Lifting the skin around the eyes at home

Lifting the skin around the eyes at home
Lifting the skin around the eyes at home

Lifting the skin around the eyes is a procedure that does not have to be performed in the salon. You can also tighten the skin of the eyelids at home - with the help of a cream, serum, mask, massage. Or all of the above in the complex. The main thing is to do it correctly, efficiently and regularly. Content:

  1. Non-surgical lifting
  2. Lifting cream

    • How to choose
    • How to improve
    • How to make
  3. Lifting serum

    • Criterias of choice
    • Composition
  4. Lifting masks
  5. Oil lifting
  6. Skin massage

Unfortunately, the aging process has not yet been defeated, so from about 25 years old we begin to notice treacherous wrinkles around the eyes, and from 30 we seriously think about lifting procedures. There is nothing to worry about, since our skin is influenced not only by age, but also by the way of life, the organization of its care and the environment. Therefore, in order to help your delicate skin around the eyes to maintain turgor and a healthy look longer, you need to remember about carrying out lifting procedures for the skin around the eyes at home.

Non-surgical eye skin lifting

Botox injections around the eyes
Botox injections around the eyes

Modern methods of tightening the skin in the eye area cannot yet compare in effect with the operating lifting, however, they remain a good alternative to rejuvenation for those who do not like a scalpel or cannot afford it. The most effective for the eye area are:

  • Mesotherapy … Eye skin lifting is achieved by injecting special formulations under the skin that stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, as well as restore a healthy look. The procedure does not solve the problem of fatty hernias. The effect is noticeable after 3-8 procedures, it lasts about six months. The method is injection, so the procedure may not feel very pleasant. After injections, you need to protect yourself from the sun, temperature changes, do not apply makeup and do not take alcohol.
  • Botox … An instant way to tighten the skin by "immobilizing" the muscle fibers with botulinum toxin, the result will last for about six months. The drug is administered by injections, so it can be performed under local anesthesia. Like mesotherapy, it requires restrictions (on the first day) in alcohol, sunbathing and bath procedures, as well as active facial expressions, make-up and massage.
  • Hardware lifting … It includes several methods of rejuvenation due to radio waves and light energy. The most popular among them are Thermage and RF-lifting, which, due to the temperature effect, stimulate natural skin tightening. For a visible result, you need from 1 to 4 sessions. The result lasts from 3 years and longer.
  • Cosmetical tools … The most affordable way to affect the condition of the skin around the eyes. In this area, the range of products is much wider and includes special creams, gels, serums, masks, lotions. They can be found at most cosmetic companies or prepared by hand according to folk recipes.

The first three points in the list directly depend on the qualifications of the specialist and the quality of the active substance, therefore, carrying them out at home is a rather risky event, in contrast to cosmetics, which must be used daily and without fail.

Lifting cream for the skin around the eyes

When to use such a cream - the mirror will tell you. Someone needs it from the age of 30, and someone after 40. At the same time, a good cream should solve the problem of sagging skin in a complex way - by nourishing, moisturizing and stimulating natural intracellular processes.

How to choose a lifting eye cream

Applying a lifting cream to the skin around the eyes
Applying a lifting cream to the skin around the eyes

When standing in front of shelves of skin care products around the eyes, pay attention to the following important criteria:

  1. Scope [/b.] The cream should have a lifting effect.
  2. Age criterion… Focus on the product in your age category.
  3. Composition … Pay attention to the presence of vitamins A, C, E, K, oils (grape seed, olive, avocado, wheat germ), hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, resveratrol, plant extracts, peptides, collagen, alpha hydroxy acids in the cream. It is also important in what order the ingredients are listed after the word "Composition", because for a quality product, the active ingredient promised on the package should be in the forefront of the list.
  4. Security … Carefully study the features of the product, the availability of testing, the shelf life, the presence of aggressive substances (parabens, Isopropyl Myristate, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Chloride) and possible allergens.

How to perfect eye cream

Peppermint as an additive to a cream with a lifting effect
Peppermint as an additive to a cream with a lifting effect

If you already have an eye care product, you can refine it with essential oils:

  • Mint … It has a powerful refreshing and toning effect.
  • Pine … It will help to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes by increasing elasticity, smoothing wrinkles and resistance to aggressive factors.
  • the Rose … Takes on several tasks at once - eliminating puffiness and wrinkles, restoring turgor and moisturizing.

The dosage of oils is as follows: for 10 mg of cream - 1-2 drops of ether (1-2 drops of pink or 1 drop of pine and mint).

How to make a lifting cream with your own hands

Self-made lifting cream
Self-made lifting cream

For all lovers of folk methods of rejuvenation, we offer a recipe for a home lifting eye cream. Required ingredients: cocoa butter (solid) - 1 tsp, sandalwood essential oil - 2 drops, fennel essential oil - 2 drops.

Method of preparation: Bring cocoa butter to a liquid state in a water bath, add essential oils to it, stir and pour the mixture into a jar.

Take the cream with your little finger or a special spatula and apply to the eye area. Do not worry about the dense consistency of the product - upon contact with the skin, the cream will begin to melt and will be perfectly applied. You need to use such a cream every day in the morning and before bedtime.

Lifting serum for the skin around the eyes

Lifting serums are cosmetic products with a very high concentration of active substances and excellent permeability. Due to this, they have a powerful effect in a short time and are used for express rejuvenation, mainly after 40 years. Indeed, a real lifting of the skin around the eyes is observed with regular course use of the serum (1 time in 3-4 months), then the effect will be not only long-term, but also cumulative.

Criteria for choosing a lifting eye serum

Applying a lifting serum to the eye area
Applying a lifting serum to the eye area

To correctly navigate the range of lifting serums, remember a few points:

  1. Considering the "powerful" composition of serums, you need to choose a product specifically created "under the skin of the eyes".
  2. For the same reason, don't age or age yourself - choose a serum in your age category. If you think your skin condition is better or worse than average, consult a beautician.
  3. Your niche is home remedies. Professional products require a professional approach.
  4. Pay attention to the texture of the serum: after 40, products with an oil base work better, on young skin - light gel and water products.
  5. Each manufacturer has their own views on how often and for how long to use a product from their series for maximum results, so do not deviate from the rules of use indicated on the whey packaging.

The composition of lifting serums for the care of the skin around the eyes

Hyaluronic acid as an element of a lifting serum
Hyaluronic acid as an element of a lifting serum

We decided to devote a separate section to the data on the composition of lifting serums in order to describe the action of the most frequently used ingredients.

So, when choosing a serum for the skin around the eyes, pay attention to the presence of such substances:

  • Vitamins … Vitamin A is an excellent regenerator, anti-age vitamin, E is a regenerator, protector against ultraviolet radiation and a normalizer of metabolic processes, PP is an activator of collagen synthesis, C is an antioxidant and a strengthener of the vascular wall.
  • Hyaluronic acid … One of the main anti-age components, as it deeply moisturizes and triggers the internal processes of restoring elasticity and firmness.
  • Manganese … Relieves puffiness and dark skin color under the eyes by removing toxins and "adjusting" microcirculation.
  • Green tea … A well-known tonic that relieves swelling.
  • Dextran sulfate … Provides the skin with the necessary moisture and relieves puffiness by improving drainage.
  • Horse chestnut … Its purpose is vessels. Thanks to their strengthening, it relieves puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

The sun protection factor should be at least 10.

Lifting masks at home

Vegetables for making lifting masks for the skin around the eyes
Vegetables for making lifting masks for the skin around the eyes

You can rejuvenate your look by regularly using homemade masks made from commonly available ingredients:

  1. Potatoes + sour cream … Boil young potatoes without salt, mashed them and mix with high fat sour cream and olive oil. The ratio of the components is as follows: 2 tbsp. l. mashed potatoes - 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tsp. oils.
  2. Apricot + cottage cheese … Mix 1 tsp. cottage cheese, pulp of fresh apricot, lemon juice and peach oil, dropping 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil into this mixture.
  3. Cucumber + sour cream … Grate a fresh cucumber and 1 tbsp. l. cucumber gruel, mix with the same amount of sour cream and 1 tsp. cinnamon (powder).
  4. Bread + milk … Just soak the crumb of white bread with warm milk.
  5. Potatoes + milk … Puree a quarter of the boiled potato and add 1 tbsp. l. warm milk and 0.5 tsp. sea buckthorn oil.
  6. Carrot + almond oil … Mix squeezed juice from 1 medium carrot with 1 tsp. oil and put in the cold for a couple of hours.
  7. Spinach + Vitamin A … Combine squeezed fresh spinach juice (1 teaspoon) with grape seed oil (1 teaspoon) and vitamin oily solution (5 drops).
  8. Cabbage + honey + yeast … Combine the juice from two white cabbage leaves, 1 tsp. honey,? h. l. brewer's yeast and 2 tsp. almond oil.

Fresh fruits and vegetables in grated form are no less effective - strawberries, potatoes, cucumber. All of these masks have a lifting, refreshing and moisturizing effect, and are also able to relieve puffiness and remove bruises under the eyes. It is better to apply them on cotton pads or gauze napkins, applying to the eye area for a period of 10 to 20 minutes 1-2 times a week. Rinse them off with warm water and complete the procedure with an eye cream.

Lifting oil around the eyes

Coconut oil for eyelid skin
Coconut oil for eyelid skin

Oils - basic and essential oils - can also tighten the skin and get rid of wrinkles. The most commonly used base oils are:

  • Coconut oil … Accelerates regeneration, protects against aggressive external factors, moisturizes.
  • Olive oil … Softens and smoothes the skin, slows down the aging process and protects.
  • Grape seed oil … Rejuvenates, tightens, moisturizes, heals, removes puffiness of the eyelids.
  • Almond oil … Activates recovery, nourishes, protects, smoothes wrinkles.
  • Castor oil … Nourishes, relieves dryness and fights wrinkles.
  • Shea Butter … Relieves dryness and irritation, nourishes, moisturizes, rejuvenates and protects.
  • Wheat germ oil … It actively fights against skin aging, has antioxidant and metabolic normalizing properties, and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.
  • Jojoba oil … Rejuvenates, tightens, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes, soothes.
  • Peach oil … Softens, fights wrinkles, refreshes, tightens.
  • Sea buckthorn oil … Rejuvenates, nourishes, moisturizes, improves elasticity.
  • Avocado oil … Softens dry skin, nourishes, fights wrinkles and sagging skin.
  • Apricot oil … Activates regenerative processes, softens and soothes, nourishes, tightens.

The following essential oils are used to lift the skin around the eyes:

  • Frankincense is an active fighter against present and future wrinkles, it moisturizes well.
  • Ylang-ylang - moisturizes, evens out color, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Jasmine - soothes irritations, moisturizes.
  • Neroli - moisturizes, rejuvenates, nourishes.
  • Myrrh is an excellent regenerator, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • Patchouli - tightens, regenerates, moisturizes.
  • Sandalwood - heals, tightens, removes wrinkles.
  • Lavender - tones, moisturizes, refreshes.
  • Cypress - relieves puffiness, refreshes.

Base oils can be used in their pure form, although most beauticians still recommend combining them with other oils, vegetables, fruits, or fermented milk products. Alternatively, you can make masks from any base oil and essential oils of sandalwood, neroli and frankincense. For 15 ml of base - 2 drops of each oil.

Eye contour massage

Eye area massage
Eye area massage

It is possible to remove age "signs" from the eye area with the help of a special massage. In this case, the mechanism of activating the lymph outflow from this zone is triggered, as a result of which the swelling goes away and the lifting effect is achieved.

The lifting massage is performed as follows:

  1. Wash your hands and prepare the base for the massage - a light cream or slightly warmed base oil.
  2. With the pads of your ring fingers, lightly pressing, move in a circle around the eye: from the outer corner (along the lower eyelid) to the inner and back (along the upper edge of the eyeball). Make 6 such circles.
  3. With the pads of three fingers (index, middle and ring), lightly tap, as if on keys, around the eye. The duration of such a "game" should be 10-15 seconds.
  4. Place your fingers on your closed eyelids and try to open your eyes, while tensing your eyebrows, then simply massage the eyeballs and the area around them - for 10 seconds for each operation.
  5. Place your thumb and forefinger on your eyebrows (on each eyebrow - the fingers of the corresponding hand) and walk them along it 3-4 times.
  6. Press pointwise with your index fingers along the following path: the bridge of the nose - the orbit for 30-45 seconds.
  7. Place your fingers on the temple area for 30 seconds and make circular motions in this area, pressing lightly on the skin.

Such manual manipulations need to be performed daily - and the result will be really "on the face".

How to tighten the skin around the eyes - watch the video:

[media = v = CbcTt6p5WVQ] You can do a lifting of the skin around the eyes at home in a variety of ways - creams, serums, oils, massage. All of them are effective, quite accessible and compatible, you just need to choose "your" scheme and not let the skin relax in the literal sense of the word. And also - sleep more, eat right and enjoy life.