Why pitching is getting dumber - the main reasons

Why pitching is getting dumber - the main reasons
Why pitching is getting dumber - the main reasons

Find out why jocks are called stupid and you really will lose your mind while exercising in the gym. It is very interesting to analyze the statuses of the speaking builders in social networks. Most often, they post motivating quotes and write about how difficult the path of the modern athlete is. They are sure that by training their bodies, they rapidly develop and stand out from the general mass of people, who in most cases remain at the same level of development, drink and chew fast food. If you sum up the meaning of their statements, then you need to actively swing and only in this case you will become a super cool person.

We are only for the fact that young and not so people go in for sports, but there is one "but". For what reason are builders confident that active training with iron helps a person develop harmoniously as a person? By what right can a quality person consider himself an elite, and everyone else is a kind of "office plankton". Obviously, pumped up muscles give confidence, but this is often only manifested in the gym.

Surely you have come across such athletes who behave arrogantly and even defiantly during training, but if you meet them elsewhere, then all this fuse suddenly disappears. Of course, this does not apply to all builders, but only to certain types of people. Many athletes in life are well developed not only physically, but also intellectually. The question of why the pitching is getting dumber is most often not entirely correct, because you cannot judge everyone by several people. You must understand that bodybuilding is a challenging sport and is an excellent means of developing physical ability. But after all, other personality traits are no less important in life, say, professional or social. Today we are talking about why the pitching is getting dumber and for many it is just a stereotype, like the one that all blondes are not distinguished by great mental abilities. It all depends on the person himself and for the harmonious development of the personality it is not enough to deal only with his body.

Why pitching is getting dumber: the main reasons

Bespectacled man holding a dumbbell
Bespectacled man holding a dumbbell

There are a lot of myths around the intellectual abilities of athletes, and we will talk about them later. However, they do not always turn out to be delusions, and now we will look at several reasons that show why the pitching is getting dumber. Note that this applies only to those who, apart from training, think about nothing else.

  1. Narrow horizons. Perhaps this is one of the main reasons. Due to the limited outlook, intellectual abilities are crushed. It is difficult to argue with the fact that if you spend most of your time in the gym, your desire to develop intellectually will not increase. At best, you can watch TV in the background. And most often it is sports news, so that there is something to discuss, tomorrow in the locker room with the guys.
  2. Constant stress. Most often, people understand stress as various unpleasant situations. However, for the body, stress is anything that causes imbalance, to which it constantly strives. Physical activity also fits this definition.
  3. Playing sports without desire negatively affects the functioning of the body. While this is still a theory that was put forward by American scientists, but it looks quite plausible. In their opinion, even moderate exercise, which should be beneficial to health, in the absence of desire, produce the opposite effect. If you force yourself to do this or that business, say bodybuilding, then talking about the development of intellectual abilities is quite difficult.
  4. Frequent injuries. In professional sports, injuries are normal, although amateurs can be injured as well. Since we are talking about why the pitching is getting dumber, then this reason may not be so relevant. Agree that the development of intellectual capabilities is primarily affected by head injuries. In bodybuilding, they practically do not occur.
  5. Excessive loads. Many people do bodybuilding for themselves and are confident that they can do without a coach. However, this is not entirely correct, because excessive loads have a negative effect on the body and can cause a decrease in intellectual abilities. Agree that in a state of depression, which is characteristic of overtraining, a great desire to learn something new will not arise.
  6. High concentration of endorphins. During exercise, the body actively produces endorphins, which can be compared to drugs in their effects. If the concentration of these substances increases sharply, then malfunctions of various systems appear.

In addition, there are quite interesting results of scientific research. For example, in Berlin, scientists interviewed visitors to several gyms and none of them knew which muscles work when performing a particular exercise. A very interesting observation, because without such knowledge it is impossible to effectively pump muscles. It should also be remembered that if a person spends a lot of time in the hall, then he simply has no time to communicate with other people.

Myths and true facts about jocks

Einstein jock
Einstein jock

All the pitching is dumb

This is the first myth that fully corresponds to our topic today - why the pitching gets dull. Many people believe that a big mind is not needed to lift weights, and a high concentration of testosterone does not contribute to mental activity. This is a completely wrong assumption, because bodybuilding is a very difficult sport.

To begin with, effective training requires perfect mastery of the technique of all exercises, and this may take more than a month. If a builder wants to achieve high results, then he must have a certain set of knowledge in the field of chemistry, anatomy, physiology, biology and even cooking. To draw up the correct training programs, it is necessary to study a lot of literature and work for at least six months under the supervision of a competent trainer. Agree that a stupid one is simply not capable of this.

It is very easy to become a jock

Often the answer to the question of why pitching is getting dumber is to use a sports farm. No one will argue with the fact that steroids are ubiquitous in professional sports. These drugs are not difficult to obtain today, and hobbyists use them frequently as well. But if a person has a head on his shoulders, and he studies for himself, then he does not use "chemistry".

Whatever we talk about now about the sports farm, but the risks of harming the body when using it are quite high. Opponents of the ban of AAS today argue that anabolic steroids do not carry accurate evidence of the deadly danger. We will not discuss the topic of steroid use by athletes now. At the same time, it makes no sense to hide the fact that all builders use sports nutrition, but these are not chemical additives.

A normal person will not do bodybuilding

If you take bodybuilding seriously, then this is not the cheapest sport. For example, the cost of an annual subscription to a decent metropolitan fitness club can go up to 50 thousand rubles. Depending on the level of the center and the qualifications of the trainer, individual lessons will cost about 1,500 rubles more. Add to that the cost of nutrition and supplements, and it’s clear. However, today people often go to the gyms, for whom the fitness center is something of a club of interests and various issues are resolved in the locker room, for example, contracts are concluded.

Jocks are just pieces of meat

Everyone decides for himself what he wants to get from bodybuilding. It is not necessary to swing so that body weight reaches 150 or even more kilos. Moreover, it is very difficult for amateurs to achieve such a result, because professional builders devote all their time to classes.

By doing bodybuilding for yourself, you can pump up and make your body beautiful. Nobody forbids you to develop your intellectual abilities and eventually become a harmoniously developed personality. Moreover, this is exactly what should be done, and not limited only to the development of the body, while forgetting about the brain.

Jocks have serious problems with potency

This is possible, but only when using steroids and then in rare cases. If you train naturally, then intimate life will get even better. This is due to the acceleration of testosterone production under the influence of physical exertion. It is this hormone that has the maximum effect on the libido of men.

All pitching is overly aggressive

Sheer nonsense and you can't judge every athlete by several people. In most cases, builders are very calm people who will not be the first to bully.

All pitching has a lot of complexes

It should not be argued that people can start visiting the gym due to the presence of various complexes. However, they gradually disappear, and athletes become confident in their abilities.

Jocks - daffodils

Many people think so because of the large number of mirrors in gyms. However, this is not about posturing or narcissism. By simply observing the exercise in the mirror, you can control the technique and thus get the best results. At home, none of the athletes looks at themselves in the mirror.

If you start doing bodybuilding, you will quickly realize that athletes are a special caste. We are not saying that they are better or worse than other people. However, we guarantee that thanks to this sport you will become disciplined and determined. In addition, improve your figure, which will significantly increase your self-confidence.

Why the pitching gets dull, see below:
