How to use tea tree essential oil for your face

How to use tea tree essential oil for your face
How to use tea tree essential oil for your face

Tea tree oil is a natural remedy that can do a lot. It will cope with skin damage, throat and bronchial diseases, growths and bad mood. In the fight against problem skin and acne, he has no equal among essential oils. Content:

  1. Useful properties of oil

    • Properties
    • Composition
    • Benefit
  2. Instructions for use
  3. Application for the face

    • For oily skin
    • For acne
    • Acne skin care
    • When can you smear
    • How to wipe your face
  4. Types of care

    • Oil lotions
    • Cream
    • Mask for oily skin

Tea tree oil is a yellowish essential oil with a pronounced antiseptic effect and a pleasant aroma, which is obtained as a result of special processing (steam distillation) of the leaves and branches of this plant. The uniqueness of this aromatic oil helped it occupy a certain niche among the most powerful natural remedies in the field of medicine and cosmetology. More details about its features and benefits and let's talk.

Benefits of tea tree oil

Tea tree essential oil is an exclusively external preparation that can be used in pure form, as part of cosmetic and medical mixtures, as well as in the form of inhalation and aromatherapy.

Properties of tea tree essential oil

Essential oil from tea tree
Essential oil from tea tree

Tea tree oil is listed as a must-have for everyone whose skin falls into the category of "problem" or "oily" and is included in most of the special series of skin care products for the improvement of such skin.

By nature, many active components in various areas of our health are included in the structure of tea tree oil, due to which the following properties are inherent in it - antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, protective.

It works great on acne and body rashes. No less effective, this oil manifests itself in relation to rashes of a purulent and allergic nature, herpetic manifestations, seizures and cracks on the lips, small wounds and cuts, problems with gums and colds. They can be supplemented with a regimen for the treatment of corns, warts, fungal diseases and dandruff.

Tea tree oil composition

Cosmetic Australian Tea Tree Oil with Eucalyptus
Cosmetic Australian Tea Tree Oil with Eucalyptus

Natural tea tree essential oil is a complex complex with a harmless chemical composition, which puts it one step ahead of all its "congeners".

About 50 positions are allocated to the share of organic components in its composition, including mono- and diterpenes, cineole, pinene, sesquiterpene, and zimones. It is also noteworthy that this product contains such rare (even for natural formulations) components such as B-terpineol and L-ternineol, viridoflorene and allighexanoate.

The therapeutic focus and, accordingly, the quality of this aromatic oil is determined by two components - cineole and terpene-4-ol. The "main violin" in this case is given to cineole: the healing effect of the tea tree in relation to the bronchopulmonary system is precisely his merit, but in moderate doses. In high concentrations, it can irritate mucous membranes and skin.

It is better to choose foods with a low cineole content (no more than 15%) and a high terpene-4-ol content (no less than 30%). By the standards of the homeland of this aromatic oil, Australia, a composition with 3-5% cineole and 28-35% terpene-4-ol is considered a top-quality product.

The benefits of tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is used for colds
Tea tree oil is used for colds

Thanks to its unique composition, tea tree oil is capable of many things:

  • Copes with Staphylococcus, Proteus, Streptococcus, Klebsiella, Shigella, Candida mushrooms, etc.
  • Relieves colds and diseases of the throat and bronchi.
  • Helps eliminate herpetic and allergic rashes.
  • Useful for diseases of the genital organs of an inflammatory nature.
  • Pain relieves, disinfects and accelerates the healing process of skin lesions (burns, wounds, cuts, insect bites) and inflammatory reactions (abscesses, acne).
  • Promotes the resorption of growths (warts, papillomas, calluses).
  • Relieves toothache and inflammation in the oral cavity.

In addition, tea tree oil is also a very effective natural relaxant that helps relieve tension and thereby increase performance and concentration.

Instructions for using tea tree oil

Tea tree oil inhalation
Tea tree oil inhalation

The product is produced in bottles in three sizes - 10, 15 and 25 ml each, used exclusively externally.

Scope of application: dermatology, burns, herpes, trauma (sprains, dislocations), colds, tonsillitis, inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia, ear, respiratory system, oral cavity, hemorrhoids, insect bites.

Methods of application: topically (rubbing, lubricating, instilling, rinsing), in the form of inhalation, and also as aromatherapy.


  1. Thermal burns (I-II degree) … Lubrication of the affected area with a mixture of oils - sea buckthorn and tea tree in equal parts.
  2. Acute bronchitis with dry cough, colds … Inhalation (with an inhaler - one or two drops each).
  3. Inflammation in the oral cavity … For periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, rinse with a composition that is prepared from 1 tsp. 70% medical alcohol, 2 drops of essential oil and 0.5 tbsp. warm water.
  4. Sore throat … Rinse (for 0.5 tbsp. Warm water - 2-3 drops).
  5. Earache … Instillation of tea tree oil in tandem with olive oil in a 1: 2 ratio in a heated form, a single dosage - 1-2 drops of the composition.
  6. For a calming effect … Bath (for 150-200 liters of warm water - 7-10 drops of aromatic oil), the duration of the water procedure is 10-15 minutes.
  7. Injuries and sprains … Rubbing oil into the most painful area.
  8. Intimate sphere … Douching (8-10 drops of the product per 0.5 liters of boiled water).

Contraindications for use: children's age (up to 10 years), a tendency to allergic reactions.

Storage conditions: oil can be stored at room temperature (not higher than +25 degrees), but in a dark place.

Applying tea tree essential oil for the face

The spectrum of action of the oil on the face is quite wide - it can solve almost any cosmetic problem. Pimples, abscesses, wounds, abrasions, warts, herpes, cracks on the lips - all this can be completely corrected with the help of aromatic tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil for oily skin

Care cosmetics with tea tree oil for oily skin
Care cosmetics with tea tree oil for oily skin

Oily skin is a direct target for tea tree oil, since here it exhibits several of its properties at once: bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and regulatory (in relation to the work of the sebaceous glands). Thus, this aromatic oil, when used correctly and regularly, can act as both a remedy for acne and a preventive one.

It affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing the secretion of sebum and making oily skin more matte and even in color. Tea tree increases resistance to viruses and bacteria, effectively relieves inflammation and prevents the formation of acne, which is actively used to normalize problem skin.

Tea tree oil masks for acne

Spot use of tea tree oil for acne
Spot use of tea tree oil for acne

To get rid of nasty and unsightly blemishes like acne, try using tea tree oil in the following formulas:

  1. Tea tree protein acne mask … Mix a mixture of several oils with one raw egg white - lavender (1-2 drops), tea tree (3-5 drops), chamomile (1-2 drops). If all of these essential oils are not available, only tea tree can be used. It is necessary to carry out such a wellness procedure every 1-2 days for 15 minutes.
  2. Acne oil mask … Take milk thistle oil (2 tablespoons) as a base and add tea tree (2-3 drops) to it. The duration of the mask is 20-30 minutes.
  3. Anti-rash cream oil mask … Mix birch (3 drops), tea tree (10 drops) and lavender (3 drops) oils, stir in cream (1-1.5 tbsp is enough) and apply for 10 minutes.
  4. Mask for local acne treatment … Mix 2-3 tsp. gruel from aloe leaves or natural liquid honey with a couple of drops of tea tree oil. You need to apply such a mask only on the area of the rash, that is, on the pimple itself.

Treating acne skin with tea tree oil

Aqueous solution with tea tree oil for acne
Aqueous solution with tea tree oil for acne

A sure way to deal with acne is with a special skin care regimen using tea tree oil. It includes 2 stages. The treatment of rashes with a pure product is carried out for three days. In the morning, they wipe the face with an aqueous solution of tea tree (for 0.25 tbsp. Of warm water, it is recommended to use 4-5 drops of oil), and in the evening they are treated with alcohol lotion (for 50 ml of water - 22 drops of oil and 6 drops of ethyl alcohol). The duration of the second stage is from the 4th day until the improvement of the skin condition.

The following equally effective methods will help to solve the problem of acne:

  1. Tea tree oil lotions … They are prepared on the basis of 70% calendula tincture per 100 ml of base - 2-3 drops of lavender, tea tree and oregano oils. The resulting medicinal composition must be additionally diluted with water: 1 tsp for a glass of warm liquid. composition. You need to apply such lotions as follows: soak a gauze napkin and apply to the place of the rash for 10 minutes. It is worth carrying out the procedure once a day for 3-3, 5 weeks.
  2. Steam baths for the face with tea tree oil … Choose a convenient, wide enough container for the procedure, pour boiling water into it and add 5-6 drops of oil. You can also use lemon oil with a tea tree: in this case, the total amount of oil will not change (6 drops), the tea tree will have 4 drops and the lemon will have 2 drops. You need to inhale therapeutic vapors for 5-6 minutes, covering your head with a towel and closing your eyes.

When you can smear your face with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil for facial wounds
Tea tree oil for facial wounds

It is noteworthy that the miraculous tea tree oil can be used not only in conjunction with other components. It can bring no less benefit to the skin of the face by itself, that is, in its pure form.

We list all the cases when tea tree oil can simply be smeared on the face, that is, applied pointwise:

  • For the treatment of abscesses and acne;
  • For quick healing and disinfection of wounds, abrasions, burns, cracks, herpes and lip seizures;
  • For softening warts and papillomas;
  • To relieve irritation from allergies and insect bites.

In doing so, remember that a clean product can have the opposite effect from the expected one. Therefore, we recommend that you first test for sensitivity to this product.

How to properly wipe your face with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil for point use
Tea tree oil for point use

Considering that pure tea tree essential oil can irritate or even burn the skin, it should be applied to the face locally, pointwise - precisely on the affected area (pimple, abscess, wound, abrasion, wart, place of a burn or bite, herpetic rash). In this case, the procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to touch areas of healthy skin.

It is most convenient to do this with an ordinary cosmetic cotton swab. We also note that in the case of rashes and bites, the applied oil must still be rubbed lightly into the skin.

Such a point treatment with tea tree oil shows a visible effect already on the 2-3rd day: pimples dry up, inflammation goes away, wounds and abrasions heal. There are also a lot of reviews that oiling only an emerging rash completely stops the process of acne formation.

Types of skin care with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil can be used in any type of skin care - to cleanse, regulate oiliness, prevent and treat acne on the face. This oil can be incorporated into ready-made and homemade creams, lotions, scrubs and masks for skin that requires cleansing and prevention of rashes.

Tea tree oil lotions for skin care

Tea tree oil lotion
Tea tree oil lotion

If you are serious about declaring war on your rash, add tea tree oil lotion to your skincare routine. Here are some particularly effective recipes for these cleansing lotions:

  1. Simple Tea Tree Water Lotion … 1/2 tbsp. warm water - 15-20 drops of oil.
  2. Acne lotion … Combine rose water (1/4 cup), strong sage infusion (2 tablespoons) and tea tree oil (8-10 drops), transfer the mixture to a glass container and wipe the rashes twice a day.
  3. Tea tree alcohol lotion … Drop in 1/4 tbsp. distilled water 7-10 drops of oil and pour in 1 tbsp. l. medical alcohol. Lubricate the pimples with the solution twice a day.
  4. Lotion with herbs and tea tree oil … Here you need to prepare a decoction of sage, calendula or St. John's wort, bay 2 tbsp. l. the selected herb with a glass of boiling water and insisting for half an hour, and drip into it 8-9 drops of "tea" oil. In the case of very oily skin, you can add 1 tsp of lemon juice to the mask.

You need to use any of the listed lotions twice a day. And remember that it is recommended to apply the cream to cleansed skin only after the lotion is completely absorbed.

Tea tree essential oil cream

Tea tree oil cream
Tea tree oil cream

The easiest way to normalize oily skin is to enrich your face cream with pure oil. Moreover, it is better to do this before each procedure for applying the product to the face, dropping a drop of aromatic oil into a portion of the cream. If you want to enrich the entire volume of the cream at once, then proceed from the calculation: 1 drop of oil - per 10 g of the base. But remember that in this case, the effectiveness of the cream will be reduced, since the ether tends to evaporate over time.

You can enrich any cream - day, night or 24-hour action. Cosmetologists recommend using it after lotion with the same tea tree.

Or you can make a homemade tea tree cream for oily skin with your own hands:

  • Cream with honey and glycerin … Soak 6 g of gelatin in 1/2 cup of water until it swells, then add 50 g of honey, 1 g of salicylic acid and 80 g of glycerin to it, dissolve everything in a water bath, stir and add 3 drops of tea tree oil to the slightly cooled cream and geraniums.
  • Cream with beeswax and oils … Mix 2 tbsp. l. grated beeswax (melted in a water bath), 1 tsp. honey, 6 tbsp. l. base oil (apricot, peach, jojoba), 1 tbsp. l. orange juice and 22 drops of essential oils (orange or grapefruit - 10, mint - 5, rosemary - 5, tea tree - 2).

Tea tree oil mask for oily skin

Clay and Tea Tree Oil Mask
Clay and Tea Tree Oil Mask

Tea tree oil can be used in homemade masks for oily skin:

  • Purifying mask with tea tree oil and cosmetic clay … First mix the clay (you can take white, green or blue) and oatmeal - 1 tbsp each. l. (without a slide) of each ingredient, and then pour the mixture with kefir in such an amount that a creamy gruel is obtained. Put a couple of drops of tea tree oil in it and the mask is ready to apply.
  • Toning mask with cleansing action … Stir the oatmeal (about 1 tablespoon) in warm medium-strength green tea to form a thick gruel. Put 1-2 drops of tea tree oil in it and pour in 10 ml of lemon juice.
  • Tea tree oil mask … Stir together grape seed oil (1 tablespoon), tea tree (2-3 drops), black cumin (1 teaspoon) and milk thistle (1 tablespoon). Now, using flour (potato or wheat), bring the mask to a pasty state.
  • Moisturizing Purifying Mask … Mix together chamomile decoction and apricot oil (2 tablespoons each), cottage cheese (200 g), cosmetic clay (3 tablespoons), tea tree oil (6-7 drops) and beat the mixture until creamy.

It is recommended to apply such masks on prepared (cleansed) skin for a period of 10 to 15 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm or cool water. How to use tea tree oil for face - watch the video:

[media = v = nYtCDp1DVI4] As you can see, tea tree essential oil is a real find for any first aid kit and cosmetic arsenal. And those who are forced to fight their problem skin simply cannot do without it. Therefore, carry it in your purse, make masks and lotions with it, use it for treatment and aromatherapy - and be beautiful and healthy!