All cottage cheese delicacies with all endless varieties are linked by one quality: desserts always turn out to be very tasty. And this recipe comes out especially tasty and tender, since it is prepared at home.

Photo of finished chocolate cheese Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
Everyone has heard about the benefits of cottage cheese and desserts made from it. Calcium, contained in it, is very useful for all mankind, especially for children and elderly people. Also, curd dishes will come in handy for those who follow a diet and monitor their figure. To please your loved ones, you can make casseroles, cheese cakes, dumplings, dumplings from cottage cheese, or simply mix cottage cheese with fruits. However, today we will focus on a completely different dessert - cottage cheese in chocolate.
This wonderful dessert can of course be purchased at any supermarket. However, in addition to benefits, they also contain preservatives with taste stabilizers, which are not very useful for our body. Therefore, I propose to cook such a delicacy yourself. Moreover, this is done quite quickly and simply, it turns out very tasty, and most importantly useful.
Such a delicacy will appeal not only to small children, but also to adults with a sweet tooth. Those who try this dessert at least once will become their admirer and admirer forever. These bars can be served as a dessert for tea, coffee or just compote. And to make them you will need silicone muffin or ice molds.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 407 kcal.
- Servings - 6
- Cooking time - 1 hour 30 minutes

- Cottage cheese - 300 g
- Butter - 50 g
- Dark chocolate - 100 g
- Sugar - 3-5 tablespoons or to taste
- Coconut flakes - 6 tsp
- Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
Cooking curd in chocolate

1. Break the chocolate into pieces and place in any container that you place on the steam bath. Melt it and apply a generous layer to the silicone molds with a cooking brush.
A steam bath is easy to make. To do this, put water in a saucepan, put it on fire, and place a container with chocolate on top of it. The chocolate bowl should not touch the boiling water. Turn on a medium heat and wait for the chocolate to melt slowly.

2. Put the greased tins with chocolate in the freezer for 30-40 minutes so that the chocolate hardens well.

3. In the meantime, cook the curd mass. To do this, put butter and sugar in a food processor with a "cutting knife" attachment, and whisk the food well. If you don't have such a kitchen gadget, you can use a mixer.

4. Then add the curd and beat well again. If you use a mixer, then the cottage cheese must first be grated twice through a sieve, or passed through a meat grinder.

5. The curd mass should be of a uniform consistency without lumps and grains.

6. When the chocolate in the silicone molds hardens, fill them with the curd mass.

7. Top the curd with coconut flakes. Although coconut can be mixed into the curd mass. Also, if you wish, you can put raisins, dried apricots or other fruits in the curd.

8. Put the chocolate back in the water bath and melt it. Then grease the top of the dessert with it, which is sent back to the freezer for 15 minutes until it solidifies completely. When the chocolate hardens well, remove the dessert from the molds and serve.
See also a video recipe on how to make glazed curds in chocolate: