How to use olive oil for your face

How to use olive oil for your face
How to use olive oil for your face

The content of nutrients in olive oil and their effect on the face. Description of the product, methods of its use, recipes for preparing effective masks against wrinkles and flaking, for toning the skin. Olive oil for face is a great find that allows you to look great at any time. With its help, it is possible to give the skin, the "business card" of a person, a second life - to improve color, elasticity and other properties. This tool is simply universal, because it suits absolutely everyone.

Description and composition of olive oil

Olive oil
Olive oil

This is a vegetable oil obtained by processing olives. Depending on the spinning method, it can melt at temperatures from +5 to + 15 ° C. Its taste is bitter, the color is found both pale and deep yellow. The product consists of 98% fatty acids.

It is one of the main ones in Spain, Italy, Greece, and it is these countries that lead in terms of its production. In Eastern Europe, until the end of the 19th century, olive oil was divided into two varieties: the highest was called Provencal, and the lowest, wood. The calorie content of the product per 100 g is 898 kcal, of which:

  • Fat - 99.8 g;
  • Water - 0.2 g.

100 g contains only one vitamin - alpha-tocopherol (E), and its amount does not exceed 12.1 mg. Of the macronutrients, there is only phosphorus, which is only 2 mg in 100 g. Trace elements are represented by iron, in its composition no more than 0.4 mg. It also contains some sterols (100 mg). Here is a set of saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Omega-6 fatty acids - 12 g;
  • Palmitic - 12.9 g;
  • Stearic acid - 2.5 g;
  • Arachidic - 0.85 g;
  • Palmitoleic - 1.55 g;
  • Oleic (omega-9) - 64.9 g;
  • Gadoleic (omega-9) - 0.5 g;
  • Linoleic acid - 12 g.

According to the method of processing the fruits, there are several varieties of olive oil used for the face. In cosmetology, a product labeled as Extra virgin (natural) is relevant. It is obtained by cold pressing, without filtration and heat treatment. This allows you to keep the composition in its original form. This particular product is the most expensive.

There is also refined oil of the so-called second extraction, which heats up during cooking. And the last type is cake, obtained from the remains of olives.

Benefits of olive oil for the face

Olive oil for facial skin
Olive oil for facial skin

Due to the fact that the product contains a lot of different acids, it has antiseptic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. The oil is no less effective as a whitening, moisturizing, rejuvenating agent. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used regularly either alone or in combination with other ingredients. The benefits of olive oil for facial skin are manifested in the following actions:

  1. Cleans … This effect is achieved due to deep penetration of the composition into the pores, delicate elimination of dead particles and various impurities. It gives freshness and purity, improves the work of the sweat glands, and thus allows you to get rid of oily sheen.
  2. Moisturizes … Since the product is 98% fat, it quickly softens and nourishes the skin, fights dryness and flaking, and replenishes the lack of moisture in the tissues. As a result, the dermis looks fresher and healthier.
  3. Improves color … The face ceases to be pale, there is a natural blush and silkiness, a beautiful shine.
  4. Protects against UV rays … The tool neutralizes their negative effects, softens and restores the dermis. With its help, sunburns pass much faster.
  5. Accelerates regeneration … The oil helps to restore the skin after acne and acne, wounds, various dermatological diseases. Thanks to it, scars are softened and become less noticeable.
  6. Normalizes blood circulation … This has a positive effect on the complexion and smoothness of the skin, which as a result "glows" beautifully and renews itself much faster.
  7. Prevents Premature Aging … The presence of antioxidants in the form of fatty acids helps fight free radicals and toxins that negatively affect the face. Due to its use, bags under the eyes are smoothed, crow's feet pass, nasolabial folds become less noticeable.

Note! Olive oil is great for both normal and problem skin.

Contraindications to the use of olive oil for facial skin

Oily skin of the girl's face
Oily skin of the girl's face

Unlike many other oils, this cannot, in principle, be forbidden to someone. It is gentle and hypoallergenic and never irritates the skin.

To make the effect of its use as complete as possible, the composition is not recommended to be heated. This warning is due to the fact that during heat treatment, it loses almost half of its nutrients. Its content in the composition must be at least 60%, otherwise there will be no special result. The following contraindications should be highlighted:

  • Individual intolerance … It is very rare, but still possible. Therefore, before using the oil, they need to lubricate the elbow first to rule out an allergic reaction.
  • Too oily skin … With this problem, olive oil should not be used in its pure form, as it can aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is combined with other ingredients - oatmeal, lemon juice, green tea, etc.
  • Increased production of subcutaneous fat … You can use olive oil in this case, but not more often 1-2 times a week, and only as part of masks.
  • Long-term use … With regular care, an oily film forms on the skin, which can disrupt the water-fat balance. This often leads to acne and rashes.

When using olive oil for the face, it is better not to combine it with any ready-made creams or masks, as this makes it less effective.

Recipes for face masks with olive oil

Whichever one is chosen, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed and steamed first, this will improve the results. It is necessary to prepare the compositions on the day of their use; it is not recommended to do this in advance. You can combine several components at once, but it makes no sense to combine more than five. This may require both plant and animal ingredients.

Olive oil to moisturize your face at home

Olive oil to moisturize the face
Olive oil to moisturize the face

Owners of problematic, dry skin should take a closer look at this option. Your job is to moisturize it and stop flaking. Masks based on olive oil and cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream and oatmeal will help to cope with this goal. It also goes well with parsley and cucumber pulp. The main thing is not to use drying ingredients like honey, lemon juice, etc.

Here are the masks you can make:

  1. With berries and fruits … First, grind the currants and white grapes (1 tablespoon each), a peeled pear (1 pc.) And half a ripe banana in a blender. When you get a homogeneous gruel, add a little olive oil (15 ml) into it. Stir the prepared mass well and, using a spoon, apply to the face. Do not rinse it off until 15 minutes have passed.
  2. With vegetables … First, remove the peel from the cucumber (1 pc.), Grate it on the finest grater, then do the same with the potatoes, which will also need 1 pc. Now mix the two ingredients, fill them with the main ingredient (3 tablespoons) and, after crushing the mass well, apply the product to a cleansed and dry face. Do not rinse it off for about 10 minutes.
  3. With oils … You will need a 1: 7: 2 ratio of mint, olive and coconut. Now moisten a piece of gauze in this composition and lubricate the skin. Next, let the product soak in, and wash off what remains.
  4. With vitamins … You will need alpha-tocopherol (E) and retinol (A) in an oily solution. Add 10 ml of each to the main ingredient (25 ml), shake well the container with the composition and rub it into the skin with your fingers or a cloth. After 20 minutes, remove what has not been absorbed.

Important! After washing your face, it is recommended to apply some kind of moisturizer.

Anti-wrinkle olive oil

Olive oil with anti-wrinkle sour cream
Olive oil with anti-wrinkle sour cream

Naturally, this tool will not cope with deep skin folds, but it is quite capable of smoothing out mild facial and age wrinkles. To do this, you can wipe the problem areas 2-3 times a week with a gauze cut moistened with the composition, after which you should wash. It will be no less effective to prepare a mask with the main ingredient and additional ones - cereals, dairy products, berries and vegetables.

We have selected the best recipes for you:

  • With cottage cheese … It is necessary that it be greasy and homemade. It (about 50 g) is well ground with a spoon, mixed with apple gruel made from 1-2 fruits and olive oil (25 ml). The composition is shaken and with a brush, with gentle movements, applied to the prepared face. Wash it off no earlier than 15 minutes later.
  • With oatmeal … It will be best to use flakes, which will need about 30 g. They need to be poured with olive oil (30 ml) and grape seed juice (2 tbsp. L.), Pour over, leave for about an hour and use as directed. The product is applied along the massage lines without affecting the eyes, lips and nose. It must take at least 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
  • With curdled milk … Take 15 g of it and gently pour it into rye bread crumbs (2-3 thin slices without a crust). Then pour them well and leave until they are completely decayed. When this happens, add olive oil (15 ml) to the mass, stir it and brush the face with a brush. You can wash your face after 20 minutes.
  • With sour cream … Add to it (30 ml) green tea without infusion (2 tablespoons) and olive oil (no more than 20 ml). Then stir the mixture as thoroughly as possible and spread over the surface with your fingers. Leave it to soak for 20 minutes, after which all that remains, rinse off with plain warm water with a few drops of lemon juice.
  • With salt … It is desirable that it be marine (10 g). It must be dissolved in oil (15 ml) and mixed with liquid honey (2 tsp). Then with a silicone brush, apply the composition to the entire facial area and let it absorb for 15 minutes. After this time has passed, remove the remnants of the product and lubricate the treated areas with a soothing cream.

If the skin is problematic - with acne, redness, age spots, pores, then you can wash off the composition with a decoction of chamomile. It is prepared from 120 g of this herb and 1 liter of water.

Olive oil on the face at night for toning and nourishing

Olive oil for face with white clay
Olive oil for face with white clay

In the fight against old age, olive oil for the face demonstrates itself perfectly together with cosmetic clay, oat flour, corn starch, orange juice and an extract from grape seeds. Funds based on them smooth wrinkles, soothe the skin, eliminate redness and inflammation. It is necessary to use such compositions 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Of all the recipes, the following are worthy of special attention:

  1. With flour … Best of all, if it is oatmeal, you need it 0.5 tbsp. l. This ingredient is mixed with oil (30 ml), ground to a homogeneous gruel and applied to the face. Leave the mass for 20 minutes, then wash off with chamomile broth and soothe the skin with a moisturizer. This option is suitable for both normal and combination skin.
  2. With white clay … It only needs 2 teaspoons and combines with the main ingredient to form a thick slurry. After that, the mass is lubricated with the skin, leaving it until it begins to harden. Then the face is moistened with water and the product is removed. At the end, the skin is moisturized with a cream.
  3. With cornstarch … First, pour in the olive oil (2 tablespoons) the grape seed extract (1 tablespoon). Then dissolve starch (60 g) in this composition to make a thick gruel. After that, dip a brush into it and walk it over the face, applying a thin layer of the mask. It is usually left on for 15 minutes and then removed with water.
  4. With orange juice … It (15 ml) is mixed with olive oil in equal proportions. Then add kiwi pulp (1 pc.), Crush the mass well with a fork and spread it on the skin. They remove it after 10 minutes.
  5. With a grape seed extract … It will only need 1 tbsp. l. This ingredient is supplemented with banana pulp (1 pc.). Next, beat the mass with a blender and mix with olive oil (25 ml). Before use, it is pounded again well and then applied to the face. For the remedy to work, it is kept on the face for about 20 minutes.

How to use olive oil for face - watch the video:

If you do not have time or desire to prepare masks, then you should not doubt whether it is possible to smear your face with olive oil. This is an excellent tool in any form, both pure and as part of some compositions. Thanks to him, your skin will acquire a truly healthy look and sparkle with new colors!
