Strength training secrets

Strength training secrets
Strength training secrets

Learn some strength training secrets that can help you improve your workout performance. What results will you get with the right strength exercises? Those athletes who continue to question the need for strength training should definitely read this article. Many people think that after this kind of training, the muscles become huge and pumped. This is certainly true, but with the help of strength training, you can effectively burn excess body fat, keep your body in good shape, and also strengthen the cardiovascular system.

These are just a few of the benefits of strength training. You can do strength training yourself, but it is better to do it under the guidance of a specialist. This way, you can achieve good results and insure yourself against injury. Now let's look at some of the secrets of strength training.

Burning fat and calories

Athlete performing dumbbell press
Athlete performing dumbbell press

Often times, people go to gyms to lose weight. It is for these purposes that strength training is very well suited. It should be noted that calories in this case are burned not only at the time of training, but also after it. This is because the body has to expend energy to repair muscle tissue and this process lasts for 39 hours after the end of the workout. Scientists have calculated that with one strength training, consisting of eight exercises, about 231 calories can be burned.

Fats are also actively burned during the period of strength training, although many believe that aerobic exercise is more suitable for this. The whole secret of strength training lies in the fact that by burning body fat, the mass of muscle tissue is not lost, while during aerobic exercise, mass is lost and quite significantly. The same can be said about the use of diets, when the lost weight consists of 75% of body fat and 25% of muscle tissue.

Increasing flexibility and strengthening bone tissue

The athlete performs an exercise with a barbell
The athlete performs an exercise with a barbell

Many people believe that strength training makes muscles stiff, which is not true. Of course, bodybuilders are far from gymnasts in body flexibility, but this is not the main goal of bodybuilding. It has long been known that with age, bone tissue becomes fragile and more easily injured. Numerous studies have shown that during sports, bone density increases by an average of 20%. In addition, a certain bone-forming substance called osteocalcin is synthesized in the body of athletes.

Strengthening the cardiovascular system

Heart jerks the barbell
Heart jerks the barbell

Probably, many have heard that when playing sports, blood pressure is normalized, blood vessels are strengthened and the heart muscle is trained. In the United States, a study was conducted that produced very interesting results. The subjects were engaged in strength training three times a week for 2 months, which allowed them to reduce diastolic pressure by eight points. Perhaps someone will consider this not a great result, but even such a decrease in pressure reduces the risk of a heart attack by 15%, and a stroke by as much as 40%.

Increasing the youthful life of the body

Athlete performs leg press
Athlete performs leg press

As with bone tissue, age-related changes also affect muscles. To a greater extent, this applies to people who do not play sports. The older people get, the more difficult it is for them to even do small physical activities. With the help of strength training, you can strengthen the muscles, providing them with strength and power in movements, which will be useful not only in training sessions, but also in solving everyday problems.

Fight disease

The athlete is engaged in strength training
The athlete is engaged in strength training

The cells of all tissues are susceptible to oxidation, which makes them vulnerable to various diseases, including cancer. Through constant strength training, cell oxidation is significantly slowed down. Also, scientists are confident that due to the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, the likelihood of developing rectal cancer is reduced.

People with diabetes can use bodybuilding as a cure for their ailment. In Australia, studies have shown that athletes with type 2 diabetes have a decrease in sugar content. Strength training is also a great way to prevent diabetes.

Increased mood

Athlete bends iron
Athlete bends iron

Harmony within yourself can be found not only through yoga. Strength training increases your chances of finding peace of mind by accelerating endorphin synthesis. For this reason, after a training session, athletes experience an improvement in mood, which in the longer term can make a person more stress-resistant. Studies have shown that with regular strength training, stress hormone levels are significantly reduced.

It should be noted that American scientists have established the ability of strength training to restore normal pressure in a stressful situation. People with depression should not rush to the pharmacy for a new medication, but go to the gym. With the help of strength training, you can achieve the same result as when taking medications, but the body will be spared from the effects of chemicals on it. In the human body, all organs and systems are interconnected. Thus, we can say with confidence that an increase in physical activity, strength indicators and endurance has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It is scientifically proven that with regular strength training, the level of homocestine in the body decreases. It has been established that it is this hormone that contributes to the development of dementia in old age, and also causes the development of Alzheimer's disease. Already six months after the start of training in the gym, the subjects improved their attention, memory and the ability to verbal reasoning.

An important factor is also an increase in a person's self-esteem. By exercising, you improve your figure, and it definitely boosts your self-esteem. Thus, we revealed to you some of the secrets of strength training and were probably able to convince you that it is necessary for those people who want to be healthy and cheerful.

What is the essence and benefits of strength training can be further learned from the video:
