Such a blank should be in the bins of any hostess, because it can be used in so many recipes. How to close cherries in their own juice? Step-by-step explanation, photo.

Cherries in their own juice are an excellent preparation for the winter. It is better to spend a little time in the summer, so that later in the winter you can enjoy the fresh taste of this berry. Let's also say about the bones. Do not be too lazy to close the pitted cherries, use a good old pin or a special typewriter for this.
What is so good about cherries according to this recipe? And the fact that when you open the jar, the first thing that will impress you is the amazing aroma, and then the taste. What to do next with such a blank? You can cook jelly, any cherry sauce, serve the preparation for pancakes or pancakes, and bake a pie / cake with cherries. There are many options!
- Caloric content per 100 g - 153 kcal.
- Servings - 2 cans of 0.5 liters
- Cooking time - 12 hours

- Cherries - 500-700 g
- Sugar - 10 tbsp l.
Step-by-step preparation of pitted cherries for the winter in their own juice

Soak cherries in salt water. For 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. l. salt. We leave for 20 minutes. This soaking is necessary to get rid of the worms that may be in the berries. Then we rinse the cherries in running water, remove the stalks and seeds.

We put cherries in a half-liter jar, sprinkling with sugar. Each jar needs 5 tbsp. l. Sahara. If the cherries are sour, you can increase the amount of sugar. Do not press cherries in the process of placing them in jars. If it doesn't fit in two cans, take a third. After she lets out the juice, place everything in two containers.

The last layer is sugar.

Leave the jars alone for 12 hours or more. During this time, the cherry will let out a lot of juice and sit down. You can transfer the cherries from the "additional" container.

Pour cold water into a saucepan or bowl, lay a towel on the bottom. We put our cans in a saucepan. We make sure that the water reaches the shoulders. We put the entire structure on the stove and bring the water in a saucepan to a boil. Pasteurize conservation for 7 minutes, covering with lids.

We immediately roll up the cans and turn them upside down. It is not necessary to wrap up.

Ready cherries in their own seedless juice can be stored for more than one year. Still, we hope that in winter you will use it for your culinary masterpieces.
See also video recipes:
A delicious recipe for cherries in their own juice for the winter