How to brew rose hips correctly?

How to brew rose hips correctly?
How to brew rose hips correctly?

Learn how to make a delicious and healthy drink from rosehips yourself. Rosehip is a very useful plant, thanks to the use of which the body is saturated with the necessary amount of valuable trace elements and vitamins, indispensable for its full functioning.

Among the people, the rosehip can also be called "wild rose", as it has beautiful flowers with a rich aroma. It is a natural and invaluable storehouse of nutrients. Healing properties are possessed not only by its fruits, but also by seeds, roots, and also petals. In terms of the concentration of nutrients, rosehip is several times higher than other medicinal plants. To use this gift of nature, you need to know how to properly brew rose hips and the features of this procedure.

What is the use of rose hips?

Dog-rose fruit
Dog-rose fruit

The fruits of this plant are valuable sources of antioxidants, while they have a pronounced bactericidal and phytoncidal effect, it contains a large amount of vitamins K, P, C, which provide an accelerated process of tissue regeneration and bone fusion.

Due to such a rich composition and the content of a large number of trace elements, it is recommended to use rose hips for the general healing of the whole body, including for medicinal purposes. In folk medicine, extracts, teas, vitamin extracts, decoctions, infusions, and syrups are widely used, for the preparation of which the fruits of the wild rose were used. These funds help maintain the body during a general breakdown, anemia, exhaustion, including vitamin deficiency, provoked by a lack of vitamin C.

Thanks to the use of such drinks, it is possible to maintain the normal functioning of the entire human body and individual organs. Rosehip contributes to the destruction of various types of harmful bacteria, and the inflammatory processes occurring in the body are eliminated. It becomes possible to get rid of bleeding, lower blood pressure and saturate the body with such a useful trace element as iron.

Rosehip seed oil is recommended for use in folk medicine as an effective and completely natural healing and prophylactic agent. When applied externally, accelerated healing of cracks and wounds occurs, it helps during the treatment of inflammation and irritation, burns, ulcers, eczema.

Rosehip fruits are recommended to be brewed for the preparation of medicinal decoctions that have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. This tool becomes simply irreplaceable for a variety of colds.

A healing drink from rose hips helps to normalize carbohydrate metabolism, while there is a positive effect on the work of almost all organs of the human body, including the gallbladder, kidneys, bone marrow and liver.

Rosehip root has a pronounced astringent effect. Infusions and decoctions made from wild rose fruits help regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, while they can be used as an effective and all-natural antiseptic for gum disease, which is used for rinsing the mouth.

How to properly prepare rosehip decoctions and teas?

Rosehip decoction
Rosehip decoction

If you brew rose hips correctly, it will retain all its beneficial qualities and healing properties. This drink can also be used as a natural prophylactic agent that helps prevent the development of various diseases.

To prepare such a healing drink, it is important to strictly adhere to the ratio of rose hips and water 10: 1 (about 4 tablespoons of wild rose fruits will be needed per liter of water). To preserve the maximum benefits and vitamins, you need to observe not only the correct proportions, but also the temperature regime, as well as the infusion time of the broth.

Raw materials for the preparation of such medicinal drinks can be procured independently. This type of shrub grows not only in gardens, but also in the wild - in the forest, in ravines, in clearings. Rose hips are best harvested with the onset of autumn, and then a healthy and tasty drink can be drunk throughout the year.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that before preparing a healing drink, it is necessary to grind the rose hips, due to which the brewing time will be significantly reduced. Of course, you can use the fruits as a whole, but then it will just take more time to prepare the drink.

In order for the fruits of the wild rose to be well infused, it is recommended to use a thermos with a glass flask, due to which much more useful substances are retained. In this case, the finished drink will have a pleasant and mild taste, preserving the valuable qualities of rose hips.

Using fresh rose hips

Rosehip bush with fruits
Rosehip bush with fruits

Fresh rose hips contain the greatest amount of nutrients, so it is recommended to brew it immediately. As a rule, the fruit ripening period lasts several weeks and the rose hips harvested at this time will have the greatest number of beneficial qualities. To preserve all vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to brew fresh rose hips as follows:

  1. First, the rose hips are thoroughly washed and all rough villi are removed, as they can provoke sore throat and irritation.
  2. The prepared fruits, together with the seeds, are kneaded with a fork.
  3. This mass is placed in a glass container (it is advisable to use a glass thermos flask), then hot boiled water is poured, the temperature of which should be about 60 ° C, but not higher. It is worth remembering that too hot water can destroy all nutrients with vitamins.
  4. You need to adhere to the correct proportions - about 1 tsp. gruel from fresh rose hips is taken 1 tbsp. warm water.
  5. After the rosehip is filled with liquid, the container must be closed with a lid and left for 60 minutes to brew well.
  6. After a specified period of time, the infusion must be filtered and poured into a separate container, and then left for a while.
  7. The strained mass of fruits must be placed in a saucepan and filled with water in a ratio of 1 tsp. rose hips take 500 g of liquid.
  8. Then the mixture is boiled for 15 minutes on minimum heat, after which it is filtered again and cooled to room temperature.
  9. Then the broth and infusion are mixed, it is advisable to add a small amount of honey to the resulting drink.

Rosehip brewed by this method is very useful for the body, since the freshly prepared infusion retains almost all the valuable minerals and vitamins that react to high temperatures. By boiling wild rose fruits, you can maximize the benefits of the drink.

Using dried rose hips

Dried rose hips
Dried rose hips

Dried rose hips can be used for healing purposes throughout the year. In this case, you need to brew a wild rose as follows:

  1. Rosehip fruits are washed under running water, after which they are crushed using a blender, but you can use a coffee grinder or meat grinder.
  2. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the fibers inside the fruit.
  3. The resulting slurry is transferred into a glass flask of a thermos, after which it is poured with boiled water, the temperature of which is no more than 60 ° C.
  4. The container is covered with a lid and left for about 45 minutes, and then filtered.
  5. Gruel from the fruits of a wild rose is poured with water in the following proportions - for 1 tsp. rose hips take about 500 g of water.
  6. The composition is put on the stove, brought to a boil, then the fire is screwed to a minimum and the broth languishes for 30 minutes.
  7. The drink must be filtered and left for a while until it cools down to room temperature.
  8. Then the broth is mixed with the previously prepared infusion.
  9. A small amount of natural honey or sugar can be added to the finished drink.

Provided that whole rose hips are brewed, it is worth preparing for the fact that this process will take quite a long time, and it may take about 7 hours to effectively brew a healing drink. It is very convenient to brew rose hips at night, and in the morning the healthy drink will be completely ready.

How to use rose hips to boost immunity?

Rose hips in a bowl and a decoction
Rose hips in a bowl and a decoction

If you are worried about weakness and malaise, in order to strengthen the immune system and overall health of the body, you can use warming rosehip tea.

To do this, you need to chop the rose hips and pour water in the following ratio - 1 tbsp. l. product is taken 1 tbsp. liquids. The composition is left for 10-14 minutes to infuse well. You can add Sudanese rose (hibiscus), black or green tea, mint to the composition of medicinal tea.

To enhance the protective functions of the body, it is worth making rosehip tea in a water bath. For this, 2 tbsp is taken. l. fruits of a wild rose and 350 g of hot boiled water are poured. Then the container with the mixture is placed in a deep saucepan and left to simmer for 15 minutes. The finished drink is left for a while until it cools down to room temperature and is filtered.

Rosehip petals, which can be used not only dried, but also fresh, are very useful for the body. They need to be brewed like simple tea - with the tea brew or separately. After the petals are poured with boiling water, the drink is left for 10-14 minutes to brew well. The tea prepared according to this recipe has a pleasant and light aroma, delicate taste and is very useful in the presence of diseases of the gallbladder.

How to use rosehip for weight loss?

Rose hips in a plate
Rose hips in a plate

Rosehip helps to quickly get rid of a couple of extra pounds and bring your weight into shape. It contains a large amount of valuable vitamins and minerals. That is why a drink made from rose hips helps not only to lose weight, but also to maintain the body's strength at the desired level, without using a variety of strict diets.

Rosehip contains nutrients that help normalize the metabolic process and help speed up metabolism. To this end, during the day, you need to drink a healing drink from the fruits of the wild rose several times. However, to obtain the desired result, it is necessary to complete a full course, which lasts 3-4 weeks.

If the rosehip will be brewed for weight loss, it is necessary to put 3 tbsp in a thermos. l. dried fruits, then pour 1 liter of boiled and hot water. Then the thermos is tightly closed with a lid, and the broth is left to infuse for 10-11 hours. The finished drink should be drunk about half an hour before the start of the meal. This broth should be drunk 2-3 times a day.

Before using rose hips for weight loss, you need to remember that wild rose fruits are very high in calories - 100 g of dried product contains approximately 110 Kcal. Rosehip is very useful for the human body and helps not only to bring weight back to normal or get rid of colds, but also to improve overall health.

How to brew rose hips correctly, see this video:
