What are the human complexes

What are the human complexes
What are the human complexes

The concept of human complexes, their main types and causes. The quality of life and the impact of this problem on the existence of people in society. Self-help methods for solving the problem. Psychological assistance to a notorious personality. A person's complexes are a subjective and distorted opinion about himself, as a result of which he experiences deep emotional stress. As a result of the emergence of such an erroneous thought, the quality of life is significantly deteriorated. People deprive themselves of the opportunity to enjoy it and acquire signs of childish shyness. Such conditions appear even in early childhood, but they can also form for the first time in adulthood.

The reasons for the development of human complexes

Girl with a number of complexes
Girl with a number of complexes

The origin of this or that complex always occurs due to pathological changes in the mental functions of a person in his brain. It is important that completely different states and factors surrounding us can induce this. It is also impossible to talk about the instantaneousness of this process, because people need a considerable amount of time to develop such attitudes. In addition, there are many reasons for human complexes that lead to their occurrence.

To date, several sources of the origin of complexes are distinguished at once, including:

  • A family … As already mentioned, the entire mass of the development of this thinking falls on childhood. Then, when the child is just being formed as a person, he learns himself and the whole world around. The only people who influence his perception the most are his parents. Therefore, a careless father's word about the appearance or character of a child can affect his self-esteem in the future. The atmosphere in which children are brought up becomes the main thing in their life and brings its reflection of reality into it. This is how it will remain in the memory of a person in the future.
  • Friends … Those people who deserve to be the closest outside of blood ties also play a huge role in everyone's life. All this is because it is their opinion that now becomes the main one, and the criticism is the most just. As a result of this thinking, you need to understand how carefully you need to approach your choice of friends. After all, the way they see a person shapes not only his personality, but also its independent perception.
  • Beloved person … This part of life almost always comes first. At the moment of admiration for the opposite sex, people listen to it more than anyone else in the world. Even if his opinion is considered completely absurd, it is still taken seriously. It often happens that a previously independent and self-sufficient person throughout his life retained his opinion and pride and only after meeting with the owner of his heart acquired several types of complexes at once.
  • Society … What surrounds us cannot but affect our life. It so happened that at certain times, their generally accepted canons of behavior are formed and not only. Growing up in such an environment, each person strives to be like others and comply with existing norms. Unfortunately, this is not always and not everyone succeeds. Due to the presence of various strata in society, not everyone is able to defend their interests. It is in such people that many mental complexes are often formed from early childhood to old age.
  • The man himself … Sometimes the cause of all troubles must be sought directly in people. Sometimes, by their actions and pathological thinking, they create a mass of complexes for themselves. It is believed that people with a melancholic type of temperament are more susceptible to this behavior. They are characterized by isolation, insecurity, tearfulness, they are afraid of everything and do not like change. Based on these features, it can be assumed that it is they that make a person distort himself from the inside out for fear of seeing a true display. Such actions will soon lead to a change in personality, the emergence of a new notorious person.

Distinctive features of a notorious person

Shackled and shy girl
Shackled and shy girl

In terms of its importance, this problem occupies a special place in the life of all people in the world. Faced with it almost daily, everyone should think about what human complexes are and why it is so important to know about their presence. There is no particular specificity among the traits, but there are still several common behaviors.

Among them are the following:

  1. Cowardice … This trait is inherent in almost all people with the presence of any complex. They all very painfully endure making important decisions and taking serious actions. This also applies to visits to various events and meetings with many people. Such people see difficulties in performing each of these actions. They find it difficult to try to calm anxiety and anxiety.
  2. Stiffness … This manifestation more than others distinguishes and makes notorious individuals noticeable. This is because their movements are very slow and clumsy. They are almost never in a hurry and show little of both their positive and negative emotions. People avoid noisy places and companies, prefer modest quiet places for living and rest. In communication, they rarely gesticulate and express interest.
  3. Excessive excitement … At first glance, a rather dubious characteristic can be traced quite well in human behavior. This is most noticeable after he makes any decision on his own. And even when the action has already been completed. The feeling of doubt and the approach of responsibility for it makes you constantly nervous. Such a reaction often attracts the attention of others, especially if this is an act of an adult.
  4. Atypical reactions … The item includes several different behavioral patterns at once. It means that people behave strangely. They can suddenly run away from any activities, not answer calls and messages. Their eyes will take on a suspicious look with drooping eyelids and pointed features. Feelings of fear can also draw expressionless twitching of facial muscles on a person.

Classification of human complexes

Almost every second person on the globe has met in his life with such a state. It is almost impossible to list all the things in relation to which a preconceived opinion can develop, because for each they will be specific and individual. To date, several classifications have been adopted that can divide the main human complexes into several large groups.

Types of complexes by the sphere of manifestations

Girl with physical complexes
Girl with physical complexes

It was not easy to systematize this pathology of human thinking. All of them have an equally strong impact on everyday life, but they also manifest themselves in different ways. And yet, based on the presence of common characteristics and differences between objects that a person distorts, the following two large groups were distinguished:

  • Human physical complexes … This category includes all parameters that can be measured and assessed from the outside. Most often, these are appearance problems. Someone too keenly perceives the problem of a seemingly long nose, ear or toes, others are nervous about hair color, the presence of any spots or moles on the body. All this is a categorically individual selection of the physical characteristics of a person. The most common natural occurrence is excessive weight. This problem is always very sensitive and subtle in terms of correction. Women suffer more from it, but there are cases among men. The parameters of an ideal figure in this case are very vague, therefore, such a complex arises both in slightly overweight representatives, and in simply moderately well-fed. The advantage is that people are often willing to fight it themselves, and even by the most radical methods.
  • Psychological complexes of a person … This type includes all kinds of problems of human behavior in society. This problem cannot be touched or corrected with surgical repair. This aggravates the situation. A typical representative of this group is an inferiority complex that plagues many people throughout their lives. It is based on a problem hidden in the very thinking of a person. He does not see in himself all the characteristics of an ordinary person and suffers from this. In general, the entire group is represented by people who outwardly are no different from the rest, but see their flaw much deeper - in social behavior. They rarely turn to outside help, since the problem is not the presence of a complex, but their own inferiority.

Types of complexes depending on the pole

Insecure girl with negative kind of complexes
Insecure girl with negative kind of complexes

Due to the wide variety of complexes and the frequent presence of this problem among the population, many studies have been carried out on this matter. In this regard, it was found that not all of them affect a person in the same way.

After interviewing many people, some patterns in this area were clarified and two types of human complexes were identified:

  1. Positive … The name of this type provides its main characteristic. It has been found that for some people, having such a critical attitude can be beneficial. This manifests itself in the form of an incentive to action. For example, with a complex of obesity, people often change their lifestyle for the better, start playing sports, and adhere to proper nutrition. Therefore, for them, this condition has more benefit than harm. And in the end result it can even lead to the self-liquidation of the existing complex.
  2. Negative … Unfortunately, not all of the above has a positive effect on a person's life. In many cases, the action is directed precisely at causing harm to her. This is due to the fact that the presence of this or that complex is always accompanied by shyness and self-doubt. Such people cannot feel free and at ease even when surrounded by acquaintances. They are constantly worried about the actually invented problem, they rush in search of its solution in various ways and cannot find a way out of the current situation. Also, such a state prevents them from getting a job, building any relationship and destroying their personal life. Representatives of this type are more often psychological complexes that require compulsory seeking outside help from specialists.

Determination of any of the complexes to a positive or negative type is not always possible. Often there are representatives of mixed groups who are capable of exerting both types of influence on a person's life.

Ways to deal with human complexes

Many people even today live with the idea that the presence of any complex in them is an obligatory part of their character. Naturally, given such an opinion, none of them even tries to somehow get rid of this problem. Unfortunately, very often such a position greatly complicates existence, making it unbearable. In order for the internal complexes of a person to not become an obstacle to a happy life, it is necessary to pay attention to methods of getting rid of them.

General Tips

Turning complexes into self-confidence
Turning complexes into self-confidence

The first person who is obliged to challenge the complexes should be their owner. This is necessary because without his assistance it will be impossible to get rid of the problem. It is because of this that several tips have been developed to help cope with it:

  • Search for benefits … Each person is unique in their own way and endowed with some special talent. Therefore, in this situation, you need to start looking for him. It is not at all necessary to find a superpower or a gift. It will be enough just that which brings benefit and pleasure to a person. It can be a hobby. For example, knitting, baking, or writing poetry. The type of activity is completely unimportant, but only that when it is discovered, people are distracted from thinking about their shortcomings. It is often at this stage that all problems disappear.
  • Cessation of imitation … It's not bad at all to have an idol and admire other people's talents, but everything should be in moderation. You need to stop comparing yourself and your capabilities with other people, because in the end there will still be someone better. Therefore, you should not do such actions initially, so as not to get upset because of what is already inevitable.
  • Build confidence … First of all, of course, it is necessary to find out the initial data. That is, to determine how much a person trusts and appreciates himself. After that, you need to develop a strategy to improve these properties and understand that without self-confidence it is always very difficult to come to any result or goal.
  • Competition … This point should be performed when the previous ones have already been passed and the person has already become a little bolder and more confident. The best way to consolidate success is to compete, which is what people with complexes fear so much. Choosing an opponent is worth evaluating your own and his data, but taking into account the possibility of defeat.
  • Searching for harmony … The reinforcing point on the path to success will be reconciliation with your own "I". This means that you need to listen to your intuition, drop all doubts and fears. It is possible to use auxiliary methods such as meditation or yoga.

Psychological help

Woman with complexes at the psychologist
Woman with complexes at the psychologist

In situations where a person cannot cope with his problems on his own, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. People of this profile are quite good at managing the methods of modern psychoanalysis. The methods that are used to eliminate the problem allow patients to get rid of complexes in a relatively short period of time.

Some of the most commonly used types of psychotherapy are:

  1. Cognitive … This method is quite common in medicine. Its action is based on session therapy. The doctor invites the patient to disassemble some of his qualities one by one and together with him points out to him the presence of pathological thinking. The visit requires the patient's full consent to the course of treatment and assistance in it.
  2. Group … According to this method, people gather in one classroom and jointly solve the problems of each of them. They take turns talking about their fears and acknowledging the need for outside help. The advantage is the fact that people share their problems themselves. This helps not only to solve what was said, but also to overcome excessive cowardice.
  3. Analytical … Includes predominantly the patient doing the doctor's homework. He invites him to reflect on one or two situations, and at the next meeting, they are analyzed together. The situations provided make a person think about his many advantages and disadvantages, and also apply them in a given situation.
  4. Other … There are also many modern methods of treatment that are associated with role-playing in real life. People are placed in situations in which their complexes are not exposed in the best light. Independent experts are invited, and they objectively assess this or that person. Their critical opinion is perceived by people and persists, replacing the previous one.

Watch a video about human complexes:

A person's complexes are not part of his normal thinking. Their presence significantly impairs the quality of life of many people and can lead to serious consequences. Despite their positive or negative impact on existence, this problem still needs to be addressed. Modern society offers good enough ways that people can forget about their complexities forever.
