Ginger with lemon and honey - these three simple foods will help support your immune system and prevent colds. I propose to take note of a simple recipe for how to make such a blank. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

The benefits of ginger, lemon and honey are obvious. Separately, each component has a lot of vitamins, and together it is a complete elixir for health. The products will increase immunity and help the body fight seasonal colds and viruses, as well as remove fatigue and invigorate. Therefore, as soon as you feel weak and unwell, immediately make a blank from these products. After all, everyone knows that lemon is rich in vitamin C, ginger heals colds, and honey in general is a cure for all diseases. It is more convenient and useful to use the workpiece in the morning on an empty stomach, with a glass of warm water. Thus, all systems in the body are activated. In winter, the preparation can be added to warm tea or eaten with a bite, and in summer, you can prepare a refreshing, aromatic drink. Although such delicious food can be simply eaten every day with pleasure as a dessert.
In addition, ginger, lemon and honey are in perfect harmony with each other. The light aroma and acidity of lemon, the pungency of ginger and the sweetness of honey are perfectly combined with each other. In addition, such an amazing tool is also used for weight loss. After all, ginger is an excellent helper in a complex diet aimed at weight loss and body shaping.
See also how to prepare dried ginger in chunks.
- Calorie content per 100 g - 325 kcal.
- Servings - capacity about 400 ml
- Cooking time - 20 minutes

- Fresh ginger root - 1 pc.
- Honey - 4 tablespoons
- Lemon - 1 pc.
Step-by-step preparation of a cold preparation from ginger, lemon and honey, a recipe with a photo:

1. Wash the lemon well under hot water. Since the skin can be coated with paraffin, which extends the shelf life of citrus fruits. And you can wash it off only with hot water. Then dry the fruit with a paper towel and cut into 4 pieces.

2. Install the meat grinder with medium wire rack and pass the lemon through the auger.

3. Peel the ginger root, wash and dry with a paper towel.

4. On a medium or fine grater, grate the ginger root.

5. Add honey to the products. If it is thick, pre-melt it in a water bath to a liquid consistency. But do not bring it to a boil, otherwise the honey will lose some of the nutrients.

6. Stir the food well.

7. Place the ginger, lemon and honey cold cure in a clean glass jar. Close the lid tightly and store in the refrigerator for 2-3 months. In addition to the fact that such a blank can be eaten, you can use it in baking for muffins, pies, biscuits, etc.
See also a video recipe on how to prepare a vitamin mixture to strengthen immunity from colds and flu from ginger, lemon and honey.