Folk recipes for raspberry face masks

Folk recipes for raspberry face masks
Folk recipes for raspberry face masks

What better way to make your own raspberry face mask. It will be much cheaper than buying cosmetics and, most importantly, very effective, because there are only natural ingredients without chemicals. Read about the health benefits of raspberries.

Dry and normal skin

  1. A moisturizing raspberry mask will help to cope with dry skin. For cooking, you will need 1 egg yolk, 4-5 raspberries, 1 tbsp. milk and tsp. vegetable oil. All these ingredients must be ground. If the resulting mass requires density, then a little oat flour can be added to the mask. Apply the mixture to your face and after 15 minutes wash off with warm water, then cool.
  2. Also, a mask fights well against dry skin, where you need to grind 1 tbsp. raspberries with cottage cheese, or sour cream or cream. You can also use vegetable oil. For dry skin, you can prepare a nourishing raspberry cream. We still need 3-4 raspberries, which need to be ground with a half tablespoon. butter. This cream should be applied to the face, driving it into the skin, kept for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.
  3. Since the dry skin of the face needs nutrition, it will not be superfluous nourishing mask … It is also suitable for normal skin. Recipe: First, take 1 tbsp. oatmeal and pour a little hot milk. We leave the resulting mixture for 5-7 minutes, and then add tbsp here. mashed raspberries. If the skin is very dry and has a tendency to peel off, then 1 tbsp can be added to this mask. butter, melted in advance. The mask should be kept for 10-15 minutes and washed off with lukewarm water.

Oily Skin Recipes

  1. For oily skin, there is a good raspberry folk remedy. First of all, you need to prepare raspberry gruel. Mix a table horn of mashed berries with egg white, add kefir, low-fat yogurt and yogurt. All ingredients must be in equal proportions. To make the mixture thicker, you can add wheat flour or starch. The resulting mass is applied to the face for 15 minutes. After a lapse of time, it is washed off with warm water.
  2. Also, a special mask will help to cope with oily skin, a recipe: you need to mix tbsp. crushed raspberries, a small piece of crumb of black bread, or bran bread. The mask should be lightly rubbed into the skin and washed off after 15 minutes with cool water.
  3. Oily skin requires cleansing. You can clean it with the following mixture: pre-mashed, until juice forms 2 tbsp. mix raspberries with half tablespoon flour. Apply the mask to the face and rinse off with cool water after 15 minutes.
  4. A mixture of 6-7 raspberries, ground with 1 teaspoon of honey, will help with oily and aging skin.

Any type of skin

For any type, you can use raspberry gruel. Take a few raspberries, mash and squeeze the juice. The resulting gruel should be applied to any type of face and kept for 15 minutes. Raspberry gruel increases skin elasticity and perfectly tones and refreshes it. As for dry skin, before this procedure, the face should be lubricated with a nourishing cream or olive oil. Besides the masks, you can make a scrub from raspberriessuitable for all skin types. To prepare a scrub, you should use flakes and 3 raspberries. The berries must be mashed and mixed with the flakes. We take the resulting mixture in our hand, moisten it a little and begin to massage the wet skin of the face with this composition. The scrub is able to effectively cleanse the skin of the face and fill it with freshness.

Aging skin

  1. Mask, consisting of 1 tbsp.raspberry gruel mixed in the same proportion with cottage cheese and 1 tsp. honey, will help in the fight against aging facial skin. This mask should be kept on the face for only 10 minutes and then washed off with cool water.
  2. If the skin looks flabby and sluggish, then to improve its tone, wipe the face with ice cubes. Ice chunks should be frozen from a decoction of raspberry and lime blossom leaves. To prepare such a broth, you need to take 1 tbsp. raspberry leaves and the same number of linden flowers and pour boiling water over. Then tightly closed, it is necessary to insist for at least three hours. Then strain, pour into ice molds and freeze. The procedure should be carried out through a thin cloth or gauze so as not to get burned.

Masks for problem skin

Raspberry masks for problem skin
Raspberry masks for problem skin
  1. Problem skin is one with acne, acne and various inflammations. To help yourself, it should be wiped with a solution prepared at home, where the base is raspberry juice. This will be a kind of facial tonic. Recipe: it is necessary to squeeze the juice from raspberries and dilute it with an infusion of celandine or chamomile. An infusion of celandine or chamomile must be prepared in advance: 1 tbsp. pour the herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. The herb should be infused for at least three hours.
  2. Acne is not uncommon and almost everyone has encountered it. To get rid of acne, it is recommended to regularly rub the face with juice from fresh raspberry leaves. But, in order to avoid redness, each pimple should be greased with butter after wiping.
  3. In addition, a decoction of dried raspberry flowers will help get rid of acne. Preparation of such a mask does not take much time. You just need to take 1, 5-2 tbsp. flowers and pour a glass of boiling water, cover and let it brew for about three hours. With this infusion, you need to wipe the problem areas of your face several times a day. The exact same infusion can be used for washing. But for this, mineral water should be added to the tincture. Water and infusion should be in equal proportions.
  4. For problem skin, they are often used anti-inflammatory masks … Such masks relieve inflammation and irritation of the face, and enrich it with freshness and vigor. One of these masks is prepared on the basis of raspberry leaves. You will need to grind the leaves into a gruel and apply it on your face. But, before using such a mask, the face must be lubricated with a moisturizer. It is worth holding the mask for 15 minutes, and then washing.
  5. Raspberry juice will help with freckles and age spots. It has a whitening effect. In addition, the juice squeezed from raspberries can be used as a facial lotion. It perfectly tightens pores and removes oily shine from the face.
