Strength training principles

Strength training principles
Strength training principles

For effective muscle growth, you need to properly compose the training process. Get to know the principles of strength training V. Seluyanov to achieve the desired result. An athlete's strength indicators can increase for two reasons: due to an increase in the number of myofibrils in muscle fibers or an improvement in the process of managing muscle activity. In order to achieve the desired result, it is important to pay special attention to the correct formulation of training and selection of exercises.

Basic concepts of strength training

Power loads in training
Power loads in training

Strength exercises - performing monotonous movements at a low pace (on average, 1 cycle in 1-5 seconds), but with significant resistance exceeding 30% of the maximum voluntary effort. It should be noted that often the concept of "exercise" is used to denote a holistic action. For example, press the bar and return to the starting position. However, in our case, this will be called a series. Before you begin to describe the principles of strength training, you should explain the basic terms that will be encountered in this article:

  1. Motor action (MD) - control of body elements using muscles from the starting position to the final position and vice versa.
  2. Exercise / series - sequential execution of several motor movements of the same type.
  3. Super series - sequential execution of exercises of the same type or series with short rest pauses, ranging from 20 to 60 seconds.
  4. Set - sequential execution of various exercises with rest intervals from 1 to 3 minutes.
  5. Superset - sequential execution of various exercises without rest pauses. The work involves the same muscle groups, but depending on the exercise performed, the load on them is different.

Factors affecting muscle tissue hypertrophy

A boy with hypertrophy
A boy with hypertrophy

Thanks to research, it was found that with an increase in external load, the maximum possible number of lifts of a sports equipment or the repeated maximum (PM) decreases. An external load, which can be overcome only once in DD, is called the maximum re-force (MPS) of a particular muscle group in this motor movement. When the MPS is taken as 100%, it becomes possible to draw up a relationship between the repeated maximum and the relative value of the load.

It has already been said above that strength indicators can increase with an increase in the number of myofibrils or with an improvement in the ability to control muscle activity. With an increase in the number of myofibrils, the sarcoplasmic reticulum grows simultaneously, which first leads to an increase in the density of myofibrils, and then to an increase in the cross section. The cross section can also change with an increase in the number of mitochondria, glycogen levels, and other organelles. It should also be noted that in exercising people in the cross-section of muscle fibers, mitochondria and myofibrils occupy about 90%. Consequently, the main factor of hypertrophy is the increase in the number of myofibrils. This can be possible by accelerating the production of protein compounds and maintaining the rate of their degradation at the same level. The following factors affect the acceleration of the production of protein compounds:

  • The stock of amino acid compounds in the cellular structure of muscle tissue;
  • High levels of anabolic hormones;
  • High levels of free creatine;
  • Increased content of hydrogen ions.

The last three factors just depend on the content of the training program.

Strength training principles and plan

Athlete doing dumbbell press
Athlete doing dumbbell press

When drawing up a strength training plan, there are two basic principles of strength training that should be considered:

  • Effort quality principle;
  • The principle of choosing exercises and the technique of their implementation.

The first principle is based on understanding the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system in each specific exercise. Athletes should understand that improper technique increases the risk of injury.

The principle of quality effort is based on the need to achieve full and maximum tension in each of the main exercises. To do this, you must perform the exercises, observing the following rules:

  1. The exercises should be performed with the MPS equal to 90 to 100 percent with the number of repetitions of 1-3. It should be noted that this does not contribute to the accumulation of the necessary elements for the synthesis of protein compounds, and for this reason all these exercises are a kind of training for neuromuscular control.
  2. Exercises are performed with MPS equal to 70-90% with 6-12 repetitions per approach. The duration of the exercises is 30 to 70 seconds. The maximum effect can be achieved with the last 2 or 3 reps, which can be done with the help of a teammate.
  3. The intensity of the exercises performed is from 30 to 70 percent of the MPS, and in one approach, 15 to 25 repetitions are performed. It is necessary to work in a static-dynamic mode, i.e. do not completely relax the muscles when doing the exercises.

It is also worth noting that this principle echoes the basic principles of strength training according to the Weider method:

  1. The principle of negative movements. When the work is done in a negative mode, the muscles must be active during both lengthening and contraction.
  2. The principle of combining series. For additional stimulation of the trained muscles, multiple series with short rest pauses are used. This increases the production of RNA and improves the blood supply to muscle tissue.
  3. Priority principle. In each training session, priority is given to those muscles for which hypertrophy is the main goal.
  4. The principle of split and split training. It is necessary to create such a training microcycle so that a developmental lesson for a specific muscle group is performed once or twice a week. This is due to the fact that new myofibrils are created within 7 to 10 days. To do this, all muscles must be divided into groups, and strength training must continue for two or three weeks.

Videos about the basics of strength training:
