potassium. And sunlight gives carotene, which is as much in them as in egg yolk. Apricots are useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system, and for burns of the skin of the face, masks are made from their pulp.

It will be useful for every housewife to find out this recipe, since other products can be harvested using this technology: plums, peaches, strawberries, currants, etc. Also remember the following guidelines. You cannot quickly freeze berries and fruits, as they can turn into an unappetizing "porridge". For the same reason, defrosted fruits cannot be re-frozen. Therefore, immediately pack them in small, convenient containers or bags so that you can use the products in one go for cooking or eating. Although mostly frozen berries are used without defrosting.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 48 kcal.
  • Servings - Any Amount
  • Cooking time - 20-30 minutes preparatory work, plus time for freezing


Apricots - any quantity

Step-by-step preparation of apricots for the winter:

The apricots are washed
The apricots are washed

1. Select for freezing not spoiled, strong and moderately ripe, but not overripe apricots, otherwise they will turn into porridge when thawed. Place them in a colander and rinse under running water, thoroughly rinsing the shaggy sides of them. It is most convenient to do this with a special soft kitchen brush, rubbing the berries in water from all sides with it, and then rinse again.

Apricots are dried
Apricots are dried

2. Place the apricots on a towel and leave to dry. To speed up the process, you can wipe the fruits with a paper towel.

The pits have been removed from the apricot
The pits have been removed from the apricot

3. Cut dry berries in half and remove the pit.

The pits have been removed from the apricot
The pits have been removed from the apricot

4. Do the same for all fruits. If the apricots are large, cut them into smaller pieces.

Apricots are stacked in a storage container
Apricots are stacked in a storage container

5. Take a convenient container and fold the berries neatly. Do not squeeze tightly to avoid crushing the berries.

Apricots are stacked in a storage container
Apricots are stacked in a storage container

6. Close the containers with lids and send the apricots to the freezer. If you have a large container for freezing, then put the fruits in one layer on a board or paper and send them to the freezer for preliminary freezing at a temperature of -20 ° C for 3 hours. Once the fruit has set, transfer it to a plastic bag or plastic container, seal it tightly and send it to the freezer for long-term storage. Store frozen apricots at -18 ° C.

See also the video recipe on how to cook apricots.
