Phobias and their most incredible manifestations. The article will provide information about the mystical, illogical and psychopathic fears of people. Phobias of a person are a condition of a person who experiences panic attacks at the sight of an object or after an event that is alarming for her. Such an emotional sensation in a person can bring him to a nervous breakdown, so it is necessary to get rid of obsessive fears.
Description and types of phobias

Panic attacks of this kind are sometimes difficult to interpret logically, even on the part of specialists. A person knows that he has a certain problem, while realizing all its groundlessness and abstraction from existing reality. Psychologists say that phobia is the reaction of the human body to disturbing memories from childhood or the result of the acquisition of pathology after suffering stress at a more mature age. In psychiatry, this term means an inadequate manifestation of fear to a certain stimulus. Experts in this field of human consciousness study examine the nature of obsessive fear in their patient. In psychoanalysis - a doctrine developed by Sigmund Freud - the concept of "phobia" is deciphered as a stable neurosis with its dominant symptomatology in human behavior.
After a detailed study of panic attacks, experts have come to the conclusion that there are several hundred such mental pathologies. On some common grounds, they can be divided into the following groups:
- Spatial phobias … When the fear is voiced, the person is afraid to be in a certain territory. Claustrophobia makes it difficult for him to feel comfortable in a confined space, and agoraphobia in an open area.
- Social fears … This category includes many mental pathologies that are related to communication with other members of society. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the fear of public speaking (glossophobia), rejection of bodily touch (haphophobia) and the fear of any contact with people (anthropophobia).
- Horror in front of the representatives of the fauna … A person may never meet with the object of his terrible dreams, but he is insanely afraid of him. The most common pathologies in this category are shark rejection (selachophobia), fear of spiders (arachnophobia), reptilian fear (bacrachophobia), and insect rejection (entomophobia).
- Fear of natural phenomena … Even cold-blooded people may be afraid of some manifestations of the riot of the elements. In most cases, this concerns the fear of thunder and thunderstorm (brontophobia), panic during hurricanes (anemophobia) and fear of an earthquake (seismophobia).
- Health concerns … Hypohodriks are usually very sensitive to their well-being. Most of all, they are worried about infection (hermaphobia), the occurrence of tumors in the body (carcinophobia), heart attacks (cardiophobia) and the need to visit a dentist (dentophobia).
- Fear of objects … People with a similar pathology are initially afraid of stabbing things (aichmophobia), knives (hoplophobia) and even buttons (cumunophobia).
The most unusual fears of a person
Most fears in relation to the world around us cannot be called clear pathologies or specific personality changes. Many people are afraid of predators and natural phenomena that threaten their lives. However, there are obvious deviations from the norm in the perception of some people, so it's worth talking about.
Rare phobias in humans

The list of the smallest pathologies that are accompanied by panic attacks can be designated as follows:
- Wyvernophobia … It is the start of panic at the very thought of dragons. People with this problem cannot watch films with the participation of voiced fantastic creatures. However, they calmly observe the predators existing in nature, while being horrified even by the image of an unreal fire-breathing monster.
- Gargantophobia … This is a problem related to non-perception at the subconscious level of Teletubbies. Toddler favorites look pretty funny and are not aggressive characters. This argument is refuted by the gargantophobe, who sees amusing dolls as a great threat to himself and those around him.
- Zeusophobia … It is characterized by panic that appears at the thought of gods. Moreover, a person with a similar problem is afraid not only of the representatives of Olympus. He will not like any spirit that has become a character in myths and folklore of different peoples.
- Cataphractophobia … This is a kind of fear of meeting a knight. Such people understand that the times of the Middle Ages have passed, but they cannot overcome their unfounded fear.
- Arachibutyrophobia … A unique disease that Woody Allen suffers from. He really fears that the nut butter (butter) may suffocate him, as it sticks to the larynx and tongue of a famous person.
- Papaphobia … Quite a rare phenomenon, which is characterized by panic at the very memory of the Pope. This pathology is almost identical to hierophobia with its classic rejection of priests and cult church attributes.
- Omphalophobia … It is such an unusual analysis of some parts of the body of its own kind that it can be counted as deviations from the norm. People with such a problem can calmly contemplate irregular facial features and a figure with obvious defects when communicating with any subject, while being horrified at the sight of a human navel.
- Parthenopelidophobia … A single deviation from the norm, in which a peculiar person begins an attack for a rather fantastic reason. A panic attack in such representatives of the stronger sex occurs when thinking about shaved-headed virgins.
- Fregoli syndrome … It is a paranoid thought that all people on the planet are a clever fake for the strategic development of a higher power. Strange phobias in humans in this regard can be led by a similar deviation, in which a not entirely healthy person in the billions of the world's population sees one subject under the guise of secret agents.
- Genophobia … Some people are afraid of navels, and some people panic about contemplating both their own and other people's knees. Therefore, they respond adequately exclusively to women in long dresses and men in trousers, even on the beach.
- Somniphobia … Such a rare fear is inherent not only in children (for them this is the norm), but also for mature persons. They never fall asleep in an apartment alone or in a separate room. Even in old age, they will be able to see monsters hiding under the bed, in the closet and even under the blanket.
- Anatidaphobia … No sane person would argue that the fear of the possibility of tracking some particular duck or goose is not an adequate response to existing reality.
The list of the most unusual phobias of a person lists fears that are on the verge of the onset of the development of mental illness. Therefore, it's time to start rehabilitating your emotional state and visit a specialist.
The most interesting fears a person has

Some phobias cannot be called isolated cases of people showing a negative reaction to stimuli. That being said, they still deserve to be considered:
- Penteraphobia … This is the fear of the mother-in-law, mother-in-law. Women who are married are more emotional about their new relatives. Any mother considers a grown child to be a unique person, for whom it will be difficult to find a worthy match. Many mother-in-law and mother-in-law are initially hostile to the chosen one of their offspring, which creates the basis for such a thing as penteraphobia.
- Hexacosioihexecontahexaphobia … This is the fear of a combination, which is three numbers 6. Some people believe that the superstitious statement about the "devilish number of the Beast" is one hundred percent danger to human health and life. It should also be noted tredekaphobia, the panic state in which (number 13) is also inspired by mystical prejudices.
- Eichophobia … This fear will surprise many people, because they usually like to hear nice things from friends and colleagues, even in a flattering way. A person with a voiced phobia is horrified when the prospect arises to take note of warm and sincere wishes addressed to him, even from a loved one.
- Hippo … Its name alone makes it possible to imply the horror of something global. People with such mental disharmony are afraid to pronounce long words, even if they have a perfectly set diction.
- Siderogomophobia … It is a very common phobia that many men are embarrassed to voice aloud. They are afraid to end up in the same compartment of a train or in a sauna with a homosexual, which they carefully hide from everyone in order to avoid being ridiculed by their friends.
- Helsinki phobia … This is the fear of missing even a shot from the film, which was interrupted by the advertisement. Particularly suspicious and exalted persons are sure that it is at this moment that the audience will be sent information that is important to them in all respects.
- Ambulophobia … This is a reluctance to walk. At first glance, such a refusal may seem like a whim of the owners of personal vehicles. However, the reason lies precisely in the fact that ambulophobes are afraid to even touch their feet on the pavement or country road, which seems to them to be a death strip.
- Caliginephobia … In this case, women will be surprised who believe that the representatives of the stronger sex pay attention exclusively to women with a bright appearance. Just such spectacular beauties are madly afraid of caliginephobes, who prefer a gray mouse as a life companion.
- Coulrophobia … Many children love to attend circus performances because they are most attracted to the miniatures of funny clowns. However, coulorophobes are not at all fun when it comes to seeing these characters, because at best they fall into a stupor from the horror they endured.
- Metrophobia … Quite an interesting phobia of people can be considered their rejection of the high syllable. They do not perceive poetry either in terms of recitation, or as a means of obtaining new information through rhythmically designed masterpieces of world classics.
- Eisoptrophobia … The fear of seeing oneself in the reflection of the mirror suffers from very successful persons. Pamela Anderson is considered a pretty spectacular beauty, but she will never consider her appearance that way, because she is eisoptrophobic.
- Pogonophobia … In this case, it should be noted that the reasonable assertion that each person has rather different tastes. However, with a voiced phobia, women are sometimes horrified and disgusted at the sight of bearded men.
- Alliumophobia … Some skeptics may think this fear is superstition, but people with similar problems are really afraid of garlic. They would definitely have been considered vampires in their time, but alliumophobes simply cannot stand this spicy vegetable solely for gastronomic reasons.
Overly emotional people exaggerate the presence of problems in themselves, which in fact are not a signal for alarm. They even consider afobophobia (fear of not having any fears) as a pathology, which is definitely not such.
The most dangerous phobias in humans

Some manifestations of fear of external stimuli can harm both the patient himself and completely strangers:
- Criminophobia … These are fears of the factor that a person may commit any offense. Even with full compliance with all laws, he is afraid to go beyond the Criminal Code. Such a pathology is dangerous because in the end exactly what the criminophobe is so wary of will happen.
- Homicidophobia … It is the state in which people are afraid not of a banal theft, but of direct participation in the deprivation of another person's life. In this case, we are not talking about a specific person who was selected by the object for settling accounts. Even strangers can become a victim of insanity, therefore a homicidophobe (potential maniac) is a dangerous subject for society.
- Suicidophobia … With this pathology, a person becomes a threat exclusively to himself. A tendency to settle accounts with their own lives is a hallmark of people who are already on the verge of deciding their existence in this world.
- Angrophobia … These are emotional disturbances that are twofold. In this case, they distinguish between fear of their anger or fear of aggression from loved ones or strangers. It is the first problem that can become a dangerous factor for the safety of other people.
- Westphobia … It consists in the unconditional rejection of both underwear and underwear by a person. Consequently, he is ready to walk naked, which is an obvious deviation from moral norms and an asocial manifestation up to bringing to administrative responsibility.
Watch a video about unusual phobias:

If you are interested in what phobias are in a person, it is enough just to read this article. In most cases, the described pathologies are rare conditions that should not be feared.