Find out how to independently carry out such a cosmetic procedure as henna eyebrow biotattoo at home. What tools and techniques should be used to achieve the desired result.
Contraindications for henna biotattoo

The composition of biotattoo paint contains components of natural origin and are completely harmless. That is why it is possible to carry out the procedure for dyeing eyebrows during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.
Almost every girl can use eyebrow modeling, but it is worth remembering the following contraindications:
- the presence of individual intolerance to the components that make up the coloring matter;
- the presence of deep scratches and other types of damage to the integrity of the skin in the area of staining;
- redness, irritation, rashes of various etiologies on the skin in the area of treatment with the coloring composition.
Henna for eyebrow biotattoo procedure

For many years, women of the East have been using this natural dye for cosmetic purposes. However, only brown henna is suitable for changing the color of the eyebrows. But to get the desired shade, additional components of plant origin are also used.
For example, to get a rich black color, basma and henna are mixed in equal amounts, for a reddish, chestnut or other shade, lawsonium is used as a base and mixed with cocoa, ground coffee, infusion of walnut shells or its leaves.
If ready-made store dyes are used, they contain:
- for hair nutrition, ceaxanthin;
- to strengthen the routines;
- to prevent a skin reaction, fisalenin, which also has an antimicrobial effect;
- Betaine to moisturize hair;
- to give a glossy shine emodinin;
- to stimulate hair growth, aloe-emodinin, which acts directly on the bulbs;
- a natural dye with anti-inflammatory effect is chrysophanol.
Types of henna for coloring eyebrows at home

For the procedure of bio-coloring of eyebrows, three main types of paint from Lavsonia are used - Indian, Iranian, Sudanese. It is colorless henna that is most popular, but it does not have the necessary coloring properties. But thanks to its use, the condition of the hairs is improved, strengthened and significantly improved.
Today, henna for eyebrow bio-coloring is not a rarity. Therefore, you can buy this tool in almost any cosmetic store or on a specialized website at an affordable price. It is important to choose the right shade of paint, and for this you need to familiarize yourself with the information attached to the dye or consult a professional beautician.
Biotattoo is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to give your eyebrows the desired shade and well-groomed look. However, the main disadvantage is short-term and unstable results. If you plan to carry out the eyebrow dyeing procedure yourself using simple henna powder in combination with other dye additives, then dyeing will need to be done every 10 days. Provided that the procedure is carried out by an experienced master using a professional paint composition, the result will last for about 1–1.5 months.
Step-by-step coloring of eyebrows with henna in the salon

The process of dyeing eyebrows in beauty salons is carried out in several main stages:
- first, the eyebrows are prepared for coloring - makeup is removed, scrubbing is performed with a stiff brush, the areas of staining are degreased with micellar water;
- the shape and tone of the eyebrows is selected;
- the ingredients for coloring are mixed immediately before use (it is not recommended to store the paint);
- using a beveled or small brush, the coloring agent is applied to the eyebrows;
- after 20 minutes, the dye is washed off with saline or water;
- eyebrow correction is performed with tweezers;
- the coloring composition is fixed with a special solution.
Biotattoo Brow henna
Brow Henna is one of the most famous manufacturers of dyeing henna and offers a new technology for eyebrow bio-dyeing. The main feature of this technology is that the powder is now packed not in simple sachets, but in small tubes, which makes it easy to control the amount of dye used, preventing it from spilling.
Before using the paint, you need to add a few drops of water and stir thoroughly until the mixture is liquid. The manufacturer claims that the result obtained after dyeing the eyebrows will last about 2-6 weeks. The range includes 8 different tones, ranging from very light to rich dark colors.
How to make henna eyebrow biotattoo at home?

The procedure for bio-dyeing eyebrows with henna is very simple to perform, and no special knowledge or skills are required. You can do everything yourself at home. To do this, you first need to purchase henna of the desired shade (you can mix several tones to get a suitable color), a thin brush with which the paint will be applied.
The procedure for bio-dyeing eyebrows at home is carried out according to the following scheme:
- If this type of dye is used for the first time, it is imperative to first carry out a sensitivity test. Since it is important to determine the presence or absence of paint allergies.
- The stained area is thoroughly cleaned and degreased with a special makeup remover (you can use micellar water).
- The hairs are well combed with a thick brush.
- The skin under and above the eyebrow is lubricated with a greasy cream to help prevent staining.
- If necessary, you can draw the desired shape of the eyebrows using a pencil.
- According to the instructions, immediately before use, a solution for coloring is prepared - a small amount of the powder dissolves in water and the mixture is well mixed.
- The prepared coloring solution is applied to the eyebrows using a special brush - first, the tails of two eyebrows are processed, after which you need to move on to the arch and base.
- It is necessary to wait about 15 minutes for the paint to dry, after which the next layer is applied.
- To give a more saturated shade to the "tails" of the eyebrows, after 15 minutes they are additionally painted over for the third time.
- After 15 minutes, the paint is washed off with a cotton pad previously moistened with plain water or saline solution.
- Do not allow the colored eyebrow area to come into contact with water during the day.
How to properly care for eyebrows after dyeing with henna?

In order for the dye to stay on the eyebrows as long as possible, and not to have to often carry out correction, you need to know some rules for caring for them after the bio-dyeing procedure.
It is important to remember that paint loses its properties as a result of frequent contact with water, which is why it is worth minimizing all water procedures. Ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on henna dye, which is why it is recommended to cover your eyebrows while sunbathing and visiting a solarium. After the biotattoo procedure, you should abandon the use of peels and scrubs, as well as other cleansers.