How to use avocado oil for hair, face and body

How to use avocado oil for hair, face and body
How to use avocado oil for hair, face and body

Avocado oil is ideal for hair, face, hand and body skin care. The amazing chemical composition and healing properties have an amazing effect on the body. Read about all the ways to use avocado oil here. Content:

  1. Avocado seed oil properties

    • Composition
    • Omega-3 acid
    • Benefit
  2. Uses of avocado oil

    • How to use
    • For the body
    • For face
    • For hair
    • For eyes
    • For body
    • For dry skin
    • For hands

Avocado oil is a nutritious and valuable product, a delicious nutritional supplement and an amazing cosmetic product. The beneficial essential oil is produced by mechanically pressing the seeds and pulp of the popular alligator pear fruit. Among all the abundance of oils, this is considered the most environmentally friendly and valuable in terms of chemical composition. Read on for all the beneficial properties and numerous uses.

Avocado seed oil properties

The nutritious and healthy fruits of avocados have been consumed by the ancient tribes of Mexicans and Colombians for more than 12 thousand years. And the natural oil obtained by pressing these fruits is considered even more valuable. Such a product as a dietary supplement has a positive effect on the body from the inside. And the cosmetic avocado oil, used for massage, masks and creams, significantly improves the condition of our body from the outside. In any case, an amazing effect is achieved only due to the incredible properties and incredible composition of the fruit.

Avocado oil composition

Avocado essential oil
Avocado essential oil

Avocado oil contains a large amount of essential vitamins, easily digestible fats, macro- and microelements and biologically active substances. Such a product is rightfully considered dietary and perhaps the most useful. The oil is saturated with vitamins A, C, E, B9, B3, B2, B1, D, amino acids, phytosteroids, lecithin, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, iodine, zinc, manganese.

In terms of calories, avocado oil is superior to chicken eggs and meat. Also, the fruit contains 2-3 times more proteins than pears, apples, bananas, and grapes.

A wound-healing, immune-strengthening and rejuvenating antioxidant - vitamin E - is found in avocados in an amount exceeding the concentration in olive oil. Another important antioxidant, squalene, which is considered the main component of the skin, is also present in avocado oil in sufficient quantities for significant benefits to the body.

It is due to the presence of chlorophyll in the composition of the avocado fruit has a characteristic green color, and the substance itself has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and endocrine systems. It has also been proven that chlorophyll helps cleanse various systems and organs and prevents the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys.

Avocado oil differs from other oils in its incredibly high concentration of lecithin. This trace element is an essential building block for the brain, nerves and heart. Lecithin helps the cardiovascular and nervous system to function adequately and perform vital functions.

Omega-3 acid in avocado oil

Avocado oil
Avocado oil

Omega-3 acids have an amazing effect to improve the functioning of the brain, heart, joints, eyes, remove harmful cholesterol and toxins, and eliminate inflammation. Since it is avocado oil that is sufficiently saturated with such substances, it must certainly appear in the human diet and be used in body, hair and nail care.

There are active and inactive forms of Omega-3 in different oils (cedar, rapeseed, flaxseed, etc.). But in any case, oil, considered a source of Omega-3, should only be used fresh.

The benefits of avocado oil

Avocado oil cosmetics
Avocado oil cosmetics

Given the amazing chemistry that avocado seed oil or avocado pulp oil possesses, dozens of beneficial effects of the oil can be traced:

  • Prevents the rapid appearance of age-related skin changes.
  • Nourishes and soothes the scalp, hands, face.
  • Strengthens local immunity, increases resistance to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Improves blood circulation, oxygenates.
  • Accelerates the process of cell regeneration, enhances the production of collagen.
  • Eliminates hair breakage and split ends.
  • Enhances nail growth and relieves inflammation of the nail fold.
  • It is used for inflammation and skin diseases.
  • It is considered the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, etc.
  • Improves and stabilizes the digestive system.
  • Calms and strengthens the nervous system.

Features of the use of avocado oil

Many residents of European countries have long been accustomed to using natural avocado oil in food, arguing their habit with the pleasant taste of the product and its amazing healing properties. Residents of Slavic countries are just beginning to introduce it into their diet. But the use of avocado oil is not limited to just ingestion. Essential oil added to homemade homemade cosmetics has an equally effective effect.

How to use avocado oil

Pure avocado oil
Pure avocado oil

Pure avocado oil has a pleasant taste, clean consistency and healthy composition. Despite the rather impressive calorie content, natural oil is used even for dietary nutrition. It contains 12 types of vitamins and dozens of useful microelements that help to strengthen memory, increase blood circulation, get rid of cholesterols, improve potency, and prevent cancer.

The uniqueness of avocado oil also lies in the fact that it has no contraindications. That is, it can be safely used in the diet of pregnant women or in the care of newborns. Such a substance is useful and even curative for any method of use, be it a component of a hair lotion or a mixture for rubbing cuticles. Even a warm bath with the addition of avocado essential oil can relax the entire body, tone muscles and improve emotional well-being.

In fact, there are a great many ways to use it:

  1. As a food product;
  2. As a component of creams, liquid soaps, lotions, shampoos, masks;
  3. As a natural wound healing and regenerating agent;
  4. As a natural sunscreen;
  5. As a prophylaxis and component of treatment of cardiovascular, endocrinological, dermatological diseases and diseases of the organs of the reproductive system;
  6. As a sedative and relaxing agent.

The benefits of avocado oil for the body


The benefits rendered by avocado oil on the human body are several times greater than the effect of the use of artificial vitamin and mineral complexes. The reason for this is not only the ability of avocados to maintain normal health, but also to have a healing effect on the organs of many systems.

So, avocado oil has the following beneficial properties:

  • Strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance thanks to the abundance of vitamin E.
  • Reduces cholesterol and toxins in the body.
  • Protects against frequent respiratory infections.
  • Strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Increases potency and has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer, heart attacks and strokes.
  • It improves blood circulation, as a result of which it leads to the saturation of the body with oxygen.
  • Heals wounds, eliminates abrasions, scratches, bruises. Relieves inflammation of damaged skin areas.
  • Stops bleeding and soothes sore gums.

Avocado oil for face

Making an avocado face mask
Making an avocado face mask

Today, avocado oil is recognized as one of the most effective products with moisturizing, soothing and regenerating properties. Plain natural avocado oil is considered base oil, which means it can be used without diluting the base. Unlike conventional oil, essential oil is simply added as an active ingredient during the preparation of homemade facial cosmetics.

The fat content of avocado oil is almost identical to that of our skin. In this regard, all useful substances penetrate as accurately as possible where they are important and even necessary. In fact, this oil is the best that can be used to maintain and rejuvenate facial skin. Cosmetic products with its use are suitable for any type of skin, are quickly absorbed and do not leave greasy spots and a nasty shine on the face.

Homemade creams and masks with avocado oil are optimal for daily face care, as well as for eliminating fine wrinkles, acne, peeling, dryness, age spots. The method of its application is rather primitive. For every 10 g of a regular face product, add 10 drops of oil. Even if a cream, tonic or lotion is effective on its own, their effectiveness will increase dramatically.

Avocado oil for hair

Avocado hair mask
Avocado hair mask

Many people have already heard about the beneficial properties of avocado essential oil. But so far not everyone knows how effective its effect on hair is. Since it has a special molecular structure, it easily penetrates the hair and retains moisture inside each hair. What's more, avocado oil:

  1. Moisturizes dry, brittle and damaged hair. Folic acid, copper, magnesium, a number of vitamins and amino acids help to restore damaged hair.
  2. The vitamins found in avocado seed oil in sufficient quantities protect the scalp and nourish the bulbs.
  3. Stimulates blood flow to the follicles, which means it accelerates hair growth and improves hair condition.
  4. Acts as a natural sun protection factor.

Avocado oil is used in hair care in several different ways:

  • This oil can replace the conditioner. It is enough to apply it on clean hair for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • Avocado oil is applied to hair just before washing for a tangible medicinal effect.
  • Masks with such a nutritious and useful component have a positive effect on the hair, not only after prolonged use, but even as a result of single procedures.

Avocado oil for eyes

Using avocado oil
Using avocado oil

A person's eyes are a kind of reflection of his soul. They work continuously and easily convey the state and mood of each of us. As a result of constant eye strain, the skin of the eyelids loses its firmness and elasticity. The first small wrinkles make themselves felt, and immediately there is a desire to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Natural avocado essential oil will help to cope with such a difficult task.

With the help of the active avocado oil, it will be easy to remove bags under the eyes, refresh tired skin, and give the eyelids a natural color and appearance. A light massage of the area around the eyes using healthy oil will give an amazing effect after 5-7 procedures.

Avocado seed oil for body

Avocado body mask
Avocado body mask

Alligator pear oil actually has completely unique properties to rejuvenate cells and tissues. Even the women of South America knew about this fact many centuries ago and actively tested it on themselves, extending youth for decades. The natural miracle cure has a positive effect on the human body, regardless of how it is used.

Avocado oil amazingly softens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin with a complex of beneficial micro and macro elements. Moreover, such a remedy enhances blood circulation in the part of the body where it was applied - on the hands, face, body. As a result of easy penetration into skin cells, avocado oil provokes more active production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin. The presence of sterols (substances close to sex hormones) prevents early aging and the occurrence of age-related changes.

Due to polyunsaturated acids, natural oil is able to maintain the protective functions of the epidermis and activate local immunity. The fat-soluble vitamins E and A make avocado oil a good antioxidant.

Effective massage is not the last place in body care. At this time, massaging the body with avocado oil will have an anti-cellulite character. Also, such procedures are easy to soften rough skin areas. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon, fennel, rosemary oils.

Avocado oil for dry skin

Applying the pulp of an avocado to the skin
Applying the pulp of an avocado to the skin

Oily skin causes a lot of discomfort. But the problem of dry skin is much more global, especially in the cold season. As you know, avocado oil can reduce inflammation and itching, which means it can be actively used to treat eczema and eliminate dryness and flaking. To achieve a positive effect, a small amount of oil is rubbed directly into the affected skin for a few minutes.

Means prepared according to the following recipes lead to a therapeutic effect:

  • 1 teaspoon plain yogurt and 1 teaspoon avocado oil
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon avocado oil
  • 1 tablespoon avocado oil, 2-3 drops of sandalwood oil, 2-3 drops of chamomile oil, 2-3 almond oil.

Avocado seed oil for hands

Avocado oil
Avocado oil

Thanks to the optimal combination of a complex of vitamins in the composition, cosmetic avocado oil has a positive effect on dry and damaged skin of the hands, fights flaking and nourishes the skin. Such a substance has no less effect on the thinned nail plate and the nail roller subject to stress. Regular use of creams with avocado essential oil leads to rejuvenation of the skin of the hands, smoothing of fine wrinkles, and restoration of the natural color of the skin.

To prepare a medicinal composition for nails, it is recommended to mix a tablespoon of avocado oil with 5 drops of lemon juice. Rub the nail plate with this mixture, then gently massage it. The positive effect is noticeable after 3-5 procedures.

Watch the video on how to use avocado oil:

[media = v = LJ-b4xSf2vg] Avocado oil is a real treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and acids. Applying it in any of the above ways, you will certainly feel its healing and rejuvenating properties.