Dried fruit, rose hips and citrus compote

Dried fruit, rose hips and citrus compote
Dried fruit, rose hips and citrus compote

Compote of dried fruits, rose hips and citrus fruits has a good taste, great benefits and excellent thirst quencher.

Ready-made compote of dried fruits, rose hips and citrus fruits
Ready-made compote of dried fruits, rose hips and citrus fruits

Recipe content:

  • How to cook compote correctly?
  • The benefits of dried fruits
  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Dried fruit compote is considered the most common drink in the 80-90s in the countries of the former Soviet Union. It is prepared from dried fruits and berries, most often apples, pears, apricots, plums are used. In the modern world, all kinds of products have begun to be added to compotes, such as dried apricots, raisins, citrus fruits, rose hips, viburnum and mountain ash. In some recipes, the compote contains cloves, vanilla, cinnamon, lemon balm and mint leaves, ground ginger and lemon.

How to cook compote correctly?

The main secret of cooking a healthy compote is simple. Dried apples and pears are boiled for about 40 minutes, other dried fruits - no more than 20 minutes, and prunes and dried apricots for only 10-15 minutes. Raisins will cook the fastest, so they should be added to the drink 5 minutes before they are ready. Sugar should also be added at the end of cooking. The drink should be light brown and transparent. It is advisable to start cooking the compote 10 hours before consumption, since the entire flavor bouquet is fully revealed in the drink only when it is infused.

When adding different spices, you should not overdo them so that the compote does not lose its natural taste. For the piquancy of the compote, you can add quite a bit of wine to it.

The benefits of dried fruits

Nutritionists advise drinking dried fruit compote as often as possible. Since it has a beneficial effect on the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems. This drink contains glucose and fructose, which do not increase insulin and are healthy carbohydrates.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 16 kcal.
  • Servings - 3.5 L
  • Cooking time - 1 hour


  • Dried apple fruits - 200 g
  • Dried plums - 50 g
  • Lemon - 2 wedges
  • Rosehip - 15 pcs.
  • Orange - 4-6 slices
  • Sugar to taste

Cooking compote from dried fruits, rose hips and citrus fruits

Dried fruits washed
Dried fruits washed

1. Wash dried fruits (apple and plum). To do this, put them in a sieve, which is immersed in a container of water and leave them there to soak for about 10 minutes. Then remove them from the pan and rinse each berry separately under running water.

Citrus fruits washed and sliced
Citrus fruits washed and sliced

2. Wash the orange and lemon and cut off the required number of slices from each. If you like citrus notes, you can add more of these fruits.

Dried fruits and citrus fruits are stacked in a saucepan and covered with water
Dried fruits and citrus fruits are stacked in a saucepan and covered with water

3. Place dried apple and citrus fruits in a saucepan, cover with water and cook. After 20 minutes, add dried plum fruits and cook the drink for another 15 minutes. Then add sugar and boil the compote for 3-5 minutes.

Rosehip washed and added to the pot
Rosehip washed and added to the pot

4. Let the compote cool down to about 80 degrees and put the washed rose hips in a saucepan. Because if you pour boiling water over the rosehip, it will lose many of its beneficial properties. Leave the drink to infuse for 10 hours. However, if you use it right away, then it will be no less tasty.

See also a video recipe on how to cook a delicious dried fruit compote.
