How to freeze asparagus beans for the winter while maintaining their beneficial properties and attractive appearance

How to freeze asparagus beans for the winter while maintaining their beneficial properties and attractive appearance
How to freeze asparagus beans for the winter while maintaining their beneficial properties and attractive appearance

How to freeze asparagus beans for the winter at home? The benefits of the product for the body and nutritional value. Step by step recipe with photos and cooking secrets. Calorie content and video recipe.

Ready frozen asparagus beans for the winter
Ready frozen asparagus beans for the winter

Asparagus beans strengthen the reproductive and immune systems, help fight the aging process and are rich in vitamins. Beans are low in calories, fat free and high in saturated fatty acids. It contains vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, iron, potassium, folic acid, magnesium and thiamine. It is rich in dietary fiber, which acts as a laxative. Asparagus is close to meat in terms of the amount of protein that is easily digestible. Therefore, it must be eaten all year round. For this, asparagus beans can be frozen for the winter for future use. Moreover, it is very easy to do it at home.

Fortunately, now voluminous freezers delight housewives, that in the winter cold you can feast on non-seasonal vegetables and fruits. After all, almost all products are subject to freezing, incl. and the recently popular asparagus beans. But in order for this product to be tasty in winter, you should know how to properly freeze raw asparagus beans for the winter. The proposed recipe with a photo will help you with this.

See also how to freeze boiled asparagus for the winter.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 31 kcal.
  • Servings - Any Amount
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes of active work


Green beans - any quantity

Step by step preparation of freezing asparagus beans for the winter, a recipe with a photo:

Asparagus washed
Asparagus washed

1. Sort out the asparagus beans by sorting the spoiled fruits. they are not suitable for freezing. Place the good beans in a colander and wash with cold running water.

Note: to make the workpiece tasty, you need to choose the right product. If the asparagus beans are grown in your garden, harvest them in time, because the most delicious beans are dairy beans that have not yet overgrown. Hard, overripe pods are not suitable for freezing. Pierce the asparagus beans purchased on the market with a marigold, so as not to consume the tasteless preparation in winter.

Asparagus dried
Asparagus dried

2. Spread a cotton towel on the countertop with the asparagus on top. Leave it to dry or it will freeze with ice crystals. To speed up the drying process, blot it with a paper towel. You can also triple the draft indoors, which will weather the beans and dry them faster.

Asparagus sliced
Asparagus sliced

3. When the asparagus is dry, cut off the ends on both sides and cut into 3-4 pieces, depending on the original size. The ideal bean size is 2 cm.

Asparagus folded in a bag
Asparagus folded in a bag

4. Place the asparagus in a vacuum freezer bag or plastic container.

Asparagus sent to the freezer
Asparagus sent to the freezer

5. Remove all air from the bag and send it to freeze in the freezer at a temperature not exceeding -15 ° C. If there is a "shock freeze" mode, turn it on, and after the beans are frozen, return to the previous mode in the freezer.

Frozen asparagus beans can be stored in the freezer until next season. You can use frozen asparagus beans for the winter for cooking soup or borscht, to which it is added without defrosting. If you want to make a side dish out of it, boil it first for 4-5 minutes and add it to the dish.

See also the video recipe on how to freeze green asparagus beans.
