Onion masks for hair: folk recipes

Onion masks for hair: folk recipes
Onion masks for hair: folk recipes

For hair loss, as well as to improve growth, it is useful to make onion masks. From time immemorial, women have known and constantly used this method. Do not be afraid of an unpleasant smell - it can be easily eliminated! What is the effect of onion juice? It turns out that its burning substances irritate the hair follicles, stimulate them, and subsequently the hair grows faster. With it, you can cope with the problem of baldness, oily, dry hair, dandruff. In all recipes we use only juice, for this you need: grate the onion on a coarse grater, use a blender to grind it into gruel. Squeeze the juice from the pulp, and discard the pulp. You can read in detail on our website about the beneficial properties of onions.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is advisable to make masks every other day for two months.

Homemade hair onion masks:

Homemade hair onion masks
Homemade hair onion masks

Green onion feathers

This recipe is useful for women who often use dyes and do perm. So the hair becomes stiff, like a washcloth, it is not easy to comb and style it. You can cope with the problem with ordinary green onions. Finely chop the peeled feathers, grind them in a blender to a liquid gruel. Apply the mask to the roots, cover with plastic, insulate with a towel. Wash off after 1 hour.

Recipe for strengthening hair roots

  1. To get rid of dandruff, you need to prepare a decoction of the husk from several bulbs. Boil it for about 20 minutes in a water bath, strain, cool. After each wash with shampoo, rinse with this broth.
  2. The second recipe: squeeze the juice from the onion, rub it in once every 7 days. After a month, the hair will fall out less, become shiny and healthy.


In addition to onion liquid, you need burdock oil, yeast (dry fast-acting, in the amount of 1 tsp). Dilute them with warm water (2 tbsp. L), leave for 10 minutes. Add there a few drops of burdock oil, onion juice (2 tbsp. L). Mix everything, apply on the scalp for 1, 5 hours.

Homemade mask for severe hair loss

To prepare the mask, take honey, mayonnaise, olive oil, onion juice. Add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, butter and honey to the juice. Mix everything thoroughly. Rub the prepared mask into the roots, cover with plastic, warm with a terry towel. Rinse off with water after 30 minutes.

Honey mixture

Prepare the onion liquid, add honey (1 teaspoon) to it. Rub the mixture into the scalp without warming with a cap. After 40 minutes, rinse with water, rinse with vinegar solution (recipe below).

Garlic egg

To prepare the next mixture, take onion, garlic, burdock oil, egg, brandy (1 tbsp. L). Squeeze out onion and garlic juice, then add cognac, burdock oil, egg yolk there. Stir the mixture, apply to hair, covered with plastic. We stand for at least 30 minutes.

Recipe from kefir, cognac, honey, sea salt

You will need to take only 2 tablespoons of onion juice, add honey (1 tbsp. L), cognac and kefir (3 tbsp. L each), sea salt (1 tbsp. L), a few drops of burdock oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply to the head, cover with a warm towel. Validity period - 1 hour.

How to get rid of onion smell

How to get rid of onion smell
How to get rid of onion smell
  1. When preparing masks, filter the onion juice carefully so that no small particles remain, as this becomes the main cause of the unpleasant odor.
  2. Rub the mixture directly into the roots and scalp, rather than spreading it over the entire length of the strands.
  3. Rinse your head after washing off the mask with orange or lemon juice (2 tablespoons per liter of water) or apple cider vinegar, previously diluted with water in equal proportions.
  4. The odor can be prevented by adding banana pulp, ylang-ylang essential oil, rosemary, lavender, tea tree (a few drops) to the mixture.

Video about homemade onion mask recipes:
